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Zestial-Morde&Echo-genderfluid-child-of-loki (cowanla885) Melon Pie's hall of heroes enjoy!

message 2: by Melon (last edited Jun 12, 2024 08:14PM) (new)

Melon [Remade] #1

Name: Orion Escalante Fern
Nickname: [ Ori | Oro | Or's ]

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual

Zodiac Sign: Leo
Traditional Gemstone: Onyx (view spoiler)


Godly Parent: Hermes
Family (Outside of Godly Parent):
- Mother (Who passed away from unknown reasons)
- Father ( Who then su*c*ded after he saw his wife..)
- Step father (Was with their mother, but later adopted her into his family)
- Older brother (Has not been in contact since last time they saw their father.)

- A small dagger upon her right upper pocket in case of any emergency. (Given to her by her step father.)

Years Lived in CHB: 5
History: Orion lived with her her mother, father, and her brother. Her stepmother wasn't in the picture as she was always busy with other men, and often busy, elsewhere. Her mother was very precious, but often times her tone would send Orion out the house, or into a spiral of pain. Her father, was of strict stature, but, both were in love. For themselves and their children. By her 14th birthday, she came home by bus, seeing three elderly women knitting amongst themselves, then Snip!. The string was cut. She didn't think too much- until she found her parents on the floor, with no breath. A light whimper was formed and she found a strange glow within her mothers blood, and her brother looking at her with a glare,as she recalled the elderly women, and their slight cackle...
Words seemed to whisper in her, as she ran out, followed by the cries of some neighborhood dogs, and an elderly woman (her neighbor) who had suddenly grown large wings and fangs.-
Scrambling away towards the woods, she saw a faint writing up ahead, writing she could read, despite her dyslexia, as she headed inside. The screaming of the creature rang as the camp seemed to blast it away. Since then she has been living from their, and her last known appearance towards her brother was since forgotten.

- Can run very fast (faster than normal mortals)
- Has strength and very strong energy (just slightly above the mortal range)
- She makes sure to plan out her attacks before putting them into motion
- She tries to keep her cunning side away, but sometimes it shows fully
- She has a major track of not staying in a place for not long, and seldom has often brought her into trouble often times.
- Terrified of death !!

- She's a knockout for knitting and always puts up a front of smiles and laughs. She often puts others ahead of herself, and is reckless when it comes to caring for others. She's supportive, and needless to say, is the person who'll come when her friends are in need of advice.

Zestial-Morde&Echo-genderfluid-child-of-loki (cowanla885) hey mel if it helps we do have a template section for you to choose from if that helps

Zestial-Morde&Echo-genderfluid-child-of-loki (cowanla885) she also needs a history of at least five sentences and personality of 3

message 5: by Melon (last edited Jun 12, 2024 08:15PM) (new)

Melon Jonas #2

Name: Jonas C. Prez
Nickname: [ Jona | Jonhz ]

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Traditional Gemstone: Pearl
(view spoiler)


Godly Parent: Zeus
Family (Outside of Godly Parent):
- Mother; alive, 45 - Raleigh Smith. Anderson
- Uncle; alive (ab*sive);53- Peter Jonson. Roberts

- Metal bracelets which can turn to a sword, if he pulls on them twice, and then strains the bracelet.
(Sword) (view spoiler)

Years Lived in CHB: 3
History: Jonas bore the family trademark of an independent living. Despite his uncle often giving him threatening vibes or ab*using him both phyiscally and mentally, the tort*re taught him the independence he needed to sustain a health relationship. His mother saw no h*rm of her brother, but Jonas knew she was also in pain from him. By the time he was 13, he swore off to run away, taking his mother away from his uncle, but when he started getting blurry spells, and dizziness from creatures he sought to see, he realized just how dangerous he was to himself, and his mother. He took a pack, gave his mother a letter, and headed away. Running far as he could, he spotted a "warm" looking cabin, as he headed for a safe bases. Since then he's been at Camp Half Blood.

- Intense strength
- Strong determination
- Actions before words
- Runs into trouble (major weakness)
- Can't talk to girls
- Gets into fights more often than he can count
- He is often the type to be ruthless, but also knows boundaries and maintains them to an extent. While he may not always withstand others with his strength, he is well known for being a man of rational over irrationality. And, alas, he has a bad weakness for girls, but he can defend them without hesitation.

message 6: by Melon (last edited Jun 12, 2024 08:15PM) (new)

Melon Alexander #3

Name: Alexander D. Hans
Nickname: [ Alex | Al | Ally ]

Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Traditional Gemstone: Tapaz (view spoiler)


Godly Parent: Hades
Family (Outside of Godly Parent):None

- Is able to control the minds of live fires, and create his own using Pyrokinesis

Years Lived in CHB: 3
History: Alexander almost never saw or remembered his family, nor his relatives. He lived in an orphanage for all 12 years of his lives as he recalled. His only "mother" was that of an elderly woman who ran the orphanage near a local bakery and nursery shop. His orphanage siblings would often taunt him for his gray/blue eyes, and one day, he got off, taking his bag of toothpaste, brush, and a necklace he'd gotten from "mom", before running away from his "siblings"...
He awoke in a bright sunny camp, and towards this day he has since lived there.

- Shadows and Darkness allows him good covers for attacks.
- Uses his desires to grow plans and attack out.
- Powerful speed
- Deceitful
- Very Impulsive
- Dedicated towards darker magic

- He's loyal to his own magic, and often times falls under deceitfulness and impulsiveness to get his own rights. Despite his weakened ego (due to his bullying and getting taunted), he believes in himself, despite not always understanding. And, in his rightfulness, he is very deceptive to his own fault.

message 7: by Melon (last edited Jun 12, 2024 08:15PM) (new)

Melon Lea #4

Name: Lea Jonson.
Nickname: [ Lee | Leo }

Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual

Zodiac Sign: N/A
Traditional Gemstone: N/A


Attire: She usually sticks with black shoes, and a pair of jeans. Her outfit will change from slightly formal (white suit shirt/classy top) to a more "ragged" fit of blank white/black/teal/blue shirts.

Godly Parent: Athena
Family (Outside of Godly Parent):
- An elderly woman whom she seems to deduct is her grandmother or her mother.

- Two dwarves knives kept in her jeans pocket.

Years Lived in CHB: 6
History: Lea lived in a small house with an elderly woman, but she doesn't remember much. She remembered another man, but their faces were hazy so she doesn't remember him. She was rarely a cause of disappointment, but reading was hard to come by, and she struggled through school...
Before she knew it, she was left in the camp, with a single note that Chiron had passed off as a warning from her parents, and since then, she'd been tasked to stay out of trouble and in with her camp mates.

- Persuasion
- Super Strong
- Super Smart
- Isn't much of an emotional character
- Often uses Reason over other logistics
- Prideful

- She is determined and has a great agility towards heavy armored actions. She is able to fight for herself and others. Despite being prideful, she is determined to ease off others true true strength, aka, (dedication).

message 8: by Melon (new)

Melon Lance #5

Name: Lance D. Lehn
Nickname: [ Lany | David | Lenny ]
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Traditional Gemstone: Pearl (view spoiler)
[Built | Look | Aesthetics]:

Godly Parent: Hera

Family (Outside of Godly Parent):
- Uncle; 52-Dead; (With Amnesia)
- Two Aunts; Alive; ( Both of whom he has lost contact with)

Lance had long known that he had a mother and father, but anytime he tried to ask with his uncle, or the two aunts whom he used to live with, they would shoo away the question, or reply with an absurd answer. The last thing he asked his uncle was about his parents, but his uncle flew into a deep rage of anger and trampled over Lance...-
Almost as if he was possessed by the soul of a Fury. He ran...
And since then he has been at camp, struggling to understand why his uncle was trying to harm him, despite never being annoyed at him once.

Years in CHB: 5

- Two spears he keeps under the bunks in his cabin.

- Bold
- Assertive
- Clever
- Short tempered
- Extremely jealous
- Wrathful

He's nice, but if you treat him with disrespect, he will show you no mercy. Despite his jealousy, he's bold and assertive to a fault, and almost always keeps his good tracks with one another. And even if he is wrathful, it only happens when someone close to him has been hurt, and he demands justice.

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