✩。:*•. ~ The Selection - A Roleplay ~ .•*:。✩ discussion

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message 1: by Bella (The Seventh Crow) (last edited Jul 20, 2024 08:09AM) (new)

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Character Profile

(view spoiler)

message 2: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments (can lili and alexander rp here rn? im bored :P)

message 3: by Bella (The Seventh Crow) (last edited Jul 05, 2024 08:46PM) (new)

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments (oh sure, why not? Do you wanna start?)

message 4: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments (yay! you start or me? i just want to practice long replies also))

message 5: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments (i can)

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments (why don't you? You'll be the one coming in, after all)

message 7: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments Lili knocked on Alexanders door "Alex? can i come in please??" she shoutedd through the door. Lili was wearing jeans and a sweater, her hair down. she had just taken a bath so she smelled like lilacs.

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments "Alex? Can I come in please?" Lili shouted from outside his door.

Alex flinched. Why was she always so loud? He closed his notebook and placed it inside his desk. "Coming," he called.

He stood, rubbing his sore leg before walking over to his door, and opening it to let his little sister in.

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments (when is this in the timeline, btw?)

message 10: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments she flopped onto his couch "youre so lucky. you dont have to wear itchy dresses all day" she said her voice muffled from the cushion "and corsets. you dont have to wear corsets. granted i dont wear them much but they still are torture"

message 11: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments (day before the selection. that what im going with anywau)

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Alex hesitated for a moment before sitting on the other end of the couch. He needed to stop Lili if she was going to keep talking about corsets, of all things. "Well, you don't have to wear ties," he countered.

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments ellie HIATUS 7.8-7.12 wrote: "(day before the selection. that what im going with anywau)"

(alright, cool)

message 14: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments "ties are nothing" she said.. sitting up she leaned against the back of the couch "the Selected girls are coming tomorrow, you ready?" she started picking at her nails, a common nervous habit of hers "i know its for Felis but im nervous"

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Alex was nervous too. All those extra people... he steadied his breathing. "I'm sure there's no need to be too worried. And like you said, it's for Felis." He smiled. "Unfortunately, I fear I'll have to wear a tie when they arrive. They are not nothing by the way. They're so... tight. Make you feel like you're suffocating." That was much more truth than he usually let slip out around anyone other than Yuna.

message 16: by ellie (last edited Jul 05, 2024 09:10PM) (new)

ellie | 374 comments "clearly youve never woren a corset. i can barely breathe. but i do see how a tie can suffacate you" she said looking at him "cassandra said the girls might try to get close to me to get closer to Felis. that i have to be prepared for that. that i cant be weak"

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Alex didn't know how to respond to that. There was certainly some truth to that, but Lili was so... innocent. "They might," he admitted. She did need to be prepared after all. "And you should be prepared for it. But you're not weak. You'll be fine."

message 18: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments "but what if im not? we havent done this before. i know its for Felis but theres going to be girls in the palace trying to marry him, thats a little freaky atleast for me" she had started rambling, and overthinking everything.what if they are rebel spies and try to kill me? what if they hurt Felis? or alexander? or Yuna? or Mother? she thought

message 19: by Bella (The Seventh Crow) (last edited Jul 05, 2024 09:17PM) (new)

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments He honestly had to agree with her. But telling her so? That didn't really feel like an option. "It is rather weird, thinking of Felis getting married, isn't it?"

message 20: by ellie (last edited Jul 05, 2024 09:21PM) (new)

ellie | 374 comments she nods, looking at the ground "really weird. then yuna will get married off. then me to some random foreign prince i meet twice who's 4 years older than me. which isnt that much older but still" again more rambling, she cant help it.

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments "Who knows? Maybe you'll fall in love." He smiles at her. "You never really know." And what about him? What would Father want to do with him?

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments (I'm gonna have to go in a second? How should we wrap this up? With Lili leaving? I'll be happy to rp with these two again sometime tho.)

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments (Sorry, gotta go now.)

message 24: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments "love is…complicated" the only examples of love vshe has were her parents, who love each other so much that there wasntf any left for the kids, well from her father anyway. he always ignored her, not acknoloding her excistance. she knew her brother had it worse, but didnt know the full extent of his relationship with their father.

message 25: by ellie (new)

ellie | 374 comments (ill have her leave. sorry takes me a sec to type repliess lol. id love to rp them again anytime)

"i better go. i have things to do." she said getting up and straightening her sweater. Lili headed out the door, closing it shut.

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Alex stared at the closed door. He had to agree. Love was very complicated.

message 27: by Bella (The Seventh Crow) (last edited Jul 13, 2024 09:57AM) (new)

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments The Night Before the Selection

Alex sighed as he entered his room.

"There you are, Your Highness."

He looked up. His servant, Jacob. He didn't feel like dealing with anyone now. He glanced at the clock. 11:00.

He shouldn't have stayed up so late tonight of all nights.

"Where have you been?"

Alex wondered just how much Jacob knew. Too much, probably. "I was just out in the gardens. I'm fine." He started unbuttoning his shirt again. "You can go. I'm fine."

"Are you sure, Your Highness?"


Jacob left, and Alex dropped onto his sofa with another sigh.

He wasn't prepared for tomorrow.

He quickly changed and climbed into bed, but in spite of the time, he didn't feel tired. No, he was tired, he just couldn't fall asleep.

What if he had the nightmare tonight?

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments The Night Before the Selection (continued)

Alex sat up screaming, the sound of gunshots echoing in his ears. He stopped the screaming, kicked back the covers, and sat there panting.

It was just a nightmare, he told himself, steadying his breathing. You're used to it.

He was. Sure, there were different variations, but in the end, it was still always the same.

Hadn't living through it once been enough?

He pressed his palms to his eyes. What time was it? He glanced at the clock. 2:30. Too early to stay up.

But he couldn't go back to sleep. Not just yet.

He pushed his sweaty hair back, and dropped back onto his pillow, staring up at the ceiling.

He was so hot.

He peeled off his sweat-soaked shirt, and tossed it onto the floor, briefly wondering if it would lead to gossip if he forgot to pick it up before a servant saw it.

But there weren't any royals visiting at the moment. He should be free from rumors.

He needed rest. He couldn't afford to be exhausted when the Selected arrived tomorrow. Or, today, rather.

He didn't want to sleep, but he didn't want to get up either. There were no good options after he had the nightmare.

Going back to sleep meant risking returning to it.

But getting up...

Well, he should certainly be safe as long as he stayed in his room.

He knew he would likely be safe anywhere, but he'd rather not take any chances.

He forced himself to remain lying down.

If he was tired all day, it would only make things worse.

He couldn't make himself fall asleep though.

Finally, he walked over to his bookshelf and grabbed his old copy if Harry Potter and the Sorcorer's Stone. It was an old book from back before the third World War. But it had survived. And at this point, it was a comfort read.

Hopefully, it would help calm him down.

message 29: by Bella (The Seventh Crow) (last edited Jul 20, 2024 02:10PM) (new)

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments The Morning of the Selection

Alex awoke to the sound of his alarm and sighed. He felt so tired. Maybe five more minutes? He glanced over at the clock. No, five more minutes wasn't an option.

He lay there for a moment, before forcing himself to sit up. He shouldn't have stayed out in the gardens so late last night. He was paying for it now. And on the day the Selected arrived. He had known better.

He rubbed his eyes and ran his hands through his hair. Well, he supposed he needed to pull himself together. He climbed out of bed. Pain shot through his leg. It often felt worse when he was tired.

He caught sight of his shirt lying on the floor, and quickly snatched it up, remembering the rumors Titus had told him about. The last thing he needed was another one now. Nothing had come of any of them before, but with the Selected arriving... well, he didn't want to take chances.

He put away the book he had apparently fallen asleep reading, and pulled the shirt on, just to be safe, before sending for his servants.

"Good morning, Your Highness."

"Good morning." Alex smiled, although the morning felt anything but good.

The servants helped him get dressed. He had to wear a suit unfortunately. He would prefer to forgo the jacket. But the real problem was the tie. "I'd rather wait to put that on," he said.


Alex dismissed them, then dropped onto his sofa with a sigh. He wouldn't have a problem putting the tie on himself, he had done it a hundred times, seeing his habit of escaping crowds and untying it at least once at nearly every event.

This... The Selection would be one event after another. Camera crews around all day. Thirty-five extra people living in the palace.

He took off his suit jacket and hung it over the armrest.

I can handle it. I have to

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✩。:*•. ~ The Selection - A Roleplay ~ .•*:。✩

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