The Librarian's Husband's Book Club discussion

Shutter Island
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July 2024 - Book to Screen > Shutter Island - Reviews

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John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Share your reviews or post-reading thoughts about the July book selection, Shutter Island.

Please make use of the spoilers function ([spoiler]...[/spoiler] but replace [] with <>) as appropriate to be sure we don't ruin parts of the book for others.

message 2: by Tiffany (last edited Jul 09, 2024 03:45PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Tiffany (herbtiff) | 66 comments I gave it 5 stars. I liked how it kept me guessing. I listened to it through Libby, but also bought the Kindle version because I wanted to reread because I wonder if I will catch any of the things I didn't in listening. I was impressed.
Here is my review:
Not everything or even everyone is as it seems. Or maybe just stating plain intriguing. I could certainly see how people would want to read this book more than once. It kept me involved and guessing. The prologue really was a great way to start the story.

The characters were interesting and kept a great dialog going for the entire book. I can't even say who my favorite character was since they just all really added depth to the book.

I am a little surprised that this book is still available for reading. I would assume that too many people would find some things in this book as very offensive. I think the time when this book was set makes this story even more interesting. Mental health was still such a new concept. The practice in this book is very true and hard to understand.

Some language and sex/sexual encounters/innuendos. Trigger warnings of suicide/mental health.

Peacejanz | 79 comments I think this book is still appropriate for many people today. I am always amazed at how uneducated our society is about mental health. We still have this book on our list for book groups to use. In fact, my book group is requesting it for next year. Yes, there are some horrible parts --- but I am a believer of facing our fears, facing our realities. When we face them, they are less fearsome. And sometimes, when reality hits us in the face, we have less fear because we have read/seen/experienced something like this before. peace, janz

Tiffany (herbtiff) | 66 comments That's a very good point. I agree that it is very relevant and it was super engaging for me.

Lori Cameron | 10 comments

I may have grumbled about this choice in the beginning, but I take it back. Thank you for choosing it, book friends!

Devon (dgivi13) | 45 comments @Lori i had the same reservations when it was selected. I am hoping to finish out with a similar review as you!

Peacejanz | 79 comments OK - please let me know when we can discuss the final section of the book. I have questions but they could be spoilers. This is one of my favorite books. peace, janz

Julie Grindal (julesgrin) | 45 comments I just finished the book. I’m not sure what the reality truly is but it’s a great book. Know that the mind is very powerful! I will be watching the movie this weekend.

Erica (bookgirl4ever84) | 26 comments I’m listening to it on Libby as well. It’s good. But is the book better

Devon (dgivi13) | 45 comments @julie i plan to rewatch it after finishing too! Had you seen it before reading the book?

Julie Grindal (julesgrin) | 45 comments @devon
Yes, I read the book many years ago and also saw the movie also many years ago. I had forgotten many of the details.

Devon (dgivi13) | 45 comments @julie same. Now as i reread, I question if i even watched the movie! Lol not entirely how I remember it going

Devon (dgivi13) | 45 comments I loved how easily this one read. I was a little discouraged initially that it was going to be a complicated read but DL read as easy as a cozy beach read. Thanks to this group, I’ve tried a new author that i will definitely be reading more from.

Peacejanz | 79 comments Do not answer until you have finished reading the book. I have no idea what the movie is. But this has been a puzzle for years and I have probably read the book 4 or 5 times.

Is this book twisted at the end? What happened to his partner?
OK -- who is speaking at the end? The officer who went to check on the prisoner or the actual prisoner? Who is left behind bars?

peace, janz

message 15: by Dawn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dawn (dawnella77) | 90 comments I thoroughly enjoyed the book and glad it was selected. I gave it 5 stars. Review: (view spoiler)

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