✩。:*•. ~ The Selection - A Roleplay ~ .•*:。✩ discussion

౨ৎ‧✩₊ ~ Palace Rooms > ✩。:*•. ~ Lukas’s Room

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message 1: by kitcantspell (new)

kitcantspell | 200 comments

Lukas Stoll paced his small quarters. Even though it had been hours since the Selected had been announced, and he was tired during the time of the Report, he was wide awake now and his brain constantly whirred with thoughts.

A name he’d least expected had been announced. A name he’d eventually give up hope on. A photograph even, that made his head snap up and his eyes shoot to the screen. Eoywn Rose, it read. A girl, younger than him, with the same hair and facial features. His sister. A girl he’d been searching forever since the thought came to him. Searching hopelessly for a girl who’d been off the grid since birth. His little sister- The reason his parents gave him to the palace in the first place. He wasn’t mad, gods no. The same feelings that he had when he found out sixteen years ago that he’d be having a younger sister returned: Overwhelmed, overjoyed… happy.

Before long, the thirty five selected girls would arrive to the castle, his sister being one. Sixteen years and many bitter emotions later, they’d meet. Even though he was alone, a tiny smile spread across his face. He would meet his sister.

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✩。:*•. ~ The Selection - A Roleplay ~ .•*:。✩

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