Oprah's Book Club (Official) discussion

Oprah's Book Club Selections > Book Recommend

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message 1: by Demet Aysin (new)

Demet Aysin (demetaysin) | 11 comments I'm looking for book recommendations. If there is a book that you love and cannot put down, I would be happy if you comment this mention. Thanks in advance :)

message 3: by Morris (new)

Morris Rainville | 12 comments Hi Demet,
I would strongly recommend "Beyond the Death of Ira Nesbitt" by Dorothy E Rainville.

message 4: by Demet Aysin (new)

Demet Aysin (demetaysin) | 11 comments Thank u guys :)

message 5: by Pj (new)

Pj Jones | 1 comments Lessons in Chemistry was my favorite book of last year. Loved it.

message 6: by Joan (new)

Joan | 20 comments Horse by Geraldine Brooks was exceptionally good.

message 7: by Demet Aysin (new)

Demet Aysin (demetaysin) | 11 comments Thanks :)

message 8: by Emily (new)

Emily Lyons (emilylyoness) | 6 comments The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides

Meekilovesbooks  | 32 comments The Favorite Girl By Monica Arya.

message 10: by Demet Aysin (new)

Demet Aysin (demetaysin) | 11 comments Thank u guys :)

message 11: by Maviael (new)

Maviael Ximenes | 1 comments I've found an unforgettable book recently at the library, and as far as I've read the book seems to have no comparison to another one. I strongly recommend: EAT, PRAY, LOVE by Elizabeth Gilbert. I bet you'll be captivated by this book journey as you never thought before.

message 12: by Brian (new)

Brian Green | 1 comments Never Give Up One Day at a Time

anxiety, depression, addiction, never giving up!!!

message 13: by Esther (last edited Jul 17, 2024 10:31PM) (new)

Esther Smith | 5 comments Thanks for the info I will try to figure it out for more

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