Hugo & Nebula Awards: Best Novels discussion

Monthly Reading: Nominations > August 2024 Nominations: A Doorstopper

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message 1: by Kalin (new)

Kalin | 1343 comments Mod
Our annual August labour of backbreaking tome-reading is approaching. Please nominate a book from our Extremely Long shelf ( or Very Long shelf ( Books tagged 2020s are not eligible, everything else is. Poll will go up in several days and we'll decide close the poll and have our pick before the end of the month.

message 2: by Kalin (new)

Kalin | 1343 comments Mod
My pick is the same as last year, maybe it'll win the vote this year: The Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson

message 3: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Well, I will try it if it wins. Tho Kim Stanley is not my fave.

how about The Aeronaut's Windlass (The Cinder Spires, #1). I actually have a copy of it somewhere

message 4: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Burridge | 694 comments I’m working my way through KSR’s work; hadn’t planned to read that one this year but I’d certainly be on board.

message 5: by Kalin (new)

Kalin | 1343 comments Mod
Stephen wrote: "I’m working my way through KSR’s work; hadn’t planned to read that one this year but I’d certainly be on board."

I would prefer Blue Mars but this group hasnt read Green and I think it would be a hard sell.

message 6: by Allan (last edited Jun 06, 2024 06:21AM) (new)

Allan Phillips | 3228 comments Mod
I’d like to nominate Earth by David Brin, 1991 Hugo nominee.

message 7: by Oleksandr, a.k.a. Acorn (new)

Oleksandr Zholud | 4967 comments Mod
Allan wrote: "I’d like to nominate Earth by David Brin, 1991 Hugo nominee."

I have it in my TBR so I won't nominate but support this one

message 8: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca Rash | 77 comments is seveneves eligible?

message 9: by Allan (new)

Allan Phillips | 3228 comments Mod
We read Seveneves as a group in July 2019. I don't recall if we have a rule on how long we need to wait, or how many read it back then, but I'd recommend we read something we haven't read before.

message 10: by Kalin (new)

Kalin | 1343 comments Mod
I think Anathem is the only Stephenson book this group hasn't yet read. Last summer's doorstopper was Cryptonomicon.

message 11: by Antti (new)

Antti Värtö (andekn) | 937 comments Mod
I'm nominating Anathem, so we can cross that final Stephenson off our lists.

message 12: by RJ - Slayer of Trolls (last edited Jun 09, 2024 12:26PM) (new)

RJ - Slayer of Trolls (hawk5391yahoocom) | 220 comments Kalin wrote: "...Last summer's doorstopper was Cryptonomicon."

I'm actually going to be starting that one this summer.

message 14: by Kalin (new)

Kalin | 1343 comments Mod
Allan wrote: "Here's what we have so far:

The Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson
The Aeronaut's Windlass by Jim Butcher
Earth b..."

I recently acquired Glory Season by Brin and could do that one, but still haven't found Earth.

message 16: by Kalin (last edited Jun 14, 2024 06:47AM) (new)

Kalin | 1343 comments Mod
Anathem and Earth are tied right now!

If that doesn't change in the next few days I'll change my vote so as to tie-break.

message 17: by Allan (new)

Allan Phillips | 3228 comments Mod
Come on, vote for our planet!

message 18: by Oleksandr, a.k.a. Acorn (new)

Oleksandr Zholud | 4967 comments Mod
Allan wrote: "Come on, vote for our planet!"

I already did! But it was before the tie, so no change atm

message 19: by Kalin (new)

Kalin | 1343 comments Mod
Congrats Allan, someone broke the tie in favour of our planet (wasn't me, I would've gone in for Anathem). Probably won't get more votes before the poll ends so our likely August read is Earth.

message 20: by Allan (new)

Allan Phillips | 3228 comments Mod

message 21: by Kalin (new)

Kalin | 1343 comments Mod
Since I don't have Earth I'm going to read a catch-up in August -- China Miéville's The Scar.

message 22: by Allan (new)

Allan Phillips | 3228 comments Mod
Kalin wrote: "Since I don't have Earth I'm going to read a catch-up in August -- China Miéville's The Scar."

I liked that one even more than Perdido Street Station!

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