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Solo Quarterly Challenges > 3rd Solo Quarterly: Olympics!

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message 1: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (last edited Jun 17, 2024 07:34AM) (new)

Aly (alyp_01) | 28313 comments Mod

With the Olympics about to start, why not try a themed challenge to go along with it! We have chosen some of the games that will be held in Paris, along with tasks needed if you want to medal. Each medal has two tasks, complete them both to win!

*Books must be completed and reviewed from July 1st to September 30th. You can include a book started before July, but must read at least 100 pages during the challenge to count. Winners will be announced on October 1st, 2024.

Sign up below to play!

The general challenge rules can be found here.

*Page Points:
<50 pages = .25 points
51 - 99 pages = .5 points
^^^ these books will only count for page points
100 - 149 pages = 1 point
150 - 249 pages = 2 points
250 - 349 pages = 3 points
350 - 449 pages = 4 points
450 - 549 pages = 5 points
550 - 649 pages = 6 points
650 - 749 pages = 7 points
750 - 849 pages = 8 points
850 - 949 pages = 9 points
950+ = 10 points

Buddy Reads will DOUBLE your points.
BOTM will TRIPLE your points.

If you have any questions, please head on over here: Q & A

Bronze: Arrow on cover
Title starts with A

Silver: Letters A, R, R, O, W in title
MC hunts

Gold: MC uses a bow
“Target” in text

Athletics (aka Track and Field)
Bronze: MC is an athlete
Features a team

Silver: Character jumps over something
Features a race

Gold: Character completes a marathon
Page count has two 0’s

Bronze: Features a net
MC hits something

Silver: Set in the Middle East
Features a judge

Gold: Letters R, A, C, Q, U, E, T in series title
Racquet on cover

Bronze: Orange cover
MC wears a uniform

Silver: “Bounce” in text
Published in March (any year)

Gold: 5 people on the cover
MC has an alliterative name

Beach Volleyball
Bronze: Takes place in a warm location
Beach on cover

Silver: 2 in page count
Features a partnership between 2 people

Gold: Author’s initials in BEACH
MC wears a bikini

Bronze: Characters fight
X in title

Silver: Scene featuring ropes
MC wears shorts

Gold: MC weighs themself
Gloves on cover

Breaking (aka break dancing)
Bronze: Published in 2024
“Dance” in text

Silver: Features a breakup
Title has a word ending in -ing

Gold: MC is new (at school, work, town)
Features a professional dancer

Canoe, Slalom, & Sprint
Bronze: Features a body of water
Series has at least 4 books in it

Silver: Set in Great Britain
Title (or series title) has an ‘&’ in it

Gold: “White,” “water,” and “rapid” in text
Published in the 90s

Bronze: MC rides a bike
Bike on cover

Silver: Word in title with two C’s
Author’s initials in CYCLE

Gold: Character wears a helmet
Set in France

Bronze: MC is considered plain
Features someone who is competitive

Silver: MC goes somewhere fancy
“Dive” in text

Gold: Title starts and ends with a letter in HIGHBOARD
Book has at least 3 POVs

message 2: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (last edited Jun 17, 2024 07:14AM) (new)

Aly (alyp_01) | 28313 comments Mod

Bronze: Horse on cover
MC has a pet

Silver: “Horse” in text”
Q in title

Gold: MPG Adventure
MC goes on a quest

Bronze: Sword on cover
Title starts with F

Silver: Author name in white lettering
Letters E, P, E, E in series title

Gold: MC wears a mask
Features a duel or sword fight

Bronze: Green cover
MC is in college

Silver: Double O’s in title
Number in title

Gold: Read a book from the shelf Football Books
MC is a coach

Bronze: White cover
Set in summer

Silver: Features a club
Author’s first or last name is 4 letters only

Gold: Read a book from the shelf Golf Books
Title starts with a letter in SWING

Bronze: MC is considered strong
Ring on cover

Silver: MC has a unique skill
Letters F, I, G in series title

Gold: Set in a circus
Features a flexible character

Bronze: Hand on cover
“Court” in text

Silver: Body part in title
Has over 795k ratings

Gold: #7 in a series
Features a wingman/wingwoman

Bronze: Ice on cover
Author’s initials in HOCKEY

Silver: Set in Canada
6 letter word in series title

Gold: Read a book from the shelf Hockey Books
MC’s first or last name ends with Y

Bronze: Set in Japan
4 letter word in title

Silver: MC’s first name starts with a letter in JUDO
“Choke” in text

Gold: Character does something illegal
Person in power is overthrown

Modern Pentathlon
Bronze: MPG Contemporary
Book with at least 5 editions

Silver: 5 in page count
Written by 2 or more authors

Gold: MC is unpopular
Features an obstacle course

Bronze: Boat on cover
Character rides on a boat

Silver: MC is a captain
“Lift” and “Drag” in text

Gold: WIND in title
Tagged “science” or “physics” at least 10 times

Bronze: Gun on cover
Male author

Silver: Letters P, I, S, T, O, L in title
MC shoots something/someone

Gold: Character falls into/sets off a trap
MC is a police officer/security guard

Bronze: Wheels on cover
MPG Middle Grade

Silver: Features a park
“Board” in text

Gold: MC does a trick
Author’s initials in OLLIE

Sport Climbing
Bronze: MC climbs something
Rocks on cover

Silver: “Rope” in text
MC refuses help

Gold: Author born in the 1980s
MC’s initials are S.C. or C. S.

Bronze: Letters S, U, R, F in title
MC first/last name starts with S

Silver: Waves on cover
Features a sea creature

Gold: Takes place on an island
MC gets a tan

Bronze: Features a pool
MC gets wet

Silver: “Free” and “Style” in text
Something/someone floats

Gold: Features a whistle
Butterfly on cover

Table Tennis
Bronze: Table on cover
MC is single

Silver: Alliterative title
Author’s initials in TABLE

Gold: “Ping” and “Pong” in text
MC spins something

Bronze: MC kicks something or someone
MPG World War II

Silver: AAPI author
MC knows self-defense

Gold: Features an oath
Author is in their 50s

Bronze: Character falls in love
MC wears a hat

Silver: Double consonant in author’s first name
Letters S, E, R, V, E in series title

Gold: “Tennis” in text
Set in the 1800s

Bronze: Three words in title
3 in page count

Silver: “Run” and “Swim” in text
Author with three names (middle initial can count)

Gold: MC does three physical activities (plays sports, hikes, works out, etc)
Read a mixed media book

Bronze: Set in the U.S.
6 in page count

Silver: Author’s first/last name starts with V
Characters play a game together

Gold: Four L’s in title
Features someone/something rotating

Water Polo
Bronze: Author’s initials in SPLASH
MC swims

Silver: Character blocks something
MC takes off their shirt

Gold: Character gets a head injury
Book tagged ‘Mermaid’

Bronze: MC goes to the gym
Features a big character (your interpretation)

Silver: “Feather” in text
MC lifts something heavy

Gold: Features something classified
Title is 6+ words long

Bronze: MC’s first name starts with W
Letters G, R, A, P, P, L, E in title/series title

Silver: Character is pinned/held down
MPG Historical

Gold: Features an unpopular decision
Set in Greece

message 3: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (last edited Jun 30, 2024 03:09PM) (new)

Aly (alyp_01) | 28313 comments Mod
Sign Ups:
Jamie TKR

message 4: by megs_bookrack (new)

megs_bookrack | 1551 comments Wow, this is amazing. So much work, Aly!

I'm in!!!!!

message 5: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new)

Aly (alyp_01) | 28313 comments Mod
megs_bookrack wrote: "Wow, this is amazing. So much work, Aly!

I'm in!!!!!"

Thank you! I hope it's fun

message 7: by Jenn (new)

Jenn (tellingmelies) | 3039 comments I'm in! These quarterly challenges are my fave!

message 8: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new)

Aly (alyp_01) | 28313 comments Mod
Jenn wrote: "I'm in! These quarterly challenges are my fave!"

Oh, I'm glad!

message 9: by Amanda (new)

Amanda (porkchop0911) | 521 comments I am gong to try this one

message 10: by Megan (last edited Jun 17, 2024 11:06PM) (new)

Megan | 901 comments I'm in!

I agree with Jenn, these are my favourites too!!

message 11: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new)

Aly (alyp_01) | 28313 comments Mod
That's great to hear!!

Added everyone

message 12: by megs_bookrack (new)

megs_bookrack | 1551 comments Jenn wrote: "I'm in! These quarterly challenges are my fave!"

Mine too!!!

message 13: by Celia (new)

Celia Buell (celiareadsbooks) | 3923 comments I'll play

message 14: by Tiffany (new)

Tiffany Martin (tiffany_martin) | 118 comments I want to play!! How much fun!!

message 15: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new)

Aly (alyp_01) | 28313 comments Mod
Added you both

message 16: by Cindee (new)

Cindee | 2583 comments I'm in

message 17: by Hannah (new)

Hannah DCamp | 103 comments I'm in! I don't usually make a ton of progress on these, but they're so much fun!!

message 18: by Laura (new)

Laura | 1359 comments Id like to play, please

Stormie ~ Book Dragon ~ (stormiebookdragon) | 81 comments I'm in.

message 20: by Felicia (new)

Felicia (femarie) | 199 comments I'm in

message 21: by Alicia (new)

Alicia (aliciajb) | 1211 comments I'm in

message 22: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new)

Aly (alyp_01) | 28313 comments Mod
Got everyone!

message 23: by Avni (new)

Avni | 271 comments I am in!

message 24: by Esther (new)

Esther | 1754 comments i'm in

message 25: by Andy (new)

Andy Of The Blacks | 2326 comments I am in!

message 26: by Grace (new)

Grace Btrs (gracebtrs) | 786 comments I'm in

message 27: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new)

Aly (alyp_01) | 28313 comments Mod
Got everyone to here!

message 28: by Ashley (new)

Ashley (ashchid) | 10 comments I'm in!

message 29: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new)

Aly (alyp_01) | 28313 comments Mod
Ashley wrote: "I'm in!"

Yay, added you!

message 30: by Shia (new)

Shia (808bookdr) | 295 comments im in

message 31: by Jamie (new)

Jamie | 892 comments Mod
I'm in

message 32: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new)

Aly (alyp_01) | 28313 comments Mod
Added you both!

message 33: by Kade (new)

Kade Gulluscio (kadebraylen) | 3757 comments i'm in

message 34: by Hayley (new)

Hayley | 510 comments I;m in

message 35: by [deleted user] (new)

I'm in!

message 36: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new)

Aly (alyp_01) | 28313 comments Mod
Added you three!

message 37: by Gwen (new)

Gwen | 311 comments I'm in!

message 38: by Lucy (new)

Lucy Luu (lovelucyluu) | 1 comments I'm in!!

message 39: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new)

Aly (alyp_01) | 28313 comments Mod
Great! Got you both

message 40: by Agne (new)

Agne | 1753 comments Can I still join in?

message 41: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new)

Aly (alyp_01) | 28313 comments Mod
Of course!

message 42: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 76677 comments Mod
Better late than never, right? I'm in!

message 43: by Grace (new)

Grace Btrs (gracebtrs) | 786 comments Welcome on board Alaina!

message 44: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new)

Aly (alyp_01) | 28313 comments Mod
Alaina wrote: "Better late than never, right? I'm in!"


message 45: by Meg (new)

Meg | 191 comments I'm in!

message 46: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new)

Aly (alyp_01) | 28313 comments Mod
Meg wrote: "I'm in!"


message 47: by Isabella (new)

Isabella (bellavinter) | 108 comments I'm in!

message 48: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new)

Aly (alyp_01) | 28313 comments Mod
Isabella wrote: "I'm in!"

Love to have you! You can start posting in the review thread.

message 49: by SavsLibrary (new)

SavsLibrary | 298 comments I'm in!

message 50: by Aly, Creating Challenges & Threads (new)

Aly (alyp_01) | 28313 comments Mod
SavsLibrary wrote: "I'm in!"

Great! You can post any book read from July to now in the review thread

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