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What’s Wrong With 1961: Every Choice Has A Consequence
This topic is about What’s Wrong With 1961
General Fiction > My Mystery Debut: And 100 Sale Goal

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message 1: by Ariel (new) - added it

Ariel Palenik(TheDayDreamingWriter) (thedaydreamingwriter) | 18 comments Hello there daydreamers.... My name is Ariel and I am a newly published indie author... My debut mystery novel "What's Wrong With 1961" follows the lives of 4 different people whos lives are all intertwined by one creepy old hotel room and one very mysterious old man...

My book is available on Amazon as an ebook, hardcover, or soft cover.. As of now, I am not giving away any free copies for reviews or review trades....

Instead, I am focused on 1 goal.. As an indie author, it is difficult to get sales.. Im pretty sure i've given away my book more than people have bought it... Now, I want to reach a special goal but I will only get there with ya'll's help..

The goal, is to reach 100 sales... Thats it.... 100 readers is what i'm looking for and aiming for but I can only do with the help of all of you daydreamers...

So, please check out What’s Wrong With 1961: Every Choice Has A Consequence

And thank you so very much!

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