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Surveys and Quizzes > How do you use the Goodreads website?

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message 1: by Juliana (new)

Juliana (juliana_likes_books) Hi All! I'm so excited that I get to focus on Goodreads for my master's dissertation! I'm looking at how users of the Goodreads website interact with different features. If you can spare 3 minutes, I'd be super appreciative if you participate!

*Note: must be 18 or older to take the survey

message 2: by Bailey (new)

Bailey (baileybarnes) | 218 comments Mod
Juliana wrote: "Hi All! I'm so excited that I get to focus on Goodreads for my master's dissertation! I'm looking at how users of the Goodreads website interact with different features. If you can spare 3 minutes,..."

Awesome! I will make sure to fill it out!

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