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Contemporary romance > FUNNY STORY

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message 1: by Iva (new)

Iva | 13 comments I need some convincing to read itt, so tell me maybe why did you like it and what was you favourite part?

message 2: by Patience (new)

Patience | 1 comments I’ve been in a reading slump for like 4 years and this was the first book that got me hooked since then! I did the audiobook on Spotify and I thought the narrator did really good, it was my first audiobook too. I thought the main character was very realistic and relatable and the forced proximity trope was done very well! It wasn’t instant love or slow burn but a good in between that I really liked! Also the mmc love interest was soooo good 🫶🏽

message 3: by TKZ (new)

TKZ | 9 comments For me it seems to be flowing well. Not too many ups and downs and it made me laugh at times. Like serious lol.

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