Oprah's Book Club (Official) discussion

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Lucinda Skeats Miller (lucindaskeatsmiller) | 1 comments I’m new to Goodreads and would love to make some friends! Im Australian and read everything! Parenting, romance, mystery, fantasy, chick lit, self help, spiritual, adult fiction! Please add me 🩷

message 2: by Dr. Norma M. (new)

Dr. Norma M. Visagie | 1 comments Welcome to the family, Lucinda

message 3: by Esther (last edited Jul 12, 2024 12:07AM) (new)

Esther Smith | 5 comments Hello,
Welcome to Goodreads! It’s great to see your enthusiasm for connecting with fellow book lovers. As an Australian reader with diverse interests, you’re in for a treat.

Since you mentioned chick lit, here are some fantastic Australian chick lit authors you might enjoy:

Georgina Penney: Her books like “Unforgettable You” and “Irrepressible You” offer delightful romance and humor.
Lily Malone: Check out “Fairway to Heaven” for a mix of romance and golf.
Sarah Belle: Her novel “Hindsight” combines mystery and romance.
Sandra Antonelli: “A Basic Renovation” is a charming read.
Ainslie Paton: Both “Grease Monkey Jive” and “Floored” are worth exploring.
Feel free to explore these authors and their works on Goodreads! And don’t hesitate to connect with other readers—making friends through shared book interests is one of the best parts of this platform. Happy reading.

If you have any other book-related requests or need assistance, feel free to ask. https://www-mypascoconnect.com
Best Regards

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