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Book and Author of the Month > August 2024 READER Nominations

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message 1: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
This thread is for nominations for READER category for August 2024.

READER books need to be
* currently in print in either hardback or paperback (or both). Requiring a special order from a store or website counts, but not if the book is only available used.
* currently available in multiple ebook formats, from multiple vendors
* Space Opera, which means a spaceship has to be involved in the story somewhere.
* If it is part of a series, it needs to be suitable to being read without having read other books in the series.
* Please no blatantly erotic books, as some of our members are not full adults yet.

* you may nominate one book on this thread.
* you may second as many nominations as you like on this thread.
* it is okay to nominate the same book on more than one nomination thread, as long as it meets the criteria
* books we already have on our bookshelf will be disqualified if they were added less than two years ago
* If a book you nominate or second is selected, you are expected to post at least one comment about it on the thread about the book.
* On the 22nd I will draw a book randomly, with each second being one raffle ticket for the book. That is, a book with three seconds (so four of us want it) will get three chances in the pool.

It is likely helpful if you know something about a book that has been nominated if you mention it in this thread, whether it is for or against the book.

message 2: by John (new)

John R | 118 comments I'd like to nominate Shards of Earth by Adrian Tchaikovsky.

"From the author of the thrilling science-fiction epic Children of Time, winner of the prestigious Arthur C. Clarke Award. Shards of Earth is the first high-octane, far-future space adventure in Adrian Tchaikovsky' Final Architecture trilogy.

The war is over.

Its heroes forgotten.

Until one chance discovery . . .

Idris has neither aged nor slept since they remade his mind in the war. And one of humanity’s heroes now scrapes by on a freelance salvage vessel, to avoid the attention of greater powers.

Eighty years ago, Earth was destroyed by an alien enemy. Many escaped, but millions more died. So mankind created enhanced humans ­such as Idris – who could communicate mind-to-mind with our aggressors. Then these ‘Architects’ simply disappeared and Idris and his kind became obsolete.

Now, Idris and his crew have something strange, abandoned in space. It’s clearly the work of the Architects – but are they really returning? And if so, why? Hunted by gangsters, cults and governments, Idris and his crew race across the galaxy as they search for answers. For they now possess something of incalculable value, and many would kill to obtain it."

message 3: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
We discussed Shards of Earth in March 2022, but since that is more than two years ago it is allowed.

message 4: by John (last edited Jul 14, 2024 03:35PM) (new)

John R | 118 comments Thanks Teresa - I'd forgotten to check that before submitting my nomination.

message 5: by Audrey (new)

Audrey | 439 comments I second Shards of Earth.

message 6: by Caitlin (new)

Caitlin | 95 comments I nominate To Be Taught, If Fortunate by Becky Chambers, as long as we haven’t read it in the past two years. Apologies as I’m on the GR app right now and cannot check the “read” shelf.

message 7: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
While we have discussed the first two books by Becky Chambers, I’m not finding To Be Taught, If Fortunate by Becky Chambers on our bookshelf.

message 8: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
Summary so far:
Shards of Earth by Adrian Tchaikovsky. Nominated by John. Seconded by Audrey.
To Be Taught, If Fortunate by Becky Chambers. Nominated by Caitlin. Awaiting seconds.

message 9: by Jemima (new)

Jemima Pett | 166 comments I’ll secon To Be Taught.

message 10: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
Nominations are now closed. I count one second for each of two books. Time to flip a coin.

message 11: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
Tails says our pick is To Be Taught, If Fortunate by Becky Chambers.

Those who wanted Shards are welcome to nominate it next month, or just your comments to the old thread. I’ll dig that up in a moment.

message 12: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
Here’s the old thread for Shards:

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