Addicted to YA discussion

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Books of the Month Suggestions > July 2024- Theme: Found Family Suggestions

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message 1: by Bailey (last edited May 26, 2024 07:06AM) (new)

Bailey (baileybarnes) | 218 comments Mod
Topic: Found Family
Suggestions MUST fit the theme!
Each person can suggest ONE book per topic. If you suggest more than one, your first entry will be chosen.
YA books only, please! While I didn't realize one was not YA last time, I will be doing a better job (hopefully) from now on, haha!
Must be widely available (in print, at libraries, kindle, etc.).

No past group reads, please! If you would like to know what we have read, you can check the list here:
You can search the list by hitting "control + F" on PCs and "command + F" on Macs, you then type in the title and if we have read it, it will pop up.

If possible, use the "add book/author" link which allows us to see a list of the books and authors.

The voting list will be capped at 15 so even though it COULD stay open until the 5th of June, it may close before then if we get enough suggestions. Thank you!

message 2: by Maya (new)

message 3: by Bailey (new)

Bailey (baileybarnes) | 218 comments Mod
Maya wrote: "The Prison Healer by Lynette Noni"

We are reading that currently for our new series!

message 5: by lillian (new)

lillian (lillianhertel) | 5 comments I think Descendant of the Crane by Joan He fits this!

message 7: by so_big_hope (new)

so_big_hope | 40 comments Would Gearbreakers - Zoe Hana Mikuta fit? Also wanted to ask where to find all the books read previously?

message 8: by Jessica (new)

Jessica Murthy | 2 comments Parallel Lines

This book fits the found family theme and is a YA mystery thriller set in Korea! It is also available on e-reader and print through this website:

message 9: by Bailey (new)

Bailey (baileybarnes) | 218 comments Mod
so_big_hope wrote: "Would Gearbreakers - Zoe Hana Mikuta fit? Also wanted to ask where to find all the books read previously?"

I think it does fit! If you can find the message I sent about the suggestion pages being posted, there is a link to look at all of the read books in one place. Otherwise, you can go to the bookshelf in the group and go to the "read" section, but you have to go through multiple pages. send me a DM if you need me to send you the link again for the Google Doc!

message 10: by Bailey (new)

Bailey (baileybarnes) | 218 comments Mod
Jessica wrote: "Parallel Lines

This book fits the found family theme and is a YA mystery thriller set in Korea! It is also available on e-reader and print through this website:"

Could you let me know who the author is? I couldn't find it since there are quite a few with the same name! Thanks!

message 11: by so_big_hope (new)

so_big_hope | 40 comments Bailey wrote: "so_big_hope wrote: "Would Gearbreakers - Zoe Hana Mikuta fit? Also wanted to ask where to find all the books read previously?"

I think it does fit! If you can find the message I se..."

I found the list of read books, thank you :)

message 12: by AriadneQuestion (new)

AriadneQuestion | 10 comments Radio Silence by Alice Oseman

message 13: by Maureen (new)

Maureen  Vercruysse | 77 comments Perhaps City of Gods and Monsters (House of Devils book 1) by Kayla Edwards? There’s only one scene at the end that might make it not YA. As I’m using my phone i can’t use the “add” suggestion. Goodreads could be so much better optimized for mobile.

message 14: by Bailey (new)

Bailey (baileybarnes) | 218 comments Mod
Maureen wrote: "Perhaps City of Gods and Monsters (House of Devils book 1) by Kayla Edwards? There’s only one scene at the end that might make it not YA. As I’m using my phone i can’t use the “add” suggestion. Goo..."

Yes, unfortunately it is listed as New Adult and not YA. It looks good though, so I may read it anyway!

message 15: by Terri (new)

Terri | 81 comments The gilded ones The Gilded Ones (The Gilded Ones, #1) by Namina Forna

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