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Open Discussions > Lynn Painter YA/NA books

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message 1: by Silje Sand (new)

Silje Sand | 2 comments Hey💫
I have been wondering the Spice level on Lynn Painters adult books. Are they much more spicy than her Ya? And if so are they worsd than, for example, Abby Jimenez’ books?

message 2: by Cassie (new)

Cassie | 40 comments Hi! Painter's adult books are MUCH spicier than her YA books. I honestly am not a big fan of her spicy scenes as I feel they aren't written well, but that's just my opinion. I haven't read Abby Jimenez (but plan to, don't worry, people!!) so I can't compare the two, sorry!

message 3: by Teo (new)

Teo | 10 comments Hi! I love Lynn's YA books with my whole heart. Better than the movies and Betting on you are my comfort reads. I read my first adult book from her a few months ago because I thought that the premise for Happily Never After was very interesting. However, I did not enjoy it. Her adult books are just not for me. There were so many unnecessary scenes. 😭

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