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Movies and TV Shows > Maxton Hall

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message 1: by anonbaeee (new)

anonbaeee | 2 comments So has anyone watched the new show on prime called Maxton Hall? I’m soooo in love rn 😭

message 2: by Isabel (new)

Isabel (isabel_r_) | 10 comments I was thinking about watching it. Is it any good?

Gigi (~chicken alfredo's version~) | 50 comments OMG I just saw the trailer because of this post. I really want to watch it now but it's in German??

message 4: by anonbaeee (new)

anonbaeee | 2 comments @ Isabel yessss it’s sooooo good I promise if you love romance you’ll love the show

@Gigi on prime you’re able to change the audio to english.. for me prime automatically had the audio set to english of course it’s going to be a bit off because it’s originally in German but the show was still good

message 5: by Scribe (new)

Scribe (shadowed_scribe) | 2 comments I really want a publisher to pick it up and publish it in English. So, that I can watch the show after I have read the book.

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