Oprah's Book Club (Official) discussion

General > Mavi, My Dearest - An Extraordinary Journey to Motherhood

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message 1: by Duygu (new)

Duygu Mengioglu | 1 comments Hey book lovers,

I’m excited to share my memoir, Mavi, My Dearest, with you all. It’s the true story of our journey to bring our daughter home from Ukraine during the war, made possible through the amazing experience of surrogacy.

Our story is filled with the challenges and joys of becoming parents in the most unexpected way. It’s about hope, resilience, and the incredible bonds that make a family. I think it’s perfect for book club discussions, and I’d love to hear your thoughts and feelings on it.

Looking forward to sharing this journey with you!

Note: I'm not adding my link to avoid self-promotion.


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