✩。:*•. ~ The Selection - A Roleplay ~ .•*:。✩ discussion

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౨ৎ‧✩₊ ~ Airport Groups > ✩。:*•. ~ Airport Group No.5

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message 1: by -ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ-, ~ you got me hypnotised ~ (last edited Jul 09, 2024 03:10AM) (new)

-ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ- | 991 comments Mod


IMG-3609 IMG-3617

✩。:*•. ~ Airport Groups

Group 5 consists of:
Kent contestant - Lennon @jillian
Allens contestant - Devon @bella
Carolina contestant - Chiara @rae
Clermont - Tzuyu @aelin
Waverly - Eowyn @aelin

All active except Rae.

message 2: by jillian ౨ৎ (new)

jillian ౨ৎ (jilluminatixxxv)

Lennon was first to arrive at the airport. She smiled at any paparazzi, answering their questions with a forced tone of joy. She managed to dodge all questions regarding her eagerness to meet the prince, instead turning her answer to reflect her excitement about the large libraries and well-tended gardens.
After the paparazzi had their fill of questions and pictures, Lennon let her smile dwindle, her cheeks aching. She let no further time pass before she settled into an uncomfortable airport chair to read a book before their departure to the palace.

message 3: by Bella (The Seventh Crow) (last edited Jul 06, 2024 08:57AM) (new)

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Devon entered the airport to be immediately bombarded by paparazzi. A bit nerve-racking. She kept walking. Maybe she wasn't cut out for this after all. It was very well to daydream about being a part of the Selection and going to the palace, but this was the real thing.

She steadied her breathing as she kept going through the airport, trying to remember which girls she would likely be meeting here.

I can do this, she told herself.

She kept up her smile. she was still excited, after all. Just... a little overwhelmed.

There was only one girl in the area set apart for the Selection. She was reading a book. Devon slipped into a chair across from her and pulled out her own book. Reading was a good idea.

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments (rae, where are you?)

message 5: by -ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ-, ~ you got me hypnotised ~ (new)

-ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ- | 991 comments Mod

I’ll reply tomorrow

message 6: by -ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ-, ~ you got me hypnotised ~ (last edited Jul 08, 2024 03:12AM) (new)

-ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ- | 991 comments Mod


Tzuyu was used to all the paparazzi by now, but that didn’t mean she was scared of them. She’d always had Jihyo by her side, but she supposed this was the first time she’d be doing something without Midnight behind her to support her. And speaking of Midnight, the amount of Owls here was just insane. And…
“TZUYU!” shouted someone in the crowd. Tzuyu smiled - truly smiled - when she saw Momo and Jihyo’s faces in the crowd. She kept her eyes on them as she bent down and signed an autograph, and watched as Momo pushed her way to the front, Jihyo in tow. Following them was… one, two, three
There was no third person. Summer hadn’t bothered to turn up. Some part of Tzuyu’s heart sank at her fellow group member not turning up, but then again Summer had always been jealous of Tzuyu, especially now because of the Selection. Jihyo had promised to help mend things, but Tzuyu hoped at least she would have turned up for the send-off?

Momo suddenly leapt up onto the raised walkway and hugged her, even though people tried to stop her. “Momo!” scolded Tzuyu, but Momo just hugged her even harder.
“I’m going to miss you Chewy,” sighed Momo.
“So will I, mischief,” said Tzuyu, hugging Momo back. She had said all her goodbyes yesterday and cried a great deal, and gods knew how much Tzuyu was trying to hold back her tears now. “Momo you’re going to make me cry!” she whispered.
Momo didn’t reply, she just clung on harder.

“You look beautiful,” whispered another familiar voice. Jihyo. Of course Jihyo joined in on the hug, but Tzuyu was on the brink of tears now. She wasn’t going to ruin her lovely dress (view spoiler) by crying.
“You two are going to be the death of me,” she said.
“You promise to write a lot?” Momo asked.
“You promise to bring me back lots of pretty dresses?”
“You promise to marry the prince?”
“What?” Tzuyu laughed, and Jihyo joined her.
“I’ll answer for her,” her best friend said. “Yes.”
Tzuyu tried not to punch Jihyo in public but gave her a side-eye.
“Right, I need to go now, but you two behave yourselves and write back, ok?”

As soon as they left, Tzuyu breathed in slowly and exhaled slowly, trying to recover herself. She ignored the paparazzi as she stepped onto the plane. Tzuyu turned around and looked at Clermont one last time. She waved at the Owls, and blew 5 kisses: one for Momo, one for Jihyo, one for Minju, one for Saki and one for the missing Summer. She hoped Jihyo would notice the symbolism, as she watched her best friend pretend to receive the kiss then blow one back.

Tzuyu forced herself to turn around and she sat down next to two Selected and started rapidly blinking. She couldn’t let the tears ruin her light makeup: her makeup artist had spent quite a while trying to get the glitter under her eyes perfect and the stars in the perfect place. She wouldn’t ruin it. Tzuyu got out a piece of paper and a pen and started writing.


message 7: by -ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ-, ~ you got me hypnotised ~ (last edited Jul 08, 2024 03:34AM) (new)

-ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ- | 991 comments Mod


Eowyn had never been so excited for anything in her life before. The moment she had been announced, she was practically jumping with glee. She had started packing immediately - until she realised she had nothing to pack, except a laptop or two. Those laptops contained everything: all her fantasies, dreams, games she had coded herself, a little AI chatbot she had programmed herself… everything! She still had them in her suitcase - Rian still hadn’t found out about them - and she planned to update them with even more dreams and fantasies and experiences! The word felt so foreign, but everything about this was foreign to her. This was the first time in 6 or so years she had seen the sun, felt the breeze on her skin, seen a person that wasn’t Rian! She wasn’t used to such a brightness but still.

Her instructor - a kind woman named Rachel - had told her not to answer any paparazzi questions and she didn’t. She wished she could though.
Is it true that you have been locked up in a room alone for 6 years? Yes.
Is it true that you have done all the work General Rian Yan claimed to have done himself in the computer science department? Yes.
Is it true that your guardian, General Rian Yan, shot you in the arm as a baby? Yes.
Is it true that you saved Illéa from countless cyberattacks? Yes.
Is it true that your parents abandoned you and your older brother?

The last one caught Eowyn off guard. She knew her parents had abandoned her, but she had an older brother?! And… her parents abandoned him too? She needed to know more but… how did the paparazzi know about her having a brother? Countless questions swirled around Eowyn’s mind as she tried to understand what was going on. Just keep walking.

Despite her muddled mind, Eowyn kept smiling and she was ever so surprised when someone asked for her signature. She had been practising signatures when she was bored, and now had the perfect one to use. Eowyn finished it with a flourish, and soon she had to sign more. People were all shouting things like “I want a signature from the child prodigy!”
“Lady Rose, here!”
and Eowyn wasn’t used to this much attention at all. She beamed each time she signed a signature, and now her social battery was at 100%. Eowyn waved just like a child as she finally boarded the plane.

Eowyn assessed all the people around her. There were four girls, and if Eowyn’s memory was correct, they were Lennon, Devon and Tzuyu. Tzuyu, the famous idol! Eowyn was practically bubbling with excitement, but none of them were talking. She tried to strike up a conversation by introducing herself.
“Hey! I’m, um Eowyn Rose from Waverly,” she smiled, hoping someone would talk back to her.


message 8: by jillian ౨ৎ (new)

jillian ౨ৎ (jilluminatixxxv)

Lennon looks up from her book to acknowledge the two other girls. She smiles softly as one introduces herself as Eowyn.
"It's lovely to meet you, Eowyn," she greets, silently admiring her name. "I'm Lennon Bennet. I live in Kent." She extends a hand for her to shake, her other hand tightly tucked into her book to serve as a placeholder.

Although she wasn't super excited to talk to the others, she figured being kind and responding anyway was a good first step to establish herself as an ally.
Lennon had no plans of causing problems in this Selection. She was going to allow the prince to do what he needs to and take advantage of the royal libraries in the meantime. This was a good opportunity to make friends and try new things. Maybe even fall in love?

message 9: by Bella (The Seventh Crow) (last edited Jul 08, 2024 07:08AM) (new)

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Devon glanced up from her book as two new girls arrived. The first was Tzuyu, an idol in the music industry. The other was Eowyn, she believed. The child prodigy who had reportedly been locked in a room, while her guardian took credit for all her work. That must have been horrible.

Should she introduce herself? Would it be awkward? Or would it be more awkward not to?

“Hey! I’m, um Eowyn Rose from Waverly." The girl smiled.

"It's lovely to meet you, Eowyn," the first girl greets her, looking up from her own book. "I'm Lennon Bennet. I live in Kent." Teh two shook hands.

Devon placed one hand in her book to mark her place and smiled. "I'm Devon. From Allens." She extended her free hand.

message 10: by -ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ-, ~ you got me hypnotised ~ (last edited Jul 08, 2024 07:19AM) (new)

-ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ- | 991 comments Mod


“Oh it’s lovely to meet you too Lennon!” Eowyn smiled eagerly as she shook Lennon’s outstretched hand. She already liked this girl - she had bothered to acknowledge her and was being nice, and actually talked!
“Hello Devon! It’s lovely to meet you all!” Eowyn shook Devon’s hand too. She fidgeted with her bow (view spoiler) and her pink Alice band, simply because she had nothing else to do. She wished she’d bought a book, but since everyone was doing something Eowyn reluctantly took out her laptop. Most citizens of Illéa didn’t tend to use laptops or computers - she wagered a couple didn’t even know what they were - but they were her life!

Eowyn typed in her password quickly - typing in a 70-character-long password slowly would take a very long time - and started contemplating the actual competition. She was actually doing this! Here she was, on a plane (unfortunately not flying it, she would have loved to do that), on the way to meet the prince, and if she was lucky, marry him! Well, she had a 1 in 35 chance of marrying him, not too bad! And hopefully she would make a couple of friends or two! What wasn’t to like about it?


Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments (oh... mine doesn't really make sense anymore, does it?)

message 12: by -ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ-, ~ you got me hypnotised ~ (last edited Jul 08, 2024 07:20AM) (new)

-ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ- | 991 comments Mod


Tzuyu briefly looked up from her letter and saw the new girl come in, and Lennon and Devon greet her.
“It’s nice to meet you all,” she smiled. “I’m Tzuyu Nakamura, and I’m from Clermont.” She didn’t bother extending her hand for a handshake but she smiled at them all. As soon as they acknowledged her presence, she looked back down at her letter.

Dearest Momo and Jihyo,

You should have seen just how hard I was trying not to cry when you two idiots came onto the walkway to say goodbye. Momo, I’ll have you know Zuha spent 2 hours on my hair and makeup today! And you just nearly ruined it! Anyway, I’ll miss you both… too much to say. I’m sitting with 4 girls, no Momo none of them are famous, but one of them has a laptop! She’s Eowyn, the so-called ‘child prodigy’, the girl she was just talking to is called Lennon and there is another girl called Devon, they all seem to be really nice! Anyway—


message 13: by -ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ-, ~ you got me hypnotised ~ (new)

-ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ- | 991 comments Mod
Bella wrote: "(oh... mine doesn't really make sense anymore, does it?)"

Nah i just edited mine :)

message 14: by jillian ౨ৎ (new)

jillian ౨ৎ (jilluminatixxxv)

Lennon tilts her head a bit in confusion as Eowyn pulls out a laptop and begins typing fiercely. She had only used her father's that had been provided by the university. She found it odd that she had one of her own, still unaware that she was an important figure in protecting the nation's cyber security.
Lennon takes in everyone's names and provinces and goes back to her book. She felt some unspoken bond between her and Devon already, despite not having talked much at all. It was a beautiful thing to sit in someone's presence and just enjoy reading a book. She wouldn't stretch to call it a friendship, more just an understanding that they had similar interests and could be comfortable with the other.
Giving one final once over of all the girls, she thinks that this group would be a good start. They all seemed to be kind, agreeable people. She sighs contently as she decides no real drama will come from this little group of girls.

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments (yeah, this is a nice group. Quite different from Group No.1, lol)

message 16: by jillian ౨ৎ (new)

jillian ౨ৎ (jilluminatixxxv)

(thats exactly what i was thinking XD)

message 17: by -ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ-, ~ you got me hypnotised ~ (last edited Jul 08, 2024 01:36PM) (new)

-ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ- | 991 comments Mod


Eowyn just vaguely noticed Lennon’s confusion at her laptop out of the corner of her eye. And just like that, everyone had stopped talking and had gone back to doing what they did best quietly. She sighed as her programmed game of tic-tac-toe she had made when she was just 1 week into learning Javascript loaded.
“Anyone want to play tic-tac-toe? I could play against a computer but it’s more fun to play with a person. Anyone?” Eowyn tried to break the silence. It wasn’t awkward silence, but she still didn’t like it. Silence reminded her of the tech control room too much despite her efforts to try streaming songs 24/7.

She looked around nervously. Lennon and Devon were still reading, and Tzuyu smiled up at her, gestured sadly at her letter and went back to writing. Well, that was 1 no, but it didn’t mean the others wouldn’t say no, right? Theoretically, Eowyn should have been rejoicing that no one was trying to start drama, but no one was interacting either.


Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments (I'm responding)

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments "Anyone want to play tic-tac-toe?" Eowyn asked. I could play against a computer, but it's more fun to play with a person."

Devon hesitated. Should she say yes? Maybe she should just let one of the others do it. But no one did.

"Anyone?" Eowyn asked again.

Devon looked up, to catch the silence exchange between Eowyn and Tzuyu.

She slipped her bookmark into place, closed her book, and looked up. "I'll play."

message 20: by jillian ౨ৎ (last edited Jul 08, 2024 04:23PM) (new)

jillian ౨ৎ (jilluminatixxxv)

Lennon smiles softly at Eowyn, politely declining her offer. She would have said yes, but Devon seemed to do that for her.

She, too, noticed the heavy silence hanging in the group, making her stomach twist a little. There was a little bit too much going on for everyone to be comfortable saying nothing.
"Soo...what are your guys' thoughts? About the Selection and everything, I mean?" she asks generally, slipping a scrap piece of paper into the spine of her book to serve as a bookmark.
Lennon was half hoping there would be stark contrast in opinion so she didn't feel so alone. It was odd...she wanted to go and give things a try...but she also wanted to go home and work on writing her novel. She was internally begging for someone to admit their undying affection for the prince, and have someone else confess they hate him. That way she wouldn't feel so...guilty?

message 21: by -ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ-, ~ you got me hypnotised ~ (last edited Jul 09, 2024 02:19AM) (new)

-ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ- | 991 comments Mod


As soon as Devon responded, Eowyn’s face lit up. “Great! Do you want to be noughts, or crosses?” she asked. “In my game, noughts always goes first.”
She placed her laptop down on her legs and started typing the password to the game (that was in case Rian managed to find it).
Eowyn vaguely noted Lennon asking something, and she was glad that she wasn’t the only one that thought this silence was horrible.

Eowyn, for one, couldn’t endure silence. If it indeed became too silent, she was half-inclined to just start playing one of her thousands of downloaded songs from her other laptop - the music laptop. And she’d try to make sure not to select a song from Tzuyu’s group lest she feel uncomfortable or something. She wasn’t sure how famous people coped with fame.


message 22: by -ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ-, ~ you got me hypnotised ~ (new)

-ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ- | 991 comments Mod


Well, since everyone was trying to break the silence, Tzuyu supposed she should also make an effort to keep the conversation going. Since the other two were playing tic-tac-toe, Tzuyu was the only one left to answer Lennon’s question.
“I, well I suppose I never really wanted to come to the Selection. I was quite happy just to continue living in my dorm and continue life as if this Selection had never happened, but I don’t think that’s a choice anymore. My best friend convinced me to sign up - she claimed it would be good for me - and now here I am. I’m not quite sure what to make of it. What are your thoughts?”
It was true. Jihyo did convince Tzuyu to sign up, but now if she was being honest, she was actually looking forward to the experience.


message 23: by Bella (The Seventh Crow) (last edited Jul 09, 2024 07:43AM) (new)

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments "I don't really care. Everyone wants to go first, don't they?" She laughed. "I always liked crosses better for some reason though. Well, when I was little, I liked naughts better." Why was she saying all this? Why would Eowyn care?

She should be better at this. Why did she always have to feel so awkward around strangers? She wasn't going to do well at all in the Selection.

"I'll be crosses."

message 24: by -ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ-, ~ you got me hypnotised ~ (new)

-ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ- | 991 comments Mod


“I suppose they do!” Eowyn giggled. “The computer, I named her Gwyn, always wants to play a game of rock paper scissors to decide who will go first. Personally, I’ve always preferred noughts, I thought crosses looked too cross and severe and strict.” She knew she probably sounded like a 3-year-old child, but Eowyn couldn’t care less. She hadn’t had a proper childhood, this would make up for years of missed fun.

“Great! I’ll be noughts!” Eowyn clicked on the middle square of the grid and grinned at Devon. “Your turn!” She was probably being too enthusiastic, but she had to let that excitement out somehow.


Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Eowyn seemed happy. Maybe Devon wasn't as terrible at this as she feared. She smiled back, and took her turn, clicking the top right corner of the grid.

"I've never used a laptop before. My high school had a computer, but that was it. So, I do all my writing by hand." Maybe she should stop herself from talking so much. But Eowyn didn't seem to like silence, and while Devon did, she didn't like awkward silence, which seemed all too likely in this plane with these people if they didn't talk.

message 26: by -ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ-, ~ you got me hypnotised ~ (new)

-ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ- | 991 comments Mod


She smiled, clicking the middle left space in the grid. Eowyn already knew that this would a draw if no one made a mistake, but a draw was better than losing!

“Have you not? I’ve been working with laptops and computers for years on end now.” She tried to look happy, but the happiness was tainted with a drop of sadness. She hoped Devon didn’t notice. The last thing she needed was to explain the last 6 years of her life.
She perked up as Devon said the word ‘school’.
“I’ve never been to a school before. Can you tell me what it’s like?” she asked.


Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Oh, right, Eowyn hadn't been to school. How to explain?

"Well, it's honestly not that great. You have all these classes you have to attend, and each one last for a certain amount of time, so even if you're finished... you can't just leave. And you have to get permission to use the restroom." Why had she mentioned that? "But it is nice to be able to see friends there. Lunch is the best part." She laughed. "That's when you get to talk to your friends. But I could never understand why they make you do work all day at school, then give you homework." She shook her head. "I hated homework."

message 28: by -ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ-, ~ you got me hypnotised ~ (new)

-ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ- | 991 comments Mod


Yeah… no. She most definitely sounded like a 3-year-old. Asking all these stupid questions, what was she thinking? But, she couldn’t help enjoying it.
“You have to have permission to use the bathroom?” she squealed. “Sounds horrible.”
She laughed alongside Devon. “I agree. Meals are the best part of most days, including my boring no-school ones!”
“I’ve heard of homework before. It’s a pointless torture,” she smiled. “I mean, I’ve never had homework before, but I’ve been working 24/7. Do you have to do things like phys ed? Can you choose your subjects? Oh yeah, it’s your move!”

These questions sounded stupid. The look on Devon’s face when she had asked about school was proof enough, but she hoped she wasn’t driving the poor girl crazy. She had always been more curious than a cat, and she had always thought that a good thing. This was the first time she had started to think of it as a flaw.


message 29: by Bella (The Seventh Crow) (last edited Jul 09, 2024 08:23AM) (new)

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Devon quickly took her turn, clicking the middle right space on the grid. "We did have P.E. for two years. It wasn't my favorite. And we could choose electives, but there are some subjects everyone has to do. Like algebra, for some inconceivable reason." She laughed. "I was better at that than geometry though. Not that having to learn geometry makes much sense either."

message 30: by jillian ౨ৎ (new)

jillian ౨ৎ (jilluminatixxxv)

Lennon grins, eager to talk about something she could understand. Education and learning were basically her whole life.
"I understand where you're coming from, Devon," Lennon chimes in. "I was never very keen on math, either. I much preferred my english courses."
Lennon had grown up loving literature. Her father was an english professor, so it was only natural. She had always loved reading, poetry, and writing. She found it unfortunate that not many people had much love for the true classics anymore -- she loved reading Shakespeare and marvelling at the romance of his sonnets, but no one her age ever seemed to understand. At this point, she was only going to the Selection to take advantage of the vast libraries that she trusted were well organised and cozy.

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments "Literature and history were my favorite subjects," Devon said, she had thought Lennon might be someone she could relate to, and it looked like she had been right. "Do you have a favorite Shakespeare? I think mine is Julius Caser, don't ask me why." She laughed.

message 32: by jillian ౨ৎ (new)

jillian ౨ৎ (jilluminatixxxv)

Lennon perked up immediately, a subtle glow bursting in her eyes as she nodded vigorously.
"I've always been a fan of his sonnets, personally, but I do have a soft spot for The Taming of the Shrew. My father would always read it to me as a child...I found it hilarious at the time." she recalls with a nostalgic smile.
Devon's laugh made Lennon smile. It's true, Julius Caesar was an odd answer, but a good play none the less. Perhaps she could get along with this girl.
"Are you looking forward to the royal libraries? It's about the only thing I signed up for, if I'm painfully honest."

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments "Yes, I can't wait to see the library. It must be extensive. I'm afraid I might lose track of time in there. I'm also looking forward to seeing the gardens. I love walking outdoors. I'm a little nervous about the Report though. I hope I don't get stage fright. Or TV fright." Oh, that was such a stupid joke.

message 34: by -ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ-, ~ you got me hypnotised ~ (new)

-ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ- | 991 comments Mod


Eowyn had been too busy listening to their conversation that she had forgotten to make her move: bottom right.
“The library sounds like great fun! Do you think they’ll have a café there? I’m quite content to just sit with my laptop, sipping a mocha and doing some world saving!” she joked. It wasn’t a lie, really. “The gardens sound lovely, and I just can’t wait for the dresses!” Eowyn sighed, thinking about all the gowns she could wear and she would finally look like a princess! Take that, Rian.


Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments "I don't think they'll have a cafe, but I'm sure you'll be able to get a mocha. I would like one right now, actually."

Devon took her move, top left.

"Are any of you worried about the Report?" She couldn't be the only one.

message 36: by jillian ౨ৎ (new)

jillian ౨ৎ (jilluminatixxxv)

Lennon shrugs in response to Devon's question. "A little. To be perfectly honest, I'm more nervous about what the tabloids have to say about us. I think someone's personality can be skewed when it's in writing, and I'm sure we all know people believe everything they read these days," she says, casually turning to the next page of her book.
The prospect of appearing on television looking like a princess-in-training wasn't too daunting. They could all just plaster on fake smiles and pretend they were comfortable even if their corset was too tight. The newspaper, however, was a different story. The reporters would have to judge their character and publish it for the whole country so the public could judge as well...and of course, the girls had no say in what would be published in the end.

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments Oh, why hadn't she thought of the tabloids? Of course that would be a problem. "That is nerve-wracking. I hope some reporter doesn't think I'm..." She wasn't even sure how to finish that sentence. "I just know I'll be so nervous. What if I don't day much, and people think I'm rude?"

message 38: by -ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ-, ~ you got me hypnotised ~ (new)

-ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ- | 991 comments Mod


Eowyn took her move, top middle, and decided that this game was going to end in a draw after all. Oh well.
“You won’t come across as rude, trust me. You’re a lovely person, and Lennon and I will back you up.”

In truth, Eowyn was scared of the tabloids too. How were they going to portray her? Maybe as a vain, conceited and arrogant fame-seeker. And some part of her was a vain, conceited and arrogant fame-seeker. Rian had taken everything from her, her fame, her credit, her human rights, probably even her human lefts if they existed. And she was here to take back what was hers, wasn’t she? She was here to explore the world, and let the world know that she existed. Did that make her vain and arrogant? On the TV, she could at least speak and say her thoughts and argue, but she had no control over the tabloids whatsoever. The people who wrote the tabloids must have had favourites. What if she wasn’t one? What if they wanted her to become unpopular with the public so she would get kicked out?


message 39: by -ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ-, ~ you got me hypnotised ~ (last edited Jul 10, 2024 02:11AM) (new)

-ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ- | 991 comments Mod


“I say we all back each other up,” Tzuyu piped up. She had finished her letter, and came to the conclusion that she had better say a couple of things. “This plane group is a nice one, so I’d say we all support each other.” A brief nod from Eowyn in response was all she needed to know that at least someone would back her up.

One foot wrong from Tzuyu and it could very well mean the end of her career, and maybe not just her but also Midnight’s career. If something went wrong, she wouldn’t just bring herself down, but Jihyo, Minju, Summer and Saki too, and maybe even Momo and her parents. And if she brought her parents down, there would be no saving for the entire industry. Tzuyu let a shuddering breath as she finally faced the reality. That was what was going to happen if something went wrong for her in the Selection. The sheer scope of destruction had her shuddering. Yeah, she had a lot on her plate right now. She had to be perfect. She couldn’t make a single mistake. She knew had to stay in the competition long enough to please fans, but she had to get through all that without doing anything wrong. Well, she would be in for a very hard couple of months then.


message 40: by Bella (The Seventh Crow) (last edited Jul 10, 2024 07:23AM) (new)

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments (Keeping track of this tic-tac-to game is getting complicated lol)

Devon clicked the bottom center space on the grid, then looked back at Tzuyu and smiled. "I agree. We should definitely back each other up."

She liked these girls as far as she could tell. They all seemed really nice. She had been lucky to be in a group like this on her trip to Angeles.

message 41: by jillian ౨ৎ (new)

jillian ౨ৎ (jilluminatixxxv)

Lennon nods surely. "Yeah, I think it's safe to say we're all at least allies at this point, and I would love to know that someone has my back."
Lennon didn't always make quick friends, but when she's thrown into a group of girls who are all good-natured and equally scared for what the Selection means for them, a quote-unquote "friendship" was a little easier to come across.
"At least we know life will be okay outside the palace, right? From what I've read, the thirty-four girls sent home usually find someone wealthy to marry as soon as they leave." I probably won't want to marry them, but it's nice to have options, I guess.

message 42: by -ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ-, ~ you got me hypnotised ~ (new)

-ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ- | 991 comments Mod


Eowyn clicked the bottom left as the computer screen flashed up Draw. Play again?
“Yeah, I think it’s safe to say that we are definitely allies right now. We’ll just support each other, to the very end! A little bit of kindness goes very far,” she smiled.
Eowyn was very happy these 3 girls. They were all genuine and lovely girls and she felt like she could bond with them over time, and even if they weren’t ‘friends’ they would always be someone she could approach and know that she wasn’t about to be fried with nastiness.


message 43: by -ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ-, ~ you got me hypnotised ~ (new)

-ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ- | 991 comments Mod


“In other words, we’ve signed ourselves up to a marriage, we just don’t know who yet,” Tzuyu sighed. She didn’t want to marry anyone just yet, but it seemed like even if she didn’t marry the prince, loads of other men would try to seek her hand, especially when she was already famous. No one would believe her when she would eventually refuse any offer that came her way, and she’d get a grilling from her parents, but it was time Tzuyu took control over her own life.


Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments "I'm not going to just accept marriage," Devon said. "I'm not even quite sure about the prince, to be honest. I'll have to meet him first. As for anyone who might ask me afterwards... well, we'll see what they're like. I don't want to accept someone who just wants to marry me because I was a Selected."

message 45: by -ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ-, ~ you got me hypnotised ~ (new)

-ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ- | 991 comments Mod


“Fair enough. I mean, we’re just girls after all. The youngest of us is only sixteen, in fact I think Eowyn here might be the youngest.” A nod from Eowyn confirmed it. “The oldest are twenty, and maybe they could marry, but to be honest I think even twenty is quite young to marry. Most people I know marry in their late twenties and early thirties, so why should we be forced to marry early just because we are ‘Selected’? But then again my great aunt Elise attended the Selection at seventeen and had a happy marriage years later and her husband didn’t care whether or not she was a Selected.” Tzuyu smiled. “I wish we’ll all have her luck.”


message 46: by Bella (The Seventh Crow) (last edited Jul 11, 2024 11:30AM) (new)

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments "Maybe we will," Deveon replied. "At any rate, I'm not going to change my plans because I'm a Selected. I'm sure I'll probably marry eventually, but that doesn't mean I need to be in a rush. I'm only 19.

"If I don't win, I plan on getting to work on finishing my novel. I want to publish it." She didn't usually share that much, but these girls all seemed nice enough, and she needed to be better at socializing if she was going to make it past the first day of the Selection.

message 47: by -ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ-, ~ you got me hypnotised ~ (new)

-ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ- | 991 comments Mod


“Neither am I. I’m not sure whether I’ll ever marry, given my career, but I hope I will.” Well, if Tzuyu was being honest, she wasn’t sure how many people sincerely wanted her because of who she was. Most people claimed to ‘love’ her because of her fame and the fame it would bring them. And the worst thing was, these people were so good at acting half the time she wasn’t sure whether they were genuine or not. “I hope you finish your novel and get it published! I’d love to read it.”


Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments "Thanks. I'm worried it's not very good." She was happy to think Tzuyu might actually want to read her novel, btu what fi se didn't like it? Someone would surely like it, though, right?

"It's about an immortal dragon princess - she can shift into a dragon - who falls in love with a mortal prince." It probably sounded stupid. "There's political intrigue too."

Bella (The Seventh Crow) M | 1960 comments The way I kinda wanna write that now lol

message 50: by -ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ-, ~ you got me hypnotised ~ (new)

-ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ- | 991 comments Mod


“Ooh I’d love to read it!” piped up Eowyn. “If you’re ever looking for someone to review or anything, I’ll help! I love fantasy books so very much!” She’d been quiet during the conversation about life after the Selection, mainly because she wasn’t exactly sure what she wanted to do with her life now that it was in her control again. “How far are you into writing it? Can I read it so far?”


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