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Hey does anyone wanna buddy read with me?

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🎀 Erin 🎀 | 17 comments I can read anything on my TBR just let me know!

lilly ♡ (kai azer's version) | 73 comments hey i would do a buddy read

🎀 Erin 🎀 | 17 comments Alright what books do you have I can see what I have as well!

lilly ♡ (kai azer's version) | 73 comments we both have caraval series, love & other words, better than the movies, seven year slip, the fury which i could get from my library if you wanted to do one of those <3

&#x1f380; Erin &#x1f380; | 17 comments Alrighty I also have the dead romantics, a thousand boy kisses, night shift and if only I had told her, if you want to do one of those?

lilly ♡ (kai azer's version) | 73 comments we can do the dead romantics ! do you have your copy ? if your ok with doing that one it will take a few days for me to get it from my library cause i have to place a hold

&#x1f380; Erin &#x1f380; | 17 comments Oh yeah for sure sounds amazing! I have my copy so just let me know when you get yours! <3

message 9: by isabelle (new)

isabelle  | 6 comments I WOULD LOVE TO!!!

&#x1f380; Erin &#x1f380; | 17 comments OMG OK! So Iily and I are going to be reading The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston if you wanna hop on with us?

message 11: by Farah (new)

Farah Higuera | 10 comments I would love to do a buddy read! Just add me 🫶🏼

&#x1f380; Erin &#x1f380; | 17 comments I just sent a request! Anddd lily and I are going to read the dead romantics by Ashley Poston if you would like to join us? :)

message 13: by Farah (new)

Farah Higuera | 10 comments I think I will sit out on that one!☺️ I don’t find much appeal to it but once you guys read that one we can come up with something that would satisfy us all!⭐️

message 14: by Farah (new)

Farah Higuera | 10 comments You are also welcome to look in my tbr and read list to get a vibe as to what I read! I’d also like to mention I don’t enjoy porn filled books. I don’t mind a sex scene or two but I don’t enjoy reading very graphic novels as I find it simply stupid💗

&#x1f380; Erin &#x1f380; | 17 comments Alright I will do! 😊

message 16: by Farah (new)

Farah Higuera | 10 comments Awesome! Dm what you think

&#x1f380; Erin &#x1f380; | 17 comments Just did it!

message 18: by Farah (new)

Farah Higuera | 10 comments Awesome!💗🫶🏼

lilly ♡ (kai azer's version) | 73 comments hey, i have my copy now

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