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The Babysitter: My Summers with a Serial Killer
This topic is about The Babysitter
Group Reads - July 2024 > The Babysitter: My Summers with a Serial Killer by Liza Rodman - July 2024

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message 1: by Gem , Moderator & Admin (last edited Jun 24, 2024 04:48PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Gem  | 1602 comments Mod
Hello Fellow Crime, Mystery & Thriller readers,

Welcome to our discussion about The Babysitter: My Summers with a Serial Killer by Liza Rodman, your discussion leader is Kelsey.
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The Babysitter My Summers with a Serial Killer by Liza Rodman The Babysitter My Summers with a Serial Killer by Liza Rodman


Growing up on Cape Cod in the 1960s, Liza Rodman was a lonely little girl. During the summers, while her mother worked days in a local motel and danced most nights in the Provincetown bars, her babysitter—the kind, handsome handyman at the motel where her mother worked—took her and her sister on adventures in his truck.

But there was one thing she didn’t know; their babysitter was a serial killer.

Some of his victims were buried—in pieces—right there, in his garden in the woods. Though Tony Costa’s gruesome case made screaming headlines in 1969 and beyond, Liza never made the connection between her friendly babysitter and the infamous killer of numerous women, including four in Massachusetts, until decades later.

Haunted by nightmares and horrified by what she learned, Liza became obsessed with the case. Now, she and cowriter Jennifer Jordan reveal the chilling and unforgettable true story of a charming but brutal psychopath through the eyes of a young girl who once called him her friend.

Kelsey (kelseydiane3899) | 5 comments Awesome book! I loved it. Anyone else finished it?

Tanya (tanyareads4fun) | 2 comments This book sounds fantastic! I requested it from the library. I can't wait to read it!

message 4: by Rosina (new)

Rosina | 32 comments Tanya wrote: "This book sounds fantastic! I requested it from the library. I can't wait to read it!"

SAme here...hope it comes in soon...

Tanya (tanyareads4fun) | 2 comments I just finished the book! Very interesting read!

Kelsey (kelseydiane3899) | 5 comments Tanya wrote: "I just finished the book! Very interesting read!"

I loved it as well.

Gary (yosemitevalley) | 18 comments I thought the book was good and liked how they tracked down 3 of the women that Tony Costa was considered to have killed and found they had survived.

message 8: by Gem , Moderator & Admin (last edited Aug 01, 2024 11:53AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Gem  | 1602 comments Mod
I enjoyed this selection. It was well-written and an easy read. I've read few true crime books where the author has real-life relationship with a killer. I can imagine the emotions Liza must have gone through when she found out what Tony had done.

Gary wrote: "I thought the book was good and liked how they tracked down 3 of the women that Tony Costa was considered to have killed and found they had survived."

I could not agree more, research is important when writing non-fiction. I'm glad they stood the time to investigate what happened to these women. I'm rather surprised that no one else had done so previously but just assumed they were also victims.

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