hot girls read books discussion

Summer 2024 Essentials > Summer book rec✨

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paola_likes_to_read | 152 comments Hi girls, I’m on a reading slump, I’m looking for a super addictive book with less than 400 pages. I love a good mistery. I’m not really into romance, but I kinda want to read a high school/ college romance (it’s okay if it includes 🌶️)
Please don’t suggest any CoHo books. I already try those and they are not my cup of tea.

Check out my social media if you want:
Ig: paola.esta.leyendo

message 2: by Hannah (new)

Hannah Burge | 7 comments Any Lynn Painter books! The Do-Over, Better Than the Movies, and Betting on you are all high school romance

message 3: by Livi (last edited Jul 18, 2024 04:33PM) (new)

Livi | 25 comments The Naturals series as well as the Inheritance Games series by Jennifer Lynn Barnes are both really good addictive mystery books with a little bit of romance:)

message 4: by soph (new)

soph | 7 comments I've heard Binding 13 by Chloe Walsh is super good!

paola_likes_to_read | 152 comments Thanks girls

message 6: by Livi (new)

Livi | 25 comments No problem I hope you enjoy them!

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