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Dark romance loverz > FIRST POST!!!

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message 1: by kenziee ♡︎ (new)

kenziee ♡︎ | 4 comments GIVE THE PEOPLE /me honey bunches 😉/


spicy 5/5 with an innocent cover…. IS VERY HELPFUL!!!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Tiffany 🐝✨ | 155 comments - the dare by Harley Laroux
- den of vipers by K.A Knight
- the alliance series by sj tilly
- new york ruthless, la ruthless, chicago ruthless (all by Sadie Kincaid)
- Devils Night Series by Penelope Douglas
- madison kate series by tate James

message 3: by Kim (new)

Kim | 24 comments BJ Alpha

Lexxi James

message 4: by ESME (new)

ESME RALDA | 6 comments Try Blood to Dust by L.J. Shen and Royal Elite series by Rina Kent.

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