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Matty Bratty USA President: 4th of July (Matty Bratty Election)
This topic is about Matty Bratty USA President
Authors Area > Belinda V. Garcia, Matty Bratty USA President, available Until June 17

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message 1: by Belinda (last edited Jun 01, 2024 06:45AM) (new)

Belinda V Garcia | 3 comments Hi.

I'm looking for reviewers for my just released children's book. It's a short, funny story about a nine-year-old who becomes President of the United States. The book is, also, a clever satire. Adults who like silly, humorous books would enjoy it.

Here is the Netgalley link:

Thanks and have a good evening.


message 2: by Ankit (new)

Ankit Saxena | 26 comments Belinda wrote: "Hi.

I'm looking for a reviewers for my just release children's book. It's a short, funny story about a nine-year-old who becomes President of the United States. The book is, also, a clever satire...."

Hi Belinda, I'm auto-approved for this picture book and I'll surely read it and review soon.

message 3: by Belinda (new)

Belinda V Garcia | 3 comments Thanks, Ankit. It's really not a picture book per se. It's a Chapter Book with small black and white illustrations.

Have a good day.

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