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1x1 > Coco x Arbaz

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message 2: by Arbaz (new)

Arbaz ..FREE PALESTINE.. (arbaz04khan) | 58 comments Hi there

message 3: by Arbaz (new)

Arbaz ..FREE PALESTINE.. (arbaz04khan) | 58 comments Please put a little more detail to your idea. I have some thoughts I'll add them and we can get started.

message 4: by Coco ( free Falestine) (last edited Jul 17, 2024 01:42AM) (new)

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments Sure, So i was thinking medivel times, not sure if magic should be added or not? There were two kingdoms with the closest of bonds, Always helping each other out, they were close trade partners and just close kingdoms, gradually , things changed, from border skirmishes for supplies to full out raids. An assassin has been tasked with gathering intel on the kingdom, finding weak points, cracks, easy routes to the castle as well as killing a couple of nobels. While crossing the border they were caught by a warrior from the opposing kingdom. The warrior just finished a succesfull raid and cannot wait to bring in their loot to their king, when suddenly an assassin comes out of no where, perhaps the king would be happen with all the treasure and an assassin or should they just be killed.

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments Hope this is ok, also do you want to be the assassin or the warrior?

message 6: by Arbaz (new)

Arbaz ..FREE PALESTINE.. (arbaz04khan) | 58 comments I'd love to play the assassin. Also, have you decided any genders, is there a romance possible?

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments I'd like to be female if possible. We could do romance if you want as long as there is no smut

message 8: by Arbaz (new)

Arbaz ..FREE PALESTINE.. (arbaz04khan) | 58 comments Yeah, I would love to have it rated as "Anyone can watch" kinda. No adult content. I'd love the play the male.

message 9: by Arbaz (new)

Arbaz ..FREE PALESTINE.. (arbaz04khan) | 58 comments Cultural background?
Arabic? Roman? Greek? European? So that we can decide the names!

message 10: by Coco ( free Falestine) (last edited Jul 17, 2024 04:15AM) (new)

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments oh i didn't even think of that, maybe Arab if that's fine with you

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments Here's a quick character template I think that we'll discover more about the characters as the story continues


Nicknames/Aliases (if any)



Personality traits





Other Facts

message 12: by Arbaz (new)

Arbaz ..FREE PALESTINE.. (arbaz04khan) | 58 comments Should I fill this out and send you, my choices for the Assassin?

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments sure, I'm just finishing up my warrior. Also if you have any additional ideas I'd love to here it.

message 14: by Arbaz (new)

Arbaz ..FREE PALESTINE.. (arbaz04khan) | 58 comments Okay just let me fire up my laptop

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments Name Talia

Nicknames/Aliases - none

Age 19

Appearance - arab, dark bushy hair, short, a scratch under on her left cheek

Personality traits - trustworthy ( she’ll keep your secret forever), loyal, protective, curious, clumsy.

Fears - silence ( When the silence comes, so do the screams of the dead)

Hopes, to one day see her family again and to stop fighting

Skills - strong, great with hand to hand combat and sword combat although prefers an axe able to ‘charm’ her way out of situations.

Family - Once had a family on the eastern shores, before being deployed as a warrior for the king, unsure if still alive. No one knows of them.

Other Facts
Don't really have other fact atm

message 16: by Arbaz (new)

Arbaz ..FREE PALESTINE.. (arbaz04khan) | 58 comments Name: Ashar

Age: 23

Appearance: Arab, average height, curly black hair touching shoulders, thick but short beard and hazel brown eyes, prefers a dark ranger outfit with a black cowl.

Personality traits: trustworthy, loyal, strong willed, calm and disciplined

Fears: Nightmares of the unknown (will discover more through the plot)

Hopes to have his memories back. Remembers mostly about his profession and ethnicity, but some fateful incident caused him to lose most of his memories.

Skills: Excellent swordsman, hand to hand combat, horseriding, strategic, stealthy and above normal mental abilities.

Other Facts
Belongs to the Kareem clan, which was annihilated during the fateful incident. Sole survivor of the clan.

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments wow that sounds interesting

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments Do you want to start the story now, or work on more details?

message 19: by Arbaz (new)

Arbaz ..FREE PALESTINE.. (arbaz04khan) | 58 comments We can start, its Asr time, I'll be back shortly!

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments no problem, btw what time zone are you in?

message 21: by Coco ( free Falestine) (last edited Jul 17, 2024 05:16AM) (new)

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments I'm in Egypt rn and asr isn't for another 1 1/2 hours

message 22: by Arbaz (new)

Arbaz ..FREE PALESTINE.. (arbaz04khan) | 58 comments I am from India

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments As I trudged through the darkness, my boots kicking up clouds of dust, I couldn't shake the image of her face from my mind. "I didn't mean to harm her," I'd told Mundir back at the raid's camp, my words lost in his laughter.

Now, as I took up my post at camp, I got night shift, I gazed out at the inky blackness. The stars twinkled scattered across the sky. Everyone else was asleep.

The air was heavy with the scent of damp earth and smoke from our fires. I felt a shiver run down my spine as I scanned our makeshift campsite. The silence was oppressive, punctuated only by the occasional hoot of an owl or distant howl of a wolf.

I knew I'd have to wake someone up soon dawn was approaching . But for now, I just stood there, lost in thought. I didn't even know the otherrs names tomorrow i'd have to ask.

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments ( does this sound ok? wasn't really sure what to start on)

message 25: by Arbaz (new)

Arbaz ..FREE PALESTINE.. (arbaz04khan) | 58 comments It had been a difficult night, the assignment had not been an easy one. Sifra had tipped me that the target would be unconcious by the time I reached, the fool had only been asleep. He had managed to stab me in the left shoulder, it hurt. The wound wasn't deep, but it could have been if I had not wiped his hand off his body right from the shoulder. I could still hear his scream as he fell back, the arm and his blade still hanging at my shoulder.

I had been chased for roughly a mile before I lost tail. I was finally at the forest, and I had a feeling, I wasn't alone.

message 26: by Coco ( free Falestine) (last edited Jul 17, 2024 06:05AM) (new)

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments I thought I heard something in the bush, just out of my vision. Perhaps I'm just tired, although a distinct crack of someone walking on a branch revealed there was someone. "who goes there" I say treading closer sword drawn.

message 27: by Arbaz (new)

Arbaz ..FREE PALESTINE.. (arbaz04khan) | 58 comments How in the world could it be? Me? How can someone sense me in my domain? You better be a mind reader or have super ears if that is the case.

My hand on my sword and breathing quite as the night, I moved ahead. The voice that had called was definitely a female, I wanted her to leave thinking of me as a wild animal prowling in the dark, but something inside me wanted to see her. To know how could she tell someone was out there, so easily.

Moving my hand away from my sword and quickly hiding it on my back I decided to play a role.

"Just an injured crafstman," I said, moving out of the bushes and into the campsite.

message 28: by Coco ( free Falestine) (last edited Jul 17, 2024 06:35AM) (new)

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments I lower my sword, wondering why would a craftsman be out alone in the forest, so near the border of two warring kingdoms. He steps into the light hazel eyes gleaming. He's injured should I let him into camp or is he something to fear? Follow me, we have medical supplies and food this way, i gesture towards camp. Keeping a hand on my sword I eye him walking beside me, he walks with an unfamiliar grace as though used to keeping quite. We reach camp handing him some cloth and water and the medical supplies, I begin guestioning him.
"Why would a craftman be so far from society? and how did you sustain such an injury?" What exactly is your craft? I do not mean to be rude in my questions but this is an unsafe part of the kingdom.

message 29: by Arbaz (new)

Arbaz ..FREE PALESTINE.. (arbaz04khan) | 58 comments They were good people. I knew it in an instant. Defensive, surely but good. No one in their right mind would allow a stranger at that hour in a camp. They were too good to suspect too much.

"I was delivering an order, I am a swordsmith. This is my usual route, some thieves tried to get hold of the sword, managed to get me in the shoulder. Some stranger helped me and then just disappeared through the night."

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments something about his story seems off, since the nearest village is miles off, unless he was from the other kingdom. but no it couldn't be he's really near the border, perhaps the theifs chased him far. "come with us" I offer."we're just heading back to report to the king about events happening near here. "

the others wake up as the morning sun gets brighter, Mundir treads over and listens to the swordsmiths tale

"where do you reside in, we'd escort you to you home." Mundir insists not leaving much room for argument.

message 31: by Arbaz (new)

Arbaz ..FREE PALESTINE.. (arbaz04khan) | 58 comments The king! The hairs on the back of my neck stand. This could lead to thorough search of mt background.
"I'll be fine, just help me with the wound and I'll be off. I use this path everyday and I'll be home in no time!"

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments "of course you may heal yourself, but as a swordsmith for the kingdom it is our honor to help you get back home. Especially if your journey is short" I challenge, something seems off about this swordsmith, why would he refuse help, all the others that I have previously met have been nothing short of boastful taking any chance to talk about their success to another, something isn't adding up. "those dreadful thieves that have dealt you such a blow might still be about it'd be much safer with company, would it not?" myself along with two others were than selected to accompany him. May I ask, what is your names, as it seems we'll be travelling together for a bit the other two introduce themselves, I than introduce myself as Talia. "what is your name swordsmith? as it is odd to just refer to you as your job."

message 33: by Arbaz (new)

Arbaz ..FREE PALESTINE.. (arbaz04khan) | 58 comments This was getting worse. I couldn't just let them escort me, but there looked no option. I had to brush them off on my way. The food and the little rest had reinforced some strength, I could slip away on the way.

"That's most considerate of you, my name is Zidran," one of my many names, I said in my head.

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments We've been traveling on horse for a bit Zidran leading the way, with many twists and turns it became apparent he was either trying to lose us or was completely lost. "Does Zidran seem a bit lost to you" I ask the other two warriors. "not sure, this part is confusing" "We've taken so many turns I'm not sure where we are" were their replies. "Alright then,I'll try to find out where we're going".

So, I do wonder where we are going, but I'm more curious about why you would lie to a bunch of warriors? Zidran,if that's even your real name. I think it'd be in your best interests to tell the truth

message 35: by Arbaz (new)

Arbaz ..FREE PALESTINE.. (arbaz04khan) | 58 comments ((Your last dialogue, is it to Ashar or are you thinking? I don't see inverted commas to make the difference!))

message 36: by Coco ( free Falestine) (last edited Jul 20, 2024 08:38AM) (new)

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments (( my bad it's to Ashar ))

message 37: by Arbaz (new)

Arbaz ..FREE PALESTINE.. (arbaz04khan) | 58 comments That was my cue, I had enough smoke burner to escape the scene. I jumped off the horse before they could react and fired the smoke burner at the same time. I started in the direction we had come from, the last place they'd expect me to go.

((Talia knows how to get through a smoke burner, catch Ashar))

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments I jump off the horse chasing after him avoiding the smoke burner I quickly catch up, grabbing his injured shoulder, stopping him. "Hard to run when you're injured, assassin."

message 39: by Arbaz (last edited Jul 23, 2024 02:32AM) (new)

Arbaz ..FREE PALESTINE.. (arbaz04khan) | 58 comments "Crap," I yelled as her fingers dug into my shoulder, the pain in the muscles screaming in my head. My hand moved to my sword and before I could wipe her wrist off my shoulder, she had taken the hint and was ready in her defense. I was outnumbered and surrounded and my last smoke burner had just failed. I sighed sheathing my sword!

message 40: by Coco ( free Falestine) (last edited Jul 23, 2024 07:21AM) (new)

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments How were we to deal with an assassin. The king would be very pleased and offer a high reward, but we're unprepared to take prisoners.All that we have are horses carrying loot from the raid. It'd be very easy for an assassin to escape and maybe kill us all. We'd probably hold a vote, the majority would want him dead. No I couldn't let that happen. The other option would be to let him escape, killing countless more lives. My decision was made.

We drag him back to the camp, some of the warriors keeping an eye on him while the rest are voting. " If we bring him in alive we will get a huge reward from the king" I say " are we not strong warriors, it's a whole group of us watching one assassin" the arguments ensue, many saying to just kill him. A warrior with her hair in a tight braid says " We shall keep him alive for now, he will be Talia's charge if anything happens it will be her who is held accountable" "than it should also be me who gets most of the reward" I announce ending the discussion.

message 41: by Arbaz (new)

Arbaz ..FREE PALESTINE.. (arbaz04khan) | 58 comments They had my hands tied and one of them was leading me with the leash. It was pathetic, how did I end up here? The one who had initially spotted me in the forest was probably Talia, that's what they were calling her. She looked beautiful, God what am I thinking. My life was on the line, but I couldn't deny the ease I was feeling. I was right, these were good people. Whatever was coming, wasn't that bad.

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments Walking beside the assassin I felt at ease which was odd condsidering that if anything happened I would be blamed. "The castle is not too far now, you'll be able to get proper medical attention there" I pause " Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you didn't have your job?" why'd I even ask such a question, he's a prisoner it was no business of mine " never mind, you don't have to answer that". we continue walking in silence.

message 43: by Arbaz (new)

Arbaz ..FREE PALESTINE.. (arbaz04khan) | 58 comments What was that? No one had ever asked me that before! I had vague memories of my family members, their faces were never really clear, smoke and dust. But these words that actually just meant me, were long lost. Why had she asked me that? I had to take a leap of faith.

"I wanted to be a sailor, and trade on the seas, I never wished for this life!" all eyes turned to me as I finished.

message 44: by Coco ( free Falestine) (last edited Jul 24, 2024 11:44PM) (new)

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments " I wonder what caused the two kingdoms to turn against each other, There are many who wouldn't have chosen their paths if they had the option" shut up someone says this could be called treason you'd lose your head. "but it's true" I mutter.

we travel for a while longer the forest giving way to farms which turns into the outskirts of the waterwheel city. there's a way for zidran to live to escape. maybe I can't leave my job but he could leave his, he wanted to be a sailor. "listen, if you want to escape, once you enter the castle you'd be handed to a gaurd, than eventually taken to the king. the gaurd taking you to the prison has keys to leave the castle and lots of coin on her don't kill anyone and you'll be free, your kingdom will think you dead and this one wouldn't even know who you are" I whisper

message 45: by Arbaz (new)

Arbaz ..FREE PALESTINE.. (arbaz04khan) | 58 comments I smiled at her innocence. Good people are often foolish. That makes me wonder if I am one. A good person. I looked at her face, it was faintly visible in the moonlight, she was enchanting.

"I do not wish to do any of that," I said quietly, she looked puzzled. I had stopped walking. Everyone halted as I would not move.

"If I may suggest, why don't we move back to your camp, if you don't like what I say, you can turn me in. You don't need to untie me, you can bind me better at the camp if you wish!" From the looks on their faces, they were considering it, seriously!

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments The others were considering it, I mean it was a good plan but what happened to the 'if anything happens it's your fault'." what do you have to say?" My curiosity getting the better of me. " If we aren't at the castle it may be taken the wrong way by the wrong people". He looked so handsome outlined by the faint light, no I can't think that, he's supposed to be the enemy.

message 47: by Arbaz (new)

Arbaz ..FREE PALESTINE.. (arbaz04khan) | 58 comments "Um, do we have a unanimous decision," everyone exchanged looks, "majority will do just fine!"

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments I glanced around most were noding there heads, it seemed as if the majority wanted to see where this would lead. There's too many ways this could go wrong. It would be much safer to hand him over to the king. "majority vote rules, it seems we're heading back to camp" someone calls out. I wonder where this would lead. He has nearly everyone under his command, hanging on to every word he says.

Coco ( free Falestine)  | 44 comments (( Idk if this was any good ))

message 50: by Arbaz (new)

Arbaz ..FREE PALESTINE.. (arbaz04khan) | 58 comments "That settles it," I said sighing with relief, everyone was already turning to leave. "For your information, I am Zidran Kareem, you must have heard that name!" This was too much information at once. Having an assasin was something, having the Zidran Kareem was something else. I am not bragging, I am that notorious!

((Of course you have heard the name, but as I said in my intro, the Kareem family had a incident. You can poke about it later! But you don't know a lot, you are free to add anything to the family history though!))

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