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Need Help? [Ask the Group] > 'You are not authorized' message

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message 1: by Brian (new)

Brian Stabler (midnighteruk) | 4 comments I've just been authorised to read The Mercy of Gods by James S A Corey, but when I try downloading it on the shelf app I get a 'You are not authorized' message. It's not that big an issue as I've been able to download it on the Kindle app with no trouble, but I wondered if anyone had any idea what was causing the issue?

It's not the first time I've had the issue, it happened a few weeks ago with The Book of Elsewhere, but I've just tried downloading that to the app and it's worked fine.

message 2: by Ankit (new)

Ankit Saxena | 26 comments It must be archived before downloading on NetGalley app. This happens 9nly in that case.

message 3: by Brian (new)

Brian Stabler (midnighteruk) | 4 comments I've just checked the listing for the book and the archive date is showing as 06/08.

message 4: by Rosh (new)

Rosh (roshreviews) | 245 comments Many are facing this problem since morning. Just wait a day and see. I've had the issue thrice before, and when I retried after a day or so, it worked. You can also try restarting your phone to see if it resolves the issue.

message 5: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 55 comments 6/8 has passed so that could be why - I know I haven’t been able to download to app after archive but if I had sent to kindle prior it was available

message 6: by Rosh (new)

Rosh (roshreviews) | 245 comments Dee wrote: "6/8 has passed so that could be why - I know I haven’t been able to download to app after archive but if I had sent to kindle prior it was available"

No, it's not the American 6/8, but the British one. 6th August is the archive date. :)

message 7: by Ankit (new)

Ankit Saxena | 26 comments Rosh (is rushing to catch up after the break!) wrote: "Dee wrote: "6/8 has passed so that could be why - I know I haven’t been able to download to app after archive but if I had sent to kindle prior it was available"

No, it's not the American 6/8, but..."

Yes. but it is doing okay with me. I believe there must be some app updating or network issue at Brian's End.

message 8: by Rosh (new)

Rosh (roshreviews) | 245 comments Yup, that's why I said "many". I haven't downloaded anything today, but 3 reviewers from the USA were facing the same problem, while it was working fine for others. There was a post about this in the NG reviewers Facebook group. So there definitely was/is an issue for some accounts.

message 9: by Brian (new)

Brian Stabler (midnighteruk) | 4 comments Thanks everyone. I've just tried again and it's downloaded.

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