Space Opera Fans discussion

The Gilgamesh Path
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R2R Read-to-Review Program > R2R The Gilgamesh Path (space opera) 10 E-copies

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message 1: by Michael (new)

Michael Drakich (michaeldrakich) | 3 comments Here's the blurb - One dead man’s body reveals a startling secret. Every cell has been corrupted by a micro-organism that gave him eternal health. The thing is…no one knows where he contracted it as it must have been millions of years ago.
So begins the hunt throughout the galaxy for the micro-organism by two opposing individuals, Calain de Longee of the Galactic Core Amalgamation, and Princess Warkis, second in line of the Pataki Dynastic of the Harkardi Empire. Other forces are also at play. The Guardians, a race of super robots who ensure the peace between humans and the Harkardi, warn against the dangers of the micro-organism, and the Forty-Two Steps, a criminal organization, who wish to claim it for themselves. It’s a contest of wills between Calain and Warkis with galactic implications.

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