✩。:*•. ~ The Selection - A Roleplay ~ .•*:。✩ discussion

౨ৎ‧✩₊ ~ Dramamamama > ✩。:*•. ~ Qamar, Bella, Evangelise’s Dramamamama

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Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Alright, I said I would try to chart all this drama out once we had a topic for it, so here it goes.

Britnee and Alex both have a reaction to some sort of loud noise or something, and both try to play it off, but realize that they can't hide it, and end up bonding.

They start dating.

They find out about Lili and her gf, who also find out about them, but they all agree to keep each other's secrets.

The king finds out about Alex and Britnee.

The king separates them, but has Britnee remain in the palace, and uses her to blackmail Alex (apparently with the help of Marcus?)

Marcus and Britnee conspire to tell another contestant that her bf died.

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Is the above right?

Ray (reading slump) | 201 comments 👁️👄👁️

How much did I miss? lol

Evangelise Rose | 668 comments Sounds about right. There will also be a side character named Jax who I am making that will generally cause issues. And likely report to the king on Britnee’s behavior throughout the entire Selection

message 5: by [deleted user] (new)

Britnee is amazing tho, like she better end up with a happy ending

Evangelise Rose | 668 comments Maybe by the end. But only after sufficient suffering

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Yeah, they'll get an HEA after Andras dies lol.

message 8: by [deleted user] (new)

nods head
of course my char is gonna leave the Selection but NOT before a sufficient amount of mental health declinement
which is not a word

message 9: by Bella (The Seventh Crow) (last edited Jul 04, 2024 08:16AM) (new)

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments It's almost like this has turned into a contest of who can give their character the most trauma lol.

We kinda need to get Rory on this thread too.

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Evangelise wrote: "Sounds about right. There will also be a side character named Jax who I am making that will generally cause issues. And likely report to the king on Britnee’s behavior throughout the entire Selection"

Isn't that Britnee's ex?

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

I'm also making my chars mom attempt to murder her f and get arrested right after he gets told her bf dies so theres truth to it
But thats NOT ENOUGH

message 12: by [deleted user] (new)

there is never enough trauma

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments So... my one girl, Stella, was engaged, but her fiance's parents moved to a different province to separate them, but, what if I changed it so that they forced him to join the army, and then he's a guard at the palace... idk, that doesn't really make sense.

I had these crazy dreams of him being missing in action, but let's face it, his parents wouldn't send him into war.

So now what?

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments ₊‧.°.⋆ •˚₊‧⋆.Q.S (as a ✰𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐞✰ I'm livid)₊‧.°.⋆ wrote: "there is never enough trauma"

Never! *starts singing Never Enough from The Greatest Showman*

message 15: by [deleted user] (new)


message 16: by Evangelise Rose (new)

Evangelise Rose | 668 comments Yes, Jax is her ex. That’s what makes it so much worse.

message 17: by [deleted user] (new)

how does he come to the palace?
all ur character plots are so fleshed out lol

message 18: by Bella (The Seventh Crow) (last edited Jul 04, 2024 08:29AM) (new)

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments What happens if one of my other chars somehow gets involved? (I don't know how lol)

I should have something happen to Stella's fiance tho, for more trauma. Any suggestions?

message 19: by Evangelise Rose (new)

Evangelise Rose | 668 comments He enlists into the army, paying his way to the palace. He cuts a deal with the king to spy on Britnee (under the guise of winning her back) so that he might be able to further his own publicity. His entire angle is trying to play the brokenhearted boy spurned by the cruel woman, when actually he orchestrated his breakup with Britnee in the first place. He also is trying to get her to go back to modeling so up his publicity again.

message 20: by [deleted user] (new)

yah do that I'm making her bf have his arm in a sling from the murder attempt when Serena goes back to her province to add to the drama effect


Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments I hate Jax.

How do you come up with all these detailed plots, girl?

message 22: by Evangelise Rose (new)

Evangelise Rose | 668 comments Err I honestly don’t know. I’m a writer, so it is natural. But honestly I come up with it on the fly. I don’t know my plans till I am typing the comment…

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments ₊‧.°.⋆ •˚₊‧⋆.Q.S (as a ✰𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐞✰ I'm livid)₊‧.°.⋆ wrote: "oooooh
yah do that I'm making her bf have his arm in a sling from the murder attempt when Serena goes back to her province to add to the drama effect


Do what, exactly? Are we referring to having something happen to him in general, or the army idea? Or just involving someone else in the drama?

message 24: by [deleted user] (new)

ooh that's a GOOD plot
wait they don't do the draft anymore? cause my guard was drafted...

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Evangelise wrote: "Err I honestly don’t know. I’m a writer, so it is natural. But honestly I come up with it on the fly. I don’t know my plans till I am typing the comment…"

But I'm a writer too. Maybe it's that I'm trying to write a novel and figure this out.

message 26: by [deleted user] (new)

make something happen to her fiance while she's at the Selection. the more the better!

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments ₊‧.°.⋆ •˚₊‧⋆.Q.S (as a ✰𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐞✰ I'm livid)₊‧.°.⋆ wrote: "ooh that's a GOOD plot
wait they don't do the draft anymore? cause my guard was drafted..."

Yeah, the draft was abolished. Unfortunately.

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments ₊‧.°.⋆ •˚₊‧⋆.Q.S (as a ✰𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐞✰ I'm livid)₊‧.°.⋆ wrote: "make something happen to her fiance while she's at the Selection. the more the better!"

Alright. I'm thinking of what could happen to him.

message 29: by [deleted user] (new)

as a writer I fantasize a lot in my head but a lot of things come to me as I'm writing :) my writing is kind of horrible but that's ok!

message 30: by [deleted user] (new)

well he was drafted in my brain cause he would never work willingly soooo

message 31: by Evangelise Rose (new)

Evangelise Rose | 668 comments Bella: Yeah, I don’t know. I wish it were always easy with my novel, but it’s not. Maybe because there is less pressure with roleplaying I can create better.

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments I was just thinking... if Alex finds out about Jax...or if Jax finds out about Alex...

(Yeah, I feel like this is easier, I'm just not putting as much time into it as I could, because I feel like I should be working more on my novel)

message 33: by Evangelise Rose (new)

Evangelise Rose | 668 comments Ooh yes we should do that

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Maybe Jax should be involved in the blackmail. Not that that makes any sense lol.

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Evangelise wrote: "Ooh yes we should do that"

But who finds out first? And what exactly does that lead to?

message 36: by [deleted user] (new)

Or Jax and Marcus are both cohorts with the king in the blackmailing? they're both jealous exes lol

message 37: by Bella (The Seventh Crow) (last edited Jul 04, 2024 08:44AM) (new)

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Jealous exes causing trouble. As long as it can make some sort of sense, I'm down with it. Anything to make Alex's life more miserable. ;)

message 38: by [deleted user] (new)

ok lemme think....
So Marcus gets news from Atlin about the attempted murder and he and Britnee do the stuff and tell Serena.
But then cause he's a horrible person and just to ruin more people's lives and cause hes jealous of Serena he teams up with Jax and I dunno what happens after?
the other Bella whos playing Marcus needs to get on hereeeee

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Alright, this could work. But how does the king play into all this? We need to get the other Bella and Rory on here.

message 40: by [deleted user] (new)

i Pmd the other Bella so she should see the thread soon

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Should I PM Rory?

message 42: by [deleted user] (new)

we also need to tie on how Marcus and Jax carry out the blackmailing

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments I just sent Rory a PM.

And yeah, exactly how does this go? And what is it that they're getting out of it? What is the king getting out of it?

message 44: by [deleted user] (new)

Well maybe the king pays them or something? they seem like money hungry people
it makes sense but it doesn't at the same time

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Idk. I mean, if Jax was getting paid, and hurting Britnee's bf, I think that might be enough for him.

message 46: by [deleted user] (new)

the money is enough for Marcus then.

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments We'll have to ask Evie, of course. Jax is her char. But I think that will work. And you created Marcus, so you should know about what's enough for him. But WHY is the king paying them?

message 48: by Evangelise Rose (new)

Evangelise Rose | 668 comments What is happening?

message 49: by [deleted user] (new)

oh yeah
well he wants to blackmail them right? maybe he doesn't want to do it directly... so he uses Marcus and Jax because he knows they have a grudge against some of the Selected.
it's Rory's char so it's his decision tho

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Idek lol.

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