Camp Half-Blood | Active Roleplay discussion

⚝ Character Archives > XieXie’s Characters

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message 1: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod

message 2: by jenna ⭐ (last edited Jul 07, 2024 03:40PM) (new)

jenna ⭐ (sungkew) | 77 comments


message 3: by jenna ⭐ (last edited Jul 07, 2024 03:40PM) (new)

jenna ⭐ (sungkew) | 77 comments

more space

message 4: by jenna ⭐ (new)

jenna ⭐ (sungkew) | 77 comments
fc consideration

message 5: by ʀᴇᴅ (new)

ʀᴇᴅ (urfavoritecolor) | 33 comments why does it smell in here

message 6: by ʀᴇᴅ (new)

ʀᴇᴅ (urfavoritecolor) | 33 comments jenna ⭐ wrote: "
fc consideration"

nice background color

message 7: by jenna ⭐ (new)

jenna ⭐ (sungkew) | 77 comments itd be better if it was orange

message 8: by rory [i’ll meet you for coffee], Goddess of the Aesthetics (new)

rory [i’ll meet you for coffee] (childofchappell) | 605 comments Mod

what shade?
(view spoiler)

message 9: by jenna ⭐ (new)

jenna ⭐ (sungkew) | 77 comments omg love it

message 10: by rory [i’ll meet you for coffee], Goddess of the Aesthetics (new)

rory [i’ll meet you for coffee] (childofchappell) | 605 comments Mod

i totally just busted in here ignore me 😂

message 11: by jenna ⭐ (new)

jenna ⭐ (sungkew) | 77 comments torn between kitty chicha and bailey bass for shailene

message 12: by jenna ⭐ (new)

jenna ⭐ (sungkew) | 77 comments Rory wrote: "i totally just busted in here ignore me 😂"

also all good haha

message 13: by ʀᴇᴅ (new)

ʀᴇᴅ (urfavoritecolor) | 33 comments jenna ⭐ wrote: "torn between kitty chicha and bailey bass for shailene"

who asked (view spoiler)

message 14: by jenna ⭐ (new)

jenna ⭐ (sungkew) | 77 comments (view spoiler)

message 15: by jenna ⭐ (new)

jenna ⭐ (sungkew) | 77 comments good thing i can make my own gifs lmao

message 16: by ʀᴇᴅ (new)

ʀᴇᴅ (urfavoritecolor) | 33 comments wow what a template 🤩🤩🤩

message 17: by jenna ⭐ (new)

jenna ⭐ (sungkew) | 77 comments <3 <3 <3

message 18: by jenna ⭐ (new)

jenna ⭐ (sungkew) | 77 comments

message 19: by jenna ⭐ (new)

jenna ⭐ (sungkew) | 77 comments oh damn it went pixly as hell

message 20: by jenna ⭐ (new)

message 21: by jenna ⭐ (new)

jenna ⭐ (sungkew) | 77 comments idk why gr isn't letting me post that as a pic

message 22: by rory [i’ll meet you for coffee], Goddess of the Aesthetics (new)

rory [i’ll meet you for coffee] (childofchappell) | 605 comments Mod
i think you can answer that question with what you typed
it's gr

message 23: by cosmic (new)

cosmic (erosful) | 35 comments

is it cause it's a pnj

message 24: by jenna ⭐ (new)

jenna ⭐ (sungkew) | 77 comments cosmic wrote: "
is it cause it's a pnj

probably. idk why it is tho cuz it's hosted on tumblr. smh.

rory's prob right: it is gr 🙄

message 25: by jenna ⭐ (new)

jenna ⭐ (sungkew) | 77 comments haha this group is so fun

message 26: by rory [i’ll meet you for coffee], Goddess of the Aesthetics (new)

rory [i’ll meet you for coffee] (childofchappell) | 605 comments Mod
😭😭 i am so sorry i know seeing all that can be a lot

message 27: by jenna ⭐ (new)

jenna ⭐ (sungkew) | 77 comments LMFAOOO nah, it's just this whole group is insane

message 28: by devo (new)

devo (yourdevotion) | 35 comments wait how do i get one of these

message 29: by jenna ⭐ (new)

jenna ⭐ (sungkew) | 77 comments you don't. they only make it for cool members.

message 30: by jenna ⭐ (new)

jenna ⭐ (sungkew) | 77 comments and i hate to break it to you buddy, but you just aint that cool

message 31: by devo (new)

devo (yourdevotion) | 35 comments

message 32: by rory [i’ll meet you for coffee], Goddess of the Aesthetics (new)

rory [i’ll meet you for coffee] (childofchappell) | 605 comments Mod

message 33: by devo (new)

devo (yourdevotion) | 35 comments and why is it xiexie thats not ur name

message 34: by jenna ⭐ (new)

jenna ⭐ (sungkew) | 77 comments u dont know that

message 35: by devo (new)

devo (yourdevotion) | 35 comments

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