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General Fiction > New Release

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message 1: by Mark (new)

Mark Goldstein | 16 comments My latest novel titled The Miracle Mile has just been published. Here is a short description:

Parker's life is confined to a tiny, noisy apartment in City Centre's bustling gay neighborhood. Trapped in a monotonous job with scheming bosses, his living conditions mirror his daily constraints. A chance for suburban tranquility emerges, but moving threatens his relationship with his partner Francis. Suburban life brings new challenges: a homophobic neighbor, oppressive bureaucracy, and cultural barriers. The daunting municipal center, known as The Miracle Mile, symbolizes these struggles. In this surreal, darkly comedic novel, Parker's quest for peace amidst existential angst and tangled red tape unfolds, questioning the true meaning of happiness and freedom.

There is a current .99 coupon on Smashwords. Thanks for taking a look.

message 2: by James (new)

James Landsaw | 16 comments Hi all! I’ve just published my first book, and it would mean a lot to me if you checked it out, shared it with everyone and if possible, leave a positive review. I’m so excited about my book and hope you folks enjoy it too. The first of many to come!

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