✩。:*•. ~ The Selection - A Roleplay ~ .•*:。✩ discussion

౨ৎ‧✩₊ ~ Palace Rooms > ✩。:*•. ~ Princess Liliana’s Room

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message 1: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments (please excuse spelling errors my keyboard sucks)

Lili shut her door. She quixkly changes out of her dress into jeans and a long sleeve. Grabbing a book she sits near the fire and starts reading.the selection was soon, but she wasnt affected by it. Setting down the book she looks into the fire, marveling at its beauty.

Evangelise Rose | 668 comments Cassandra walked slowly towards the door of the princess’s room, her journal and tablet tucked neatly beneath her arm. Everything about Cassandra was perfect. Her ebony hair was pinned up elegantly, her ivory shirt was pristine and pressed. She wore slick black dress pants and modest pumps. She was dressed professionally, yes, but also immaculately feminine. There was no doubt about it, this was a woman used to power.

She knocked once on the door of Princess Liliana’s room, waiting to be called in from the princess’ daily lesson.

message 3: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments (sorry i was ordering new Converse)

Lili heard a knock at the door. probably cassandra she thought standing up to straighten her dress. she was wearing a simple modest silver dress which glimme in the light. her hair was in a loose braid sweeping over her shoulder. "coming" she called setting the book down. running over to the door she opened it.

Evangelise Rose | 668 comments (S’okay)

Cassandra walked into the room, giving the princess a once over. She supposed the dress would do, but she would certainly have to make sure the princess was well dressed before the Selected came. Appearances must be kept up.

“Did you do your work I assigned, Your Highness? Are we ready to proceed?”

message 5: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments she nodded "yes ma'am". seeing Cassandra look her over she asked "anything the matter?" lili looked down at her outfit then back up at Cassandra. i thought this dress was cute she thought, keeping a straight face.

Evangelise Rose | 668 comments “Anything the matter?”

Cassandra kept her face neutral and her tone cool as she replied, knowing it would help her to keep her position of authority over the princess while still being deferential.

“I suppose not. The dress is suitable for palace life, but you will need to be much more ornate before the Selected arrive. I will speak to your maids. Come now, it is time for lessons. Let us review the main rules of etiquette. When you come into contact with someone of lower status then you, but still higher status then the average citizen, how are you to treat them?” Cassandra asked, moving further into the room and indicating that the princess should have a seat at her desk. She laid out several mock contracts for the princess. “You will read these and tell me whether or not they are beneficial contracts for the royal family. They are mainly trade forms.”

message 7: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments She huffs, sitting at her desk and fiddling with a pen, looking over the documents. Trying to maintain a princess like demeanor she read through the documents thouruly, yawning slightly. "these ones are beneficial" she separated 2 documents from the group.

Evangelise Rose | 668 comments “Very good. Are you prepared to meet the Selected? There are bound to be many women who wish to use you to get close to your brother. Are you equipped to handle that? Perhaps I should send for my cousin…” Cassandra tapped out a note on her tablet. Cassandra’s cousin was a few years older than Liliana, and occasionally came to become the princess’s shadow. She acted precisely like Cassandra, but never left the princess’ side. Always there. Always correcting. Always critiquing.

message 9: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments "i-" she cleared her throat "i do not know. i dont see many suitors for my brother as much as for me" she tried to keep a calm demeanor around palace staff. Lili started clicking the pen, slightly bored. it made sense for the Selected to get close to her to get to Felis, they were close. The 4 royal children were closest with one sibling, Yuna and Alex, Felis and Lili. Not that they werent close these were just the strongest bonds

message 10: by Evangelise Rose (new)

Evangelise Rose | 668 comments “I see…” Cassandra stopped pacing, and looked at the princess. “The Selected will be your friend, only to gain information to use against His Highness. You are the youngest and they will seek you for secrets against the royal family. They will prey upon your weakness, so you must not be weak. Do you remember the stories of Queen Eadlyn? How she deflected her Selected? You must do the same. You must be wise, and you must protect your family. I will be there in case you need me, but make sure you do not need me.”

message 11: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments she nods, taking the information to heart. "i-i will do my best. i wont be weak" all of her sibling were older, more expierienced. she was only 15, the girls would only be a few years older than her, maybe even months. Lili looked down at her dress and simple flats, touching her bun "when are the selected arriving?" she asked Cassandra

message 12: by Evangelise Rose (new)

Evangelise Rose | 668 comments “Tomorrow. I will leave you to prepare.” With that, Cassandra dipped her head in semblance of a curtsy and left.

message 13: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments "tomorrow" she repeate, going t her wardrobe ad sfting though her dresses. she found a flowing green on with no bac and long sleeves. diamonds were enrusted on the elegnt V-neck swoop on the front. She quickly changed to test the dress, a fair bit of cleavedge exposed but enough covered to be modest. she called heer maid Maya to braid her hair int a tight braid "just seeing my outfit options fr tomorrow" putting on a silever necklace and mtching earings

message 14: by Evangelise Rose (new)

Evangelise Rose | 668 comments (I gtg, but this was fun!)

message 15: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments (okay. it was, hopefully we can RP them again!!)

She looked at herself in the mirror, Maya applying silver eyeshadow. She set a simple silver band on her head "there vyou are, Princess" said maya stepping back. "oh thank you maya, its perfect for tomorrow. now i need a bath" she jumped up and carefully set the jeweluryvon her vanity, maya helping her out of the tight corseted dress "this is torture" she said slipping off her corset. they didnt tie it as tight as in the past but it still constricted her breathing. maya had drawn her a bath and she sipped into it, sighing

message 17: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments The Selected were arriving. She was nervous. nervous for her brother. nervous for the girls. Lili knew she shouldnt be nervous, she wasnt having a selection.

Maya helped her into her dress (link above) and silver jewelery and makeup. she put on a eegant silver crown annd ne cklace with matching earrings. "Hopefully this is acceptable for my status" she muttered, as Maya did a simple half-up half-down hairdo with a loose bun.

message 18: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments (Makes sense)

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Alex kept his hand on Lili's shoulder as he led her out of the library, and upstairs to her room. He blinked back his own exhaustion. "Alright, here we are. Is your door locked?"

message 20: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments “No” she opens it and heads to her bathroom to change. She comes out and is wearing comfortable pants and a tank top. Lili flopped on her couch, to tired to make it to her bed.

message 21: by Bella (The Seventh Crow) (last edited Jul 26, 2024 09:58AM) (new)

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Alex dropped onto the couch. He should probably get up and head to his own room. Lili emerged from the bathroom in pants and a tank top and flopped onto the other end of the couch.

"More comfortable?" he asked.

message 22: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments "mhm" she closes her eyes. "im not ruining my dress to take a nap" the couch wassuprisingly soft and comfortable. "plus i cant sleep in jewels." she sits up and opens her eyes halfway

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments "True." Ales straightened up. "I guess I should probably go now."

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments (sorry for the short replies. Anyway, I've gotta go do the dishes, I'll be back in a little bit)

message 25: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments “You can stay if you want. I’m just going to sleep for a bit” she mumbled yawning

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments (should we wrap this up then?)

message 27: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments (Sure!)

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Alex yawned. "I think I'll go to my own room. I need a nap myself. See you later." He smiled at her before getting up and heading out.

message 29: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments Lili showed archer the whole palace, They ended uo at her room. "um this is my room." she opens the door. a four-poster bed in the middle of one wall, a fireplace and couch in the corner, a door to the bathroom, another to a closet. a bookshelf and a door with windows. leading to a small balcony.

message 30: by kitcantspell (last edited Jul 29, 2024 12:47PM) (new)

kitcantspell | 200 comments

Her jaw dropped now. "It's massive! And there is a bookshelf! You like to read?" She asked, her hand running along the books. This, out of the entire tour, was her favorite room.

message 31: by ellie (new)


message 32: by kitcantspell (new)

kitcantspell | 200 comments ( BAHAHAHA OKA )

message 33: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments Lili sat on her bed "Not that big. you should see my brothers room. atleast double the size" she chuckled at Archers amazement. "how bigs your room?" she asked

message 34: by kitcantspell (new)

kitcantspell | 200 comments

Archer stood, unsure whether she was allowed to sit or not. "Really?" She asked in amazement. "Well, uh- Back at home, m rooms half the size of this. Here, it's probably. a bit smaller. I feel like a princess." She chuckled.

message 35: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments "well its fitting. you might be a princess soon" she scoots over "wanna sit? its really comfortable" she asked archer

message 36: by kitcantspell (new)

kitcantspell | 200 comments

She nodded, taking a seat next to her. "Honestly, I doubt it. I bet xll the other girls have had time with the prince, and I haven't seen him once." She sighed, bringing her legs up to criss cross them.

message 37: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments "i doubt that. hes barely left his room in a week." she said "we might see him later but i dont know" lili fell back on her bed, staring at the ceiling

message 38: by kitcantspell (new)

kitcantspell | 200 comments

"Is he nervous?" She asked, following in suite of Lili. Of course the ceiling was pretty too. "I mean, not that it's my business to know, but..." She shrugged.

message 39: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments "probably. plus he has work. being the Crown Prince is hard. being a princess is hardd already. i dont know though. i want to see him but dont want to bother him." she looks at archer

message 40: by kitcantspell (new)

kitcantspell | 200 comments

"You guys are close, then?" She asked, glancing over. Archer felt bad for assuming the worst at her and the prince not interacting. Lili looked tired from her job of being a princess; She couldn't imagine how his Highness felt.

message 41: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments "yeah pretty close." she smiled at Archer. "ive just been wandering around these past few weeks" she said, turning on her side.

message 42: by kitcantspell (new)

kitcantspell | 200 comments

"I wish I had siblings. It's just me and my mom now." She said, her hand resting under her cheek for support. "Do you get along with all your siblings or just Felis?"

message 43: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments "its not that we dont get along its just we stick with one sibling. me and felis, alex and yuna. we still all get along but we stick with this siling. though i barely see Felis anymore and alex and yuna hang out a lot so im really lonely. hence the readijng"

message 44: by kitcantspell (new)

kitcantspell | 200 comments

Archer nods along, understanding but not relating. "That makes sense. But hey, now that I'm here, you don't need to be alone." She said, a smile growing on her face. "I know we just met, and I could be hanging out with the other Selected, but you seem cooler than them."

message 45: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments she scoffed "im not cool. im…i dont know. youre pretty cool. a family owned clothing line. amazing" she said, blowing a stray strand of hair from her face.

message 46: by kitcantspell (new)

kitcantspell | 200 comments

Archer snorted. "C'mon, you're royalty! That's really cool. Besides, sowings easy... I could teach you, if the sewing rooms available." She offered, "Then you'd be amazing like me." She said, obviously joking.

message 47: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments "not as cool as you think. its very controlling. but there are some good aspects" she said "and i could teach you too…actually i dont know. read?"

message 48: by kitcantspell (new)

kitcantspell | 200 comments

She nodded. " I can see that." Lili's next comment got a laugh out of Archer. "Learn to read? You think you can sew without knowing how to read?" She asked teasingly, raising an eyebrow.

message 49: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments lili cvered her face with her hands, blushing "i dont know. i said te first thing that came to mind" she was embarrased

message 50: by kitcantspell (new)

kitcantspell | 200 comments

"Hey, don't worry! I'm just messing with you." She giggled. "I honestly can't read, my mom helps out with it a lot." Archer admitted. "I've got this thing called dyslexia, I'm sure you've heard of it?"

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✩。:*•. ~ The Selection - A Roleplay ~ .•*:。✩

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