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Monthly Reading Challenges > JUNE Monthly Reading Challenge 2024

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message 1: by Ruth, Moderator (last edited Jul 01, 2024 04:44AM) (new)

Ruth | 325 comments Mod
This is a fun challenge where we, as members of the On The Same Page group will collectively post the number of pages for the month of JUNE 2024. You can contact me if you have any questions or concerns :)

2023/2024 Winners and the months they got to pick topics & won.

December 2023
Bonus Round Creator (Most Bonus Points - Denise - Oct 2023)
Bonus Round Creator ( Most Pages Read - Sherri - Oct 2023)

January 2024
Bonus Round Creator (Most Bonus Points -Jan - Nov 2023)
Bonus Round Creator ( Most Pages Read - Lauri - Nov 2023)

February 2024
Bonus Round Creator (Most Bonus Points -Eileen - Dec 2023)
Bonus Round Creator ( Most Pages Read - Bill - Dec 2023)

March 2024
Bonus Round Creator (Most Bonus Points -Christina's Book - Jan 2024)
Bonus Round Creator ( Most Pages Read - Stephanie - Jan 2024)

April 2024
Bonus Round Creator (Most Bonus Points -Alissa - Feb 2024)
Bonus Round Creator ( Most Pages Read - Tonya - Feb 2024)

May 2024
Bonus Round Creator (Most Bonus Points - Ruth- March 2024)
Bonus Round Creator ( Most Pages Read - Anne - March 2024)

The purpose of this thread is to find out how many pages we can read and how many bonus points we can amass for the month. The winners of both get to choose the topics for the month after the following one.

- If you want to participate, copy the template below and post a new comment. You can do this now or anytime before the challenge ends on 06/30/2024, midnight in what ever time zone you are in. Totals will be calculated on 07/01/2024.
- When you finish reading, go back to your original comment and update it with the number of pages, book link, date read, and your new pages/bonus totals. THIS MUST BE DONE IN ORDER TO BE CONSIDERED AS A WINNER.
- Any book counts as long as you read it during the month, book club selections or not, add it! Audiobooks also count, just use the page numbers from the most popular hardback/paperback edition.
- Started but DNF (Did Not Finish) a book, add it but only add the number of pages you actually read within the month and comment that you did so. If you started a book in January for example and finished it in February, post the number of pages you read in February and please indicate this.
- Please be sure to type in the areas provided in the template your total number of pages read and bonus points that you have achieved. If your totals are not added up on your template by the end of the month, then I will not be aware of the full total and you will be counted on what I see on the 2nd of the following month.

Participating Members:
Once you comment with your template, I will add you to the list of Participating Members. It will show your totals and what message you are. The totals will be added up at the start of the following month. Please only post one template per participant.

The Winners:
There will be two winners, one for the most pages read during the month, and one for the most bonus points obtained. Please note that you can only win once during a 6 month period for either the most pages or the most bonus points. If you are the participant with the highest number of pages or bonus points, and have already won in the previous 6 month period, then the person with the next highest pages/bonus points will be selected as the winner for the month. Winners will be announced once the totals have been posted and calculated. Winners will be notified via message and given instructions for their bonus round selections.

(Copy and paste the template in a new comment below if you wish to participate.)

On The Same Page Monthly Reading Challenge JUNE 2024
Start Date: 06/01/2024
End Date: 06/30/2024

Total Pages Read:
Bonus Points:

Books Read:

message 2: by Ruth, Moderator (last edited Jun 02, 2024 02:57PM) (new)

Ruth | 325 comments Mod
Congratulations to VIKKI for being The Winner Of The Most Pages Read for APRIL.
Here are below VIKKI's prompts for JUNE:

10 points:
June is the month with the longest day in the northern hemisphere, and shortest day in the southern hemisphere. Read a book with under 200 pages, or more than 600 pages.

June is the 6th month of the year - read a book with 6 in the page count, or a book that is 6th in a series.

25 points:
The Summer Solstice is in June - read a book set in summer or with a summery cover.

Sweden, Denmark and USA celebrate their flag days in June - read a book set in one of these countries or by an author from one of these countries.

50 points:
June 5th is World Environment Day - read a book about the environment or an environmentalist.

Gemini is the starsign for part of June - read a book featuring twins.

message 3: by Ruth, Moderator (last edited Jun 02, 2024 03:01PM) (new)

Ruth | 325 comments Mod
Congratulations to ANN at the Beach for being The Winner Of The Most Bonus Points Read for APRIL.
Here are ANN's prompts for JUNE:

10 pts:
June is audiobook appreciation month. Listen to an audiobook.

Father's Day is the 3rd Sunday in June, Read a book where Father/Dad his in the title.

Flag day is June 14th. Read a book that has the flag from any country on the cover.

June is the 6th month of the year. Read a book that has 6 on the cover or the number 6 is in the title.

25 pts:
June 6th is the anniversary of D Day--the invasion of Normandy in WWII. Read a historical fiction book about WWII. Read a non-fiction book on WWII for 50 pts.

Helen Keller Day is June 27th. Read a book where the MC has a disability that they are able to overcome.

Martha Washington was born in June. Read a book about a First Lady. Read a book authored by a First Lady for 50 pts.

Many blockbuster movies are released in the summer. Read a book that made it to the big screen.

50 pts:
Unfortunately The Atlantic Hurricane season starts on June 1st. Read a book where weather/climate is a part of the plot.

The name June are from the Roman goddess Juno. Read a book that includes references to mythology in the plot.

message 4: by Ruth, Moderator (last edited Jul 21, 2024 12:15PM) (new)

Ruth | 325 comments Mod

Ruth: 238/0
Denise: 2585/55
Lauri: 4625/110 *WINNER MOST PAGES READ*
Bill: 3488/200
Judy: 5946/0
Christine: 264/0
Miranda: 1724/65
Eileen: 3047/310
Anne: 2639/300
Lindsey: 0/0
Tonya: 2066/225
Ann at the Beach: 360/35

message 5: by Ruth, Moderator (last edited Jun 30, 2024 04:15PM) (new)

Ruth | 325 comments Mod
On The Same Page Monthly Reading Challenge JUNE 2024
Start Date: 06/01/2024
End Date: 06/30/2024

Total Pages Read: 238
Bonus Points: 0

Books Read:
1. The Almanac: A Seasonal Guide to 2024 *PART READ* 20.06.2024 - 22 pages. ✔️
2. A Book of Days*PART READ* 30.06.2024 - 32 pages. ✔️
3. The Cloisters *FINISHED* 30.06.2024 - 120 pages. ✔️
4. Two for Joy: The myriad ways to enjoy the countryside *PART READ* 30.06.2024 - 64 pages. ✔️

10 points:
June is the month with the longest day in the northern hemisphere, and shortest day in the southern hemisphere. Read a book with under 200 pages, or more than 600 pages.

June is the 6th month of the year - read a book with 6 in the page count, or a book that is 6th in a series.

June is audiobook appreciation month. Listen to an audiobook.

Father's Day is the 3rd Sunday in June, Read a book where Father/Dad his in the title.

Flag day is June 14th. Read a book that has the flag from any country on the cover.

June is the 6th month of the year. Read a book that has 6 on the cover or the number 6 is in the title.

25 points:
The Summer Solstice is in June - read a book set in summer or with a summery cover.

Sweden, Denmark and USA celebrate their flag days in June - read a book set in one of these countries or by an author from one of these countries.

June 6th is the anniversary of D Day--the invasion of Normandy in WWII. Read a historical fiction book about WWII. Read a non-fiction book on WWII for 50 pts.

Helen Keller Day is June 27th. Read a book where the MC has a disability that they are able to overcome.

Martha Washington was born in June. Read a book about a First Lady. Read a book authored by a First Lady for 50 pts.

Many blockbuster movies are released in the summer. Read a book that made it to the big screen.

50 points:
June 5th is World Environment Day - read a book about the environment or an environmentalist.

Gemini is the starsign for part of June - read a book featuring twins.

Unfortunately The Atlantic Hurricane season starts on June 1st. Read a book where weather/climate is a part of the plot.

The name June are from the Roman goddess Juno. Read a book that includes references to mythology in the plot.

message 6: by Denise (last edited Jun 30, 2024 07:02AM) (new)

Denise (derickert) | 1118 comments On The Same Page Monthly Reading Challenge JUNE 2024
Start Date: 06/01/2024
End Date: 06/30/2024

Total Pages Read: 2,585
Bonus Points: 55

Books Read:
1. Hell Bent Completed 6/5/2024, Pages 484
2. The 24th Hour Completed 6/13/2024
3. The Rom-Commers Completed 6/20/2024, Pages 336 Pages
4. Tom Lake Completed 6/20/2023, Pages 309
5.Stepsister Completed 6/30/2024, Pages 352
6. The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed by Jack the Ripper, Completed 6/30/2024. Pages 352
7. The Little Liar, Completed 6/30/2024, Pages 352

10 points:
June is the month with the longest day in the northern hemisphere, and shortest day in the southern hemisphere. Read a book with under 200 pages, or more than 600 pages.

June is the 6th month of the year - read a book with 6 in the page count, or a book that is 6th in a series.
The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center
June is audiobook appreciation month. Listen to an audiobook.
Tom Lake by Ann Patchett The Little Liar by Mitch Albom
Father's Day is the 3rd Sunday in June, Read a book where Father/Dad his in the title.

Flag day is June 14th. Read a book that has the flag from any country on the cover.

June is the 6th month of the year. Read a book that has 6 on the cover or the number 6 is in the title.

25 points:
The Summer Solstice is in June - read a book set in summer or with a summery cover.

Sweden, Denmark and USA celebrate their flag days in June - read a book set in one of these countries or by an author from one of these countries.
June 6th is the anniversary of D Day--the invasion of Normandy in WWII. Read a historical fiction book about WWII. Read a non-fiction book on WWII for 50 pts.
The Little Liar by Mitch Albom
Helen Keller Day is June 27th. Read a book where the MC has a disability that they are able to overcome.

Martha Washington was born in June. Read a book about a First Lady. Read a book authored by a First Lady for 50 pts.

Many blockbuster movies are released in the summer. Read a book that made it to the big screen.

50 points:
June 5th is World Environment Day - read a book about the environment or an environmentalist.

Gemini is the starsign for part of June - read a book featuring twins.

Unfortunately The Atlantic Hurricane season starts on June 1st. Read a book where weather/climate is a part of the plot.

The name June are from the Roman goddess Juno. Read a book that includes references to mythology in the plot.

message 7: by Lauri (last edited Jul 04, 2024 08:47PM) (new)

Lauri (otwlauri) | 59 comments Lauri’s Spot!
OTSP June Reading Challenge 2024
Target: 6000 pages

Total Pages Read: 4625
Bonus Points: 110

Books Read:
1. Meet Cute
2. The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store
3. About a Dog
4. The Summer Skies
5. Discount Armageddon
6. The Malevolent Seven
7. The Love Match
8. Weyward
9. Thinning Blood: A Memoir of Family, Myth, and Identity
10. Etched in Bone
11. The Diva Sweetens the Pie
12. Starling House
13. Messenger
14. Love & Gelato
15. The Wishing Game

10 points:
June is the month with the longest day in the northern hemisphere, and shortest day in the southern hemisphere. Read a book with under 200 pages, or more than 600 pages
Messenger (58 pages) - 10 points

June is the 6th month of the year - read a book with 6 in the page count, or a book that is 6th in a series.

June is audiobook appreciation month. Listen to an audiobook.

Father's Day is the 3rd Sunday in June, Read a book where Father/Dad his in the title.

Flag day is June 14th. Read a book that has the flag from any country on the cover.

June is the 6th month of the year. Read a book that has 6 on the cover or the number 6 is in the title.

Messenger (Walt Longmire, #8.2) by Craig Johnson

25 points:
The Summer Solstice is in June - read a book set in summer or with a summery cover
About a Dog - 25 points

Sweden, Denmark and USA celebrate their flag days in June - read a book set in one of these countries or by an author from one of these countries.
June 6th is the anniversary of D Day--the invasion of Normandy in WWII. Read a historical fiction book about WWII. Read a non-fiction book on WWII for 50 pts.

Helen Keller Day is June 27th. Read a book where the MC has a disability that they are able to overcome
Etched in Bone - 25 points

Martha Washington was born in June. Read a book about a First Lady. Read a book authored by a First Lady for 50 pts.

Many blockbuster movies are released in the summer. Read a book that made it to the big screen.

About a Dog (Bluff Point, #1) by Jenn McKinlay Etched in Bone (The Others, #5) by Anne Bishop

50 points:
June 5th is World Environment Day - read a book about the environment or an environmentalist.

Gemini is the starsign for part of June - read a book featuring twins.

Unfortunately The Atlantic Hurricane season starts on June 1st. Read a book where weather/climate is a part of the plot
The Summer Skies (a storms forces a crash landing) - 50 points

The name June are from the Roman goddess Juno. Read a book that includes references to mythology in the plot.

The Summer Skies by Jenny Colgan

message 8: by Bill, Moderator (last edited Jun 30, 2024 02:41PM) (new)

Bill | 3208 comments Mod
On The Same Page Monthly Reading Challenge JUNE 2024
Start Date: 06/01/2024
End Date: 06/30/2024

Total Pages Read: 3488 pages
Bonus Points: 200 pts

Books Read:
1. Catwings by Ursula K. Le Guin 40 pages, finished 1 Jun, 3.5 star
2. How to Stand Up to a Dictator: The Fight for Our Future by Maria Ressa 301 pages, finished 5 Jun, 4.5 stars
3. A Circus of Hells by Poul Anderson 189 pages, finished 9 Jun, 2.0 stars
4. The Big Jump by Leigh Brackett 128 pages, finished 13 Jun, 4.0 stars
5. When Stars Are Scattered by Omar Mohamed; Victoria Jamieson 264 pages, finished 14 Jun, 4.5 stars
6. Ms. Tree Vol. 5: Heroine Withdrawal by Max Allan Collins 272 pages, finished 15 Jun, 3.0 stars
7. The Paton Street Case by John Bingham 187 pages, finished 19 Jun, 4.5 stars
8. The Stonekeeper by Kazu Kibuishi 187 pages, finished 19 Jun, 4.0 stars
9. The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler-Colonial Conquest and Resistance, 1917-2017 by Rashid Khalidi 319 pages, finished 23 Jun, 4.0 stars
10. East of West, Vol. 1: The Promise by Jonathan Hickman 152 pages, finished 25 Jun. 3.0 stars
11. Surfeit of Lampreys by Ngaio Marsh 284 pages, finished 27 Jun, 4.0 stars
12. Global by Eoin Colfer 144 pages, finished 28 Jun, 4.0 stars
13. Complete Cartoons of the New Yorker by Robert Mankoff 669 pages, finished 29 Jun, 4.0 stars
14. Ratlines by Stuart Neville 352 pages, finished 30 Jun, 4.0 stars

10 points:
- June is the month with the longest day in the northern hemisphere, and shortest day in the southern hemisphere. Read a book with under 200 pages, or more than 600 pages.
-- Catwings by Ursula K. Le Guin 40 pages (10 pts)
-- A Circus of Hells by Poul Anderson 189 pages (10 pts)
-- The Big Jump by Leigh Brackett 128 pages (10 pts)
-- The Paton Street Case by John Bingham 187 pages (10 pts)
-- The Stonekeeper by Kazu Kibuishi 187 pages (10 pts)
-- East of West, Vol 1 by Jonathan Hickman 152 pages, (10 pts)
-- Global by Eoin Colfer 144 pages (10 pts)
-- The Complete Cartoons of the New Yorker by Robert Mankoff 669 pages (10 pts)
-- June is the 6th month of the year - read a book with 6 in the page count, or a book that is 6th in a series.
-- When Stars are Scattered by Victoria Jamieson / Omar Mohamed 264 pages (10 pts)
-- The Complete Cartoons of the New Yorker by Robert Mankoff, 669 pages (10 pts)
-- June is audiobook appreciation month. Listen to an audiobook.
-- Father's Day is the 3rd Sunday in June, Read a book where Father/Dad his in the title.
-- Flag day is June 14th. Read a book that has the flag from any country on the cover.
-- June is the 6th month of the year. Read a book that has 6 on the cover or the number 6 is in the title.

25 points:
-- The Summer Solstice is in June - read a book set in summer or with a summery cover.
-- Sweden, Denmark and USA celebrate their flag days in June - read a book set in one of these countries or by an author from one of these countries.
-- June 6th is the anniversary of D Day--the invasion of Normandy in WWII. Read a historical fiction book about WWII. Read a non-fiction book on WWII for 50 pts.
-- Helen Keller Day is June 27th. Read a book where the MC has a disability that they are able to overcome.
-- Martha Washington was born in June. Read a book about a First Lady. Read a book authored by a First Lady for 50 pts.
-- Many blockbuster movies are released in the summer. Read a book that made it to the big screen.

50 points:
-- June 5th is World Environment Day - read a book about the environment or an environmentalist.
-- Global by Eoin Colfer (50 pts)
-- Gemini is the star sign for part of June - read a book featuring twins.
-- Unfortunately The Atlantic Hurricane season starts on June 1st. Read a book where weather/climate is a part of the plot.
-- Global by Eoin Colfer (50 pts)
-- The name June are from the Roman goddess Juno. Read a book that includes references to mythology in the plot.

message 9: by Judy (last edited Jun 29, 2024 10:58AM) (new)

Judy (jdowell) | 56 comments On The Same Page Monthly Reading Challenge JUNE 2024
Start Date: 06/01/2024
End Date: 06/30/2024

Total Pages Read: 5,946 pages

Books Read:
1. If Something Happens to Me by Alex Finlay 336 pages 6/1/24
2. Shelterwood by Lisa Wingate 384 pages 6/3/24
3. Brat by Gabriel Smith 318 pages 6/4/24
4. For the Love of Summer by Susan Mallery 400 pages 6/5/24
5. Dear Dotty by Jaclyn Westlake 368 pages 6/6/24
6. Clete by James Lee Burke 336 pages 6/8/24
7. Find Me in California by Kerry Lonsdale 314 pages 6/10/24
8. One of Our Kind by Nicola Yoon 272 pages 6/11/24
9. The Phoenix Ballroom by Ruth Hogan 288 pages 6/12/24
10. The Lady Dragons of Brookville: A Lady Dragons of Brookville Mystery by Karen Fritz 292 pages 6/14/24
11. Margo's Got Money Troubles by Rufi Thorpe 368 pages 6/17/24
12. Sandwich by Catherine Newman 240 pages 6/19/24
13. All the Colors of the Dark by Chris Whitaker 586 pages 6/22/24
14. Six of Sorrow by Amanda Linsmeier 336 pages 6/24/24
15. Some Murders in Berlin by Karen Robards 452 pages 6/27/24
16. The Year of What If by Phaedra Patrick 336 pages 6/28/24
17. The Burning by Linda Castillo 320 pages 6/29/24

message 10: by Christine (last edited Jun 06, 2024 05:39AM) (new)

Christine | 2 comments On The Same Page Monthly Reading Challenge JUNE 2024
Start Date: 06/01/2024
End Date: 06/30/2024

Total Pages Read: 264
Bonus Points:

Books Read:
1. The Spirit Bares Its Teeth Date: 6/6 Pages: 264/384

25 points:
Read a book set in Sweden, Denmark, or the USA, or by an author from one of these countries.
The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White
Read a book where the MC has a disability.
The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White

50 points:
Read a book that includes references to mythology in the plot.
The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White

message 11: by Miranda (last edited Jun 14, 2024 03:50PM) (new)

Miranda (msheppard710) | 21 comments On The Same Page Monthly Reading Challenge JUNE 2024
Start Date: 06/01/2024
End Date: 06/30/2024

Total Pages Read: 1,724
Bonus Points: 65
1.The Dead Zone- pgs.420
[+25 made it to the big screen]
2. Total Recall- pgs. 656
[+10 more than 600 pages]
[+10 6 in page count]
3. The Women- pgs. 648
[+10 more than 600 pages]
[+10 6 in page count]

10 points:
- Read a book with under 200 pages, or more than 600 pages.
- Read a book with 6 in the page count, or a book that is 6th in a series.
- Listen to an audiobook.
- Read a book where Father/Dad is in the title.
- Read a book that has the flag from any country on the cover.
- Read a book that has 6 on the cover or the number 6 is in the title.

25 points:
-- Read a book set in summer or with a summery cover.
-- Sweden, Denmark and USA celebrate their flag days in June - read a book set in one of these countries or by an author from one of these countries.
-- June 6th is the anniversary of D Day--the invasion of Normandy in WWII. Read a historical fiction book about WWII. Read a non-fiction book on WWII for 50 pts.
- Read a book where the MC has a disability that they are able to overcome.
-Read a book about a First Lady. Read a book authored by a First Lady for 50 pts.
- Read a book that made it to the big screen.

50 points:
- read a book about the environment or an environmentalist.
- Read a book featuring twins.
- Read a book where weather/climate is a part of the plot.
- Read a book that includes references to mythology in the plot.

message 12: by Eileen (last edited Jun 28, 2024 09:34PM) (new)

Eileen | 282 comments On The Same Page Monthly Reading Challenge JUNE 2024
Start Date: 06/01/2024
End Date: 06/30/2024

Total Pages Read: 3047
Bonus Points: 310

Books Read:
1. The Villa
2. The Quarry Girls
3. Funny Story
4. As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow
5. How to Solve Your Own Murder
6. The House Across the Lake
7. What Remains
8. Yellowface
9. Girls' Night Out

reply | flag

10 points:
- Read a book with under 200 pages, or more than 600 pages.
- Read a book with 6 in the page count, or a book that is 6th in a series. How to Solve Your Own Murder (Castle Knoll Files, #1) by Kristen Perrin
- Listen to an audiobook.
- Read a book where Father/Dad his in the title.
- Read a book that has the flag from any country on the cover.
- Read a book that has 6 on the cover or the number 6 is in the title.

25 points:
-- Read a book set in summer or with a summery cover. The Villa by Rachel Hawkins The Quarry Girls by Jess Lourey The House Across the Lake by Riley Sager Girls' Night Out by Liz Fenton
-- Sweden, Denmark and USA celebrate their flag days in June - read a book set in one of these countries or by an author from one of these countries. The Villa by Rachel Hawkins Funny Story by Emily Henry How to Solve Your Own Murder (Castle Knoll Files, #1) by Kristen Perrin The House Across the Lake by Riley Sager What Remains by Wendy Walker Girls' Night Out by Liz Fenton
-- June 6th is the anniversary of D Day--the invasion of Normandy in WWII. Read a historical fiction book about WWII. Read a non-fiction book on WWII for 50 pts.
- Read a book where the MC has a disability that they are able to overcome.
-Read a book about a First Lady. Read a book authored by a First Lady for 50 pts.
- Read a book that made it to the big screen.
50 points:
- read a book about the environment or an environmentalist.
- Read a book featuring twins.
- Read a book where weather/climate is a part of the plot. The House Across the Lake by Riley Sager
- Read a book that includes references to mythology in the plot.

message 13: by Anne (last edited Jul 01, 2024 06:42PM) (new)

Anne | 310 comments On The Same Page Monthly Reading Challenge JUNE 2024
Start Date: 06/01/2024
End Date: 06/30/2024

Total Pages Read: 2,639
Bonus Points: 300

Books Read:
1. White Trash Zombie Unchained 6/3, last 68, +35 (6th, US)
2. Crowbones 6/19, 351, +25 (US)
3. Dead Things 6/16, 275, +25 (US)
4. The Phantom of the Opera 3
5. Dogs of War 6/23, last 304, +35 (6, US)
6. Bookshops & Bonedust 6/19, 352, +10 (audiobook)
7. Kristy + Bart = ? 6/19, 135, +85 (<200, US, twins)
8. Close to Death 6/29, 421
9. Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers 135
10. The Once and Future Witches 264
11. Scents and Sensibility 205
12. Abby's Lucky Thirteen 6/25, 126, +85 (<200, US, twins)

message 14: by Jan (last edited Jul 01, 2024 07:39AM) (new)

Jan | 64 comments On The Same Page Monthly Reading Challenge JUNE 2024
Start Date: 06/01/2024
End Date: 06/30/2024

Total Pages Read: 3796
Bonus Points: 595

Books Read:
1. Lone Women by Victor LaValle 285 pages
2. The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece by Tom Hanks 448 pages
3. Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing by Matthew Perry 250 pages
4. The Good Sister by Sally Hepworth 309 pages
5. The Guncle Abroad (The Guncle, #2) by Steven Rowley 320 pages
6. Freakonomics A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything by Steven D. Levitt 268 pages
7. The Moth Presents A Point of Beauty True Stories of Holding On and Letting Go by The Moth 400pages
8. The Ghost and the Twins (Haunting Danielle #33) by Bobbi Holmes 323pages
9. Go as a River by Shelley Read 320 pages
10. 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think by Brianna Wiest 450 pages
11. Yellow Wife by Sadeqa Johnson 423 pages

10 points:
June is the month with the longest day in the northern hemisphere, and shortest day in the southern hemisphere. Read a book with under 200 pages, or more than 600 pages.

June is the 6th month of the year - read a book with 6 in the page count, or a book that is 6th in a series.
Freakonomics A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything by Steven D. Levitt

June is audiobook appreciation month. Listen to an audiobook.
The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece by Tom Hanks Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing by Matthew Perry The Good Sister by Sally Hepworth Freakonomics A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything by Steven D. Levitt The Ghost and the Twins (Haunting Danielle #33) by Bobbi Holmes 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think by Brianna Wiest

Father's Day is the 3rd Sunday in June, Read a book where Father/Dad his in the title.

Flag day is June 14th. Read a book that has the flag from any country on the cover.

June is the 6th month of the year. Read a book that has 6 on the cover or the number 6 is in the title.

25 points:
The Summer Solstice is in June - read a book set in summer or with a summery cover.
The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece by Tom Hanks The Good Sister by Sally Hepworth The Guncle Abroad (The Guncle, #2) by Steven Rowley Go as a River by Shelley Read

Sweden, Denmark and USA celebrate their flag days in June - read a book set in one of these countries or by an author from one of these countries.
Lone Women by Victor LaValle The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece by Tom Hanks Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing by Matthew Perry The Guncle Abroad (The Guncle, #2) by Steven Rowley Freakonomics A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything by Steven D. Levitt The Moth Presents A Point of Beauty True Stories of Holding On and Letting Go by The Moth The Ghost and the Twins (Haunting Danielle #33) by Bobbi Holmes Go as a River by Shelley Read 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think by Brianna Wiest Yellow Wife by Sadeqa Johnson

June 6th is the anniversary of D Day--the invasion of Normandy in WWII. Read a historical fiction book about WWII. Read a non-fiction book on WWII for 50 pts.

Helen Keller Day is June 27th. Read a book where the MC has a disability that they are able to overcome.
The Moth Presents A Point of Beauty True Stories of Holding On and Letting Go by The Moth

Martha Washington was born in June. Read a book about a First Lady. Read a book authored by a First Lady for 50 pts.

Many blockbuster movies are released in the summer. Read a book that made it to the big screen.

50 points:
June 5th is World Environment Day - read a book about the environment or an environmentalist.

Gemini is the starsign for part of June - read a book featuring twins.
Lone Women by Victor LaValle The Good Sister by Sally Hepworth The Ghost and the Twins (Haunting Danielle #33) by Bobbi Holmes

Unfortunately The Atlantic Hurricane season starts on June 1st. Read a book where weather/climate is a part of the plot.

The name June are from the Roman goddess Juno. Read a book that includes references to mythology in the plot.

message 15: by Lindsey (new)

Lindsey Gandhi (lindseygandhi) | 876 comments On The Same Page Monthly Reading Challenge JUNE 2024
Start Date: 06/01/2024
End Date: 06/30/2024

Total Pages Read:
Bonus Points:

Books Read:

reply | flag

10 points:
- Read a book with under 200 pages, or more than 600 pages.
- Read a book with 6 in the page count, or a book that is 6th in a series.
- Listen to an audiobook.
- Read a book where Father/Dad his in the title.
- Read a book that has the flag from any country on the cover.
- Read a book that has 6 on the cover or the number 6 is in the title.

25 points:
-- Read a book set in summer or with a summery cover.
-- Sweden, Denmark and USA celebrate their flag days in June - read a book set in one of these countries or by an author from one of these countries.
-- June 6th is the anniversary of D Day--the invasion of Normandy in WWII. Read a historical fiction book about WWII. Read a non-fiction book on WWII for 50 pts.
- Read a book where the MC has a disability that they are able to overcome.
-Read a book about a First Lady. Read a book authored by a First Lady for 50 pts.
- Read a book that made it to the big screen.
50 points:
- read a book about the environment or an environmentalist.
- Read a book featuring twins.
- Read a book where weather/climate is a part of the plot.
- Read a book that includes references to mythology in the plot.

message 16: by Tonya (last edited Jul 01, 2024 10:36AM) (new)

Tonya | 63 comments On The Same Page Monthly Reading Challenge JUNE 2024
Start Date: 06/01/2024
End Date: 06/30/2024

Total Pages Read: 2066
Bonus Points: 225

Books Read:
1. The Likeness, 466 pages, 364 read in June, Finished 6/15/24
2. Whiplash, 480 pages, read 6/18/24
3. The Witches of Moonshyne Manor, 400 pages, read 6/30/24
4.The Last Murder at the End of the World, 368 pages, read 6/21/24
5.The Woman in the Window, 454 pages, read 6/28/24

10 points:
June is the month with the longest day in the northern hemisphere, and shortest day in the southern hemisphere. Read a book with under 200 pages, or more than 600 pages.

June is the 6th month of the year - read a book with 6 in the page count, or a book that is 6th in a series.
The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton The Likeness (Dublin Murder Squad, #2) by Tana French

June is audiobook appreciation month. Listen to an audiobook.
Whiplash (FBI Thriller, #14) by Catherine Coulter The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn

Father's Day is the 3rd Sunday in June, Read a book where Father/Dad his in the title.

Flag day is June 14th. Read a book that has the flag from any country on the cover.

June is the 6th month of the year. Read a book that has 6 on the cover or the number 6 is in the title.

25 points:
The Summer Solstice is in June - read a book set in summer or with a summery cover.
The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton

Sweden, Denmark and USA celebrate their flag days in June - read a book set in one of these countries or by an author from one of these countries.
Whiplash (FBI Thriller, #14) by Catherine Coulter The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn

June 6th is the anniversary of D Day--the invasion of Normandy in WWII. Read a historical fiction book about WWII. Read a non-fiction book on WWII for 50 pts.

Helen Keller Day is June 27th. Read a book where the MC has a disability that they are able to overcome.

Martha Washington was born in June. Read a book about a First Lady. Read a book authored by a First Lady for 50 pts.

Many blockbuster movies are released in the summer. Read a book that made it to the big screen.
The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn

50 points:
June 5th is World Environment Day - read a book about the environment or an environmentalist.

Gemini is the starsign for part of June - read a book featuring twins.

Unfortunately The Atlantic Hurricane season starts on June 1st. Read a book where weather/climate is a part of the plot.
The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton

The name June are from the Roman goddess Juno. Read a book that includes references to mythology in the plot

message 17: by Ann at the Beach (new)

Ann at the Beach | 99 comments On The Same Page Monthly Reading Challenge JUNE 2024
Start Date: 06/01/2024
End Date: 06/30/2024

Total Pages Read: 360
Bonus Points: 35

Books Read:
1.Remarkably Bright Creatures 360 pages
+10 6 in page count
+25 set in US

message 18: by Ruth, Moderator (new)

Ruth | 325 comments Mod
Congratulations to Lauri & Jan for being this month's winners!

message 19: by Bill, Moderator (new)

Bill | 3208 comments Mod
Congratulations Lauri & Jan!

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