The Librarian's Husband's Book Club discussion

Monday Question of the Week > QOTW - July 1

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message 1: by John (new)

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
It's time to celebrate our favorite June reads! Tell us about the book that captivated you the most this past month.

message 2: by Michael (new)

Michael J. (michaeljclarke) | 123 comments While it's not even close to a book that I would nominate for the list of 2024's best - - this was the best book I read during June so it wins by default . . . .

message 3: by Devon (new)

Devon (dgivi13) | 45 comments Broken Bayou which was a debut book free on Amazon Reads First. I really enjoyed the author and am excited to see what more she can do. Also, The Bridge to Terabithia is a nostalgic favorite ive never before read but bad seen the movie. The book was just as good and i learned was loosely inspired but true events which 🤯. What were your best June reads, @John?

message 4: by Vickie (new)

Vickie (bookfan4ever) | 66 comments Duma Key by King

message 5: by Squire (new)

Squire (srboone) | 56 comments On the Shoulders of Giants: The Milan Lectures by Umberto Eco. A compilation of essay/lectures delivered at the Milianese Festival of Culture from 2001-2009 by the author of The Name of the Rose.

message 6: by Maureen (new)

Maureen (maureencean) | 11 comments Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok, had owned it for years, didn't have super high expectations but highly recommend it. The depiction of life in sweatshops for recent Chinese immigrants was shocking.

message 7: by Maureen (new)

Maureen (maureencean) | 11 comments Vickie wrote: "Duma Key by King"

Possibly my favorite King, not counting the beginning with the dog!

message 8: by Nicole (new)

Nicole (Nerdish.Maddog) (nerdishmaddog) | 63 comments Favorite for June is probably The Spellshop it was light, cozy fantasy that made me smile.

message 9: by Julie (new)

Julie Grindal (julesgrin) | 45 comments During June I read 2 great books. The Puzzle Master by Danielle Trussoni and The Tattooist of Auschwitz. I realize The Puzzle Master isn’t highly rated but it pulled me in and I thought it was a very engrossing story. The Tattooist of Auschwitz, well it was a tragic love story that was so wonderful!

message 10: by Emms (new)

Emms | 8 comments The Girl in 6E by A.R. Torre

Not necessarily the best book in June, but definitely the one I enjoyed the most.

message 11: by John (new)

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Devon wrote: "Broken Bayou which was a debut book free on Amazon Reads First. I really enjoyed the author and am excited to see what more she can do. Also, The Bridge to Terabithia is a nostalgic favorite ive ne..."

My favorite was The Stardust Grail by Yume Kitasei. The Galaxy's greatest art thief turned grad student holds the fate of two worlds in her hands...

message 12: by Erica (new)

Erica (bookgirl4ever84) | 26 comments Boston Girl by Anita Diamant was a really good look back into how the 1900’s shaped out for people back then.

message 13: by Greta (new)

Greta Samuelson | 72 comments The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

I highly recommend it!

message 14: by Michael (last edited Jul 04, 2024 07:09AM) (new)

Michael J. (michaeljclarke) | 123 comments Julie wrote: "During June I read 2 great books. The Puzzle Master by Danielle Trussoni and The Tattooist of Auschwitz. I realize The Puzzle Master isn’t highly rated but it pulled me in and I thought it was a ve..."
@julie: She has a new one coming out in September or October - - The Puzzle Box. I'm reading an arc of it now, and I think it's even better than The Puzzle Master - which I also enjoyed.

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