Oprah's Book Club (Official) discussion

General > The 40 Rules of Love

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message 1: by Jareer (new)

Jareer Ahmed | 4 comments I've been wanting to read "The 40 Rules of Love" for a very long time and I finally did. I loved every bit of it. Would love to hear your reviews on the book.

message 2: by Vera Potts (new)

Vera Potts | 1 comments I believe Elif Shafak has done complete justice to bringing back the times when both sufi poet Rumi and Shams of Tabriz lived and walked this planet in the 13th century. Real-time communication between the two is a treat for the readers. Forty simple and yet beautiful life lessons in words that one can easily comprehend is the essence of this book. 👌 Love story of Ella with the various emotions of life, love, passion makes the book very lively and entertaining. This book will make a good script for a movie.

message 3: by Chan (new)

Chan (chan_2021) | 2 comments I will check it out

message 4: by Thomas (last edited Jul 08, 2024 09:13PM) (new)

Thomas Daniel | 7 comments Love is a theme that resonates deeply in literature Thank you, Appreciate the kind words and your comment. Hope I continue to provide value. https://www-costcoess.com

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