✩。:*•. ~ The Selection - A Roleplay ~ .•*:。✩ discussion

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Ray (reading slump) | 201 comments The Funeral (before The Selection)

As much as I didn’t want to, I threw on a black dress, tights, and flats on. I wanted to stay at home and lay in bed, grieving.

I was closest to my father, spending my free time with him writing songs or swimming in lakes.

I was at school when he died. I was heartbroken from the news, but not as bad as my mom. I’ve noticed she’s become isolated, eyes puffy and silent. Me and my younger brother by a year had to plan the funeral by ourselves, seeing as my mother has become distant, which I think it is how it’s going to be for the rest of our lives.

Ray (reading slump) | 201 comments I walked out the door when I quickly stopped, trying to prevent myself from bumping into my little sister. She was only 5, so she hadn’t even gotten through a whole year of school yet, but she was smart.

She knew why and how my father died, and denied the fact, just like the rest of my family.


When we got to the cemetery I finally let it sink in. He’s gone. He’s really gone.

I cried until my cheeks turned red. Gosh, I must’ve looked so weird, but I don’t think anyone noticed. Everyone was staring at the dark brown, wooden casket, whispering their goodbyes.

My mom kissed his forehead one last time, and I heard her say that she would meet him soon.

Ray (reading slump) | 201 comments The Letter
After I got supplies from Honduragua’s food bank I headed back home. I wasn’t surprised when I surveyed the house that mom wasn’t up. I know she lost the love of her life but how could she be so selfish? The youngest of my family have probably forgotten the sound of her voice or the gray roots of hair. Or worse, her love.

I was tired of playing the provider. I was no where close to having enough money in the near future seeing as my mom couldn’t work. If I could just get a scholarship at college— no. I can’t give my hopes up.

“Annie! Annie! Look what came in the mail!” Said Jonah, the second oldest in my family. He was 3 years younger than me. He ran up to me, handing over a letter. I flipped over it to find the seal of the Illean Government.

My face became bloodshot as I realized what it was. I almost forgotten that it was time. I never really hung out with the girls my age to gossip or even be excited of The Selection.

I put my finger under one of the small slits that wasn’t glued down and ran my finger along the line. I pulled out the paper and quickly skimmed the letter.

Ray (reading slump) | 201 comments I didn’t want to, but what choice did I have? If I wanted a future, to find love, to be healthy, this was the only chance I would ever have. And I had to take it

Ray (reading slump) | 201 comments The Report
My siblings and I sat on the wooden floor, crowding around the tv. Although I wasn’t entirely sure how I felt about the Selection, I still hoped I was selected. I was delighted that my sister, Haylee, and even my brothers were hoping I got selected too.

Haylee rested her head on my shoulder. I glanced her way and noticed that she crossed her fingers. I smiled, glad for the support.

“And now, it’s time to reveal the Selected!” Exclaimed someone on the Report.

After what seemed like ages, I was starting to feel disheartened. It was silly, I know, seeing as signing up was a last resort, but part of me still wanted to get in.

Then, my brother Jonah nudged my arm. “They’re about to announce the Honduragua contestant!”

I thought they already did, but looked up at the screen anyway. That’s when I saw a picture of me, and strangely, it was me at my father’s funeral. I guess I looked prettiest then? But I didn’t really ponder on that much.

I was participating in the Selection.

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✩。:*•. ~ The Selection - A Roleplay ~ .•*:。✩

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