Cozy Corners BookClub discussion

Group Read Suggestion Box > August Suggestion Box

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That Girl Amnesia (Tahlia) (thatgirlnamedamnesia) | 75 comments Mod
Hey Everyone,

Suggestion Box for our August group read is now OPEN!

This month our theme is...
A Land Far Far Away

This month, suggestions are open for any book that is set in another world/land. It can be any genre as long as the setting doesn't exist in the real world (Even if we wish it did). This can include towns/cities that don't exist but are based on real towns.

The rules are the same as always...
- The book fits the theme of the month
- The book has chapters and is at least 100 pages long
- It is available in all formats (physical, ebook, audiobook)

Comment below you book suggestions, you may list up to 3 different books for diversity. They can be any book as long as they fit the criteria above. You have until the 23rd/24th of each month to make your suggestions, before two are randomly selected and posted in a poll. Our winning title will be announced on the last day of each month.

You may vote for a book that has already been suggested, each vote a single title gets gives it more chances of being picked by the random wheel.

There is no pressure, if you don’t vibe with whatever we pick, that’s absolutely fine! Our future book club reads might be more up your alley so stay tuned for the first of every month where the suggestion box for group reads will go live.

Happy Suggesting!

message 2: by Grace (new)

Grace | 9 comments Love this theme! My suggestions are...
- Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber
- The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo
- Dance of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson

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