The Librarian's Husband's Book Club discussion

Dark Matter
This topic is about Dark Matter
May 2024 - Science Fiction > Dark Matter - Questions (Spoilers)

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John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Feel free to pick and choose what you want to discuss--or pose a different question altogether.

For you, what was the biggest surprise as you followed Jason through the many twists laid out in Dark Matter?

What makes Jason 1 a standout amongst the others? Is our allegiance to him a matter of perspective? Or is there something fundamental to him that is more deserving of Daniela and Charlie than the others?

What did you think of the science and technology in the book? If this kind of advancement in science was possible, would you want it to exist?

What was your favorite element of the novel? Your least favorite?

Devon (dgivi13) | 45 comments Funny, I did sort of think at one point that Jason 1 didn’t seem anymore deserving of his original life than the others arriving. Their little chatroom was hilarious to me, maybe they could’ve built something together or he could’ve helped them find a similar life. 😂

Another thing I thought, was the exit of Amanda. I have mixed emotions to how that played out and im not sure if im satisfied with it or disappointed something more didn’t come from their team work. She was not able to go back to her original world, so what did she settle on?

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Devon wrote: "Funny, I did sort of think at one point that Jason 1 didn’t seem anymore deserving of his original life than the others arriving. Their little chatroom was hilarious to me, maybe they could’ve buil..."

I thought she would turn up later---or some version of her.

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