The Librarian's Husband's Book Club discussion

Monday Question of the Week > QOTW - July 8

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message 1: by John (new)

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
What's the longest you've kept up a daily reading habit? If you read on a Kindle it keeps track. Let's celebrate those impressive reading streaks!

message 2: by Squire (new)

Squire (srboone) | 56 comments It took me 37 days to read War & Peace in 2010. My last read-thru of Stephen King's 8-book Dark Tower cycle took 42 days (half of which was spent on Wizard and Glass, my least favorite of the books).

through those, I kept up a 3-8 hr/day schedule.

I try to read at least one hour a day, tho.

Theresa (mysteries.and.mayhem) (mysteriesandmayhem) | 134 comments Oooh. I don't track my streaks on my own, so I'm not sure how long my streaks go including traditional bound books. But according to Kindle, my longest streak for reading ebooks alone would be 42 days between July 8 and August 18, 2022. :)

message 4: by Devon (new)

Devon (dgivi13) | 45 comments Good question .. right now my current week streak on kindle is 33 weeks. My best streak yet.

message 5: by Dawn (new)

Dawn (dawnella77) | 90 comments 120 weeks and 20 days straight

message 6: by Tiffany (new)

Tiffany (herbtiff) | 66 comments My longest streak was 811 days. I lost it June 14 of this year on a vacation. I was so bummed. I'm at 37 days, 210 weeks.

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