A Good Thriller discussion

General > Something A Little More Serious

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message 1: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
I know we have our Chat Chatter thread to discuss things in general, but sometimes some of us might have more serious issues to share. Where we seek comfort from our friends here in times of need. It was brought to my attention that having a separate thread for this reason would be a good idea and I'm inclined to agree. Talking about the loss of a loved one, an illness, whatever it may be seems inappropriate in a lighthearted thread like Chat Chatter so here is where we can share those difficult moments that happens to all of us.

Sandysbookaday  (sandyj21) | 5647 comments Great idea Janet! 8:D

message 3: by Patricia (new)

Patricia | 1478 comments Sounds good Janet. A place where comments of support can be more appropriately addressed.

message 4: by DianeAlice (new)

DianeAlice | 171 comments I think that's a great idea. A place where people can share in more depth if they wish the tougher side of life.

message 5: by Tracy (new)

Tracy Quarrell | 373 comments That is kind Janet ;-)

message 6: by Diane S ☔ (new)

Diane S ☔ | 2612 comments I agree, I don't like taking over an established thread for more serious things. I have now been in the hospital for twenty days. An asthma acerbation that they cannot seem to reverse nor controlled. Am on oxygen and steroids, while they try to come up, with something that will push the steroids back into working mode. So, I am now in a holding pattern.

message 7: by Perri (new)

Perri | 11 comments Diane S. wrote: "I agree, I don't like taking over an established thread for more serious things. I have now been in the hospital for twenty days. An asthma acerbation that they cannot seem to reverse nor controlle..."

How frustrating that can't figure it out! Well, at least you have your GB friends and support to keep you company. Sending thoughts and prayers your way!

message 8: by Joni (new)

Joni  | 11 comments So sorry to hear of your troubles Diane s. Hope you will be on the road to recovery soon!

message 9: by IShita (new)

IShita | 187 comments My friend's had a similar problem with migraine attacks that come and go like electric shocks. The doctors can't figure out what's wrong with her either. So I can understand how hard it can get to just wait for an answer. I'm truly sorry for that. Hope they don't take a lot of time and you'll be home with your family and loved ones soon.

Get well soon.
Ishita :)

message 10: by Patricia (new)

Patricia | 1478 comments Diane S. wrote: "I agree, I don't like taking over an established thread for more serious things. I have now been in the hospital for twenty days. An asthma acerbation that they cannot seem to reverse nor controlle..."

So sorry to hear. Take good care of yourself and hope you get to go home soon.

message 11: by Sirena (new)

Sirena | 106 comments I don't like doctors. They always want to treat the symptoms and not the cause. I try to treat everything homeopathically or with accupuncture. It works. But not everyone is open to alternative medicine.

message 12: by Gopal (new)

Gopal (gopaliyer) | 521 comments Diane S. wrote: "I agree, I don't like taking over an established thread for more serious things. I have now been in the hospital for twenty days. An asthma acerbation that they cannot seem to reverse nor controlle..."

Sending prayers your way Diane. We are all with you.. you will be back to your robust self soon...

message 13: by DianeAlice (new)

DianeAlice | 171 comments Hope you feel better soon Diane. I have a daughter with asthma and know how scary it can be. Really hope they find a way to control it for you so you can back to your home and family.

message 14: by David (new)

David Freas (quillracer) | 542 comments Cyndi wrote: "I don't like doctors. They always want to treat the symptoms and not the cause. I try to treat everything homeopathically or with accupuncture. It works. But not everyone is open to alternative..."

Actually, Cyndi, homeopathy does treat the symptoms. An example of the basis of that therapy is: if your body is running a fever it's for a reason so let's up the fever a little bit to help the body heal itself better.

Drugs and alternate therapies both have their place in the spectrum of treatments for ailments. To automatically dismiss either one as ineffective is folly.

I worked in the healthcare field as a pharmacist for almost 40 years and never dismissed alternate therapies out of hand, often suggested non-drug therapies to my patients. One of my co-workers called me the most non-drug druggist she ever knew.

message 15: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
Sounds like you were the best kind of pharmacist. :-)

message 16: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
Diane S I also hope you feel a lot better soon.

message 17: by H.N. (new)

H.N. Wake | 107 comments Diane, hope you feel better soon. Sending strong thoughts.

message 18: by H.N. (new)

H.N. Wake | 107 comments Janet wrote: "I know we have our Chat Chatter thread to discuss things in general, but sometimes some of us might have more serious issues to share. Where we seek comfort from our friends here in times of need. ..."

Thanks Janet!!

message 19: by David (new)

David Freas (quillracer) | 542 comments Janet wrote: "Sounds like you were the best kind of pharmacist. :-)"

Thanks, Janet. I tried. My main concern (unlike the corporation that paid me) was to take care of my customers, not pile money in the till.

message 20: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
Hope all your health issues are sorting as soon as possible Diane.

The group are all here to support you.

message 21: by Brenda (new)

Brenda | 3213 comments Diane S. wrote: "I agree, I don't like taking over an established thread for more serious things. I have now been in the hospital for twenty days. An asthma acerbation that they cannot seem to reverse nor controlle..."

Diane S., that's a long time to be away from home. I hope there's someone taking care of things there so you don't worry about them. Sending good thoughts your way and hoping things get better soon!!!

message 22: by Sirena (new)

Sirena | 106 comments Quillracer wrote: "Cyndi wrote: "I don't like doctors. They always want to treat the symptoms and not the cause. I try to treat everything homeopathically or with accupuncture. It works. But not everyone is open ..."

Don't get me wrong....if I get hit by a car please take me to the hospital! I have lots of friends and family members suffering from illnesses and diseases that can be treated homeopathically -- either in conjunction with modern medicine or just alone -- but refuse to do it either out of fear or ignorance or both. It's so sad to see people be in pain or not have the quality of life they deserve because they're not open-minded. As for me, I've had many doctors tell me I'm ok or they misdiagnose me and the homeopathic doctors say otherwise.

message 23: by David (new)

David Freas (quillracer) | 542 comments I agree, Cyndi.

I had a situation shortly after I graduated from college that no one seemed to be able to diagnose and treat. It took me (not a doctor) a couple years to figure out what was wrong and the way to cure it.

I firmly believe that people who refuse to seek treatment for a condition are only harming themselves.

I never automatically told my patients run to the doctor and get a drug the minute something ailed them. Why take an addictive pain reliever when a heating pad would do the trick?

message 24: by Lynn Renee (new)

Lynn Renee | 2272 comments I hope you are feeling better soon Diane S.

message 25: by Lynn Renee (new)

Lynn Renee | 2272 comments You also don't want to allow a Doctor or Doctors put you off and not take your complaints seriously. This happened to me after going to Doctors complaining of back,leg, pain and weakness. They kept blowing me off acting like I was there looking for pain medication and never running tests. They even wrote me a script for a wheelchair but refused to say I was disabled. After about five years my arms were getting weaker and becoming involved too. I got fed up, switched to another physician who immediately ran an MRI which showed a tumor inside my spinal cord. I was referred to a local Neurosurgeon who also ignored me saying he didn't think it was a tumor. A year later I went to a different Neurosurgeon in Pittsburgh. I was in the operating room within a week. I have paralysis from surgery and damage from the tumor and cysts that had formed prior to surgery. I am technically a quadriplegic but higher functioning. It could be a lot worse. The reason I'm telling this story is to show the Doctors don't always have your best interest at heart. Many do...but I seem to have found the wrong ones more than once. So if you think something isn't right and a re not being taken seriously go elsewhere.

message 26: by VickiLee (new)

VickiLee Diane S. wrote: "I agree, I don't like taking over an established thread for more serious things. I have now been in the hospital for twenty days. An asthma acerbation that they cannot seem to reverse nor controlle..."

I know how terrifying and exhausting asthma attacks can be. My only child, an adult now, suffered from terrible attacks from when she was small. She continues to deal with flare-ups and hospital visits to this day. The new steroid inhalers seem to help control her asthma better than when she was younger. I send you my best wishes for healthy and free-breathing days very soon.

message 27: by Christine (last edited Apr 12, 2015 01:51PM) (new)

Christine (clt04) | 5731 comments @Lynn, doctors are like mechanics. There are bad ones and there are excellent ones. I worked as an infectious diseases physician at Mayo Clinic for over 30 years and have seen it all. We see mainly referrals. I have seen so many patients who were not diagnosed elsewhere that were diagnosed by us, thanks to our experience in seeing the unusual (I have treated many more patients with heart valve infections than with the flu). We also have the benefit of having crack allied health teams such as the microbiology lab and the radiologists who are extremely important in helping with diagnosis and treatment. It's important to seek another opinion if you feel blown off. I am glad, Lynn, that you finally got to the right people.

message 28: by Christine (new)

Christine (clt04) | 5731 comments @Quillracer and Cyndi. I agree with your thoughts in that there is room for both tradtional medicine and alternative therapies. Even I underwent chiropractic therapy for a pinched nerve that gave me an extra 8 months before having to go under the knife for spine surgery. I am troubled however by those few people out there (not you, Cyndi) who eschew all traditional medicine for the unknown. One must consider both the potential risks and the benefits of a therapy before deciding which way to go. I do have to say that we do not know the benefits nor the adverse effects of a lot of the homeopathics due to lack of controlled studies, which makes some homeopathics risky choices.

message 29: by Christine (new)

Christine (clt04) | 5731 comments @Diane, I feel badly that you are having such a difficult time with your asthma. Sending prayers for you and also for your doctors to find the right therapies for your illness so that you can get back home and back to your normal life.

message 30: by David (new)

David Freas (quillracer) | 542 comments Christine, the lack of verifiable scientific studies on the efficacy of homeopathic remedies is my only reservation in their use, too.

SUSAN   *Nevertheless,she persisted* (susan-workstosupportbookhabit) | 271 comments Quillracer wrote: "Christine, the lack of verifiable scientific studies on the efficacy of homeopathic remedies is my only reservation in their use, too."

I have used homeopathy for myself and my pets with very good results.My Vet uses tradional medicine as well as homeopathy.
My housemate used homeopathy for her asthma which did lessen the severity. She did consult with a trained homeopath.
I hope you find a modality that works for you.

message 32: by Christine (new)

Christine (clt04) | 5731 comments Quillracer wrote: "Christine, the lack of verifiable scientific studies on the efficacy of homeopathic remedies is my only reservation in their use, too."


message 33: by Lynn Renee (last edited Apr 12, 2015 05:01PM) (new)

Lynn Renee | 2272 comments Christine wrote: "@Lynn, doctors are like mechanics. There are bad ones and there are excellent ones. I worked as an infectious diseases physician at Mayo Clinic for over 30 years and have seen it all. We see mai..."

I agree Christine. What I don't like is when a physician/surgeon refuses to admit they don't know what to do. To me it should be a given that if they are afraid of the results if they would operate or don't know what they are dealing with, they should just say so and send you to someone who does. The Surgeon who did my spinal surgery sees about eight a year. I don't know why but I keep ending up with health problems that are on the rare side. :) So cool that you are a Doctor.

message 34: by Christine (new)

Christine (clt04) | 5731 comments Lynn wrote: "Christine wrote: "@Lynn, doctors are like mechanics. There are bad ones and there are excellent ones. I worked as an infectious diseases physician at Mayo Clinic for over 30 years and have seen i..."

Totally agree, Lynn. Absolutely.

message 35: by Marian (last edited Apr 13, 2015 11:19AM) (new)

Marian | 969 comments SUSAN wrote: "Quillracer wrote: "Christine, the lack of verifiable scientific studies on the efficacy of homeopathic remedies is my only reservation in their use, too."

I have used homeopathy for myself and my ..."

What would you suggest Susan for some who have bronchial asthma..like me.?

message 36: by Diane S ☔ (new)

Diane S ☔ | 2612 comments Thanks everyone for your kind words, hugs and support. My medical team seems to be covering many different bases, photonics, probiotics, along with the traditional meds. We will see what happens with my breathing after the steroids are phrased out.

message 37: by Lynn Renee (new)

Lynn Renee | 2272 comments Diane S. wrote: "Thanks everyone for your kind words, hugs and support. My medical team seems to be covering many different bases, photonics, probiotics, along with the traditional meds. We will see what happens wi..."

Sending good thoughts.

message 38: by Vasudha (new)

Vasudha (vasudhaka) Cyndi wrote: "I don't like doctors. They always want to treat the symptoms and not the cause. I try to treat everything homeopathically or with accupuncture. It works. But not everyone is open to alternative..."

Hope you feel better!

message 39: by Jaime (new)

Jaime (jalyns7611) | 89 comments I too have Bronchial Asthma. Have suffered with that since I was a child. My symptoms have lessened as of recently. I am on Advair inhaler and I use that one time a day. I keep a rescue inhaler in case of emergency but rarely use it. I no longer eat foods that give me heartburn or indigestion because that triggers my asthma. Strong perfumes trigger it so I avoid those as well. I stay away from dairy products as that is a trigger and I exercise to build my lung capacity and strength.

message 40: by Marian (new)

Marian | 969 comments Do you get the flu shot as well Jaime..?I find that has helped over the years now..I don't get sick so often any more like I use to.

message 41: by Jaime (new)

Jaime (jalyns7611) | 89 comments No I got the flu shot one time and had an adverse reaction to it so I do not get it anymore. I worked at a day care and was around sick children ALL the time and stayed sick myself for nearly a whole year but after that my body built up immunities to all of those illnesses and now I rarely get sick. I have heard that it works well for other asthmatics to get the shot though. I just have too many things I am allergic to.

message 42: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
I wish good health for everyone here, but sadly life does not work that way, very sadly.

All we can do is support each other as best as we can.

We all have our health issues, and we all do our best to keep fit.

But keeping fit is hard work as well.

We just have to enjoy life as best as we can, for as long as we can.

message 43: by Marian (new)

Marian | 969 comments Jaime wrote: "No I got the flu shot one time and had an adverse reaction to it so I do not get it anymore. I worked at a day care and was around sick children ALL the time and stayed sick myself for nearly a wh..."

Do you get allergy shots Jaime?I use to get them..for about 10 years and they helped a lot to.

message 44: by Jaime (new)

Jaime (jalyns7611) | 89 comments I do not get the allergy shots. The things im allergic to cant be treated with the shot such as I am allergic to seafood and certain medications and certain foods. I do have an eppipen for those occassions. The flu shot had a medicine in it or a componenet in it that I was allergic to.

message 45: by Maria (new)

Maria Grothaus | 4 comments Jamie, I know where you're coming from I have allergies all year long however I did experience a new allergy to seafood when my husband and I went to dinner at Joe's Crab Shack. I went into anaphylactic shock and had to use my EpiPen very scary.

message 46: by Diane S ☔ (new)

Diane S ☔ | 2612 comments They are now slowly reducing my IV steroids, yesterday was particularly tough, couldn't keep my eyes opened or focuses. so they left them alone today to see I can adjust before moving them down again. So hard, so tiring and my breathing sounds ragged again.

message 47: by Christine (new)

Christine (clt04) | 5731 comments Diane S. wrote: "They are now slowly reducing my IV steroids, yesterday was particularly tough, couldn't keep my eyes opened or focuses. so they left them alone today to see I can adjust before moving them down aga..."

Diane, you are a real trooper going through this grind with your asthma. Sending prayers for you to tolerate the steroid wean and for the asthma to be controlled. Keep hanging in there!!

message 48: by Patricia (new)

Patricia | 1478 comments Diane S. wrote: "They are now slowly reducing my IV steroids, yesterday was particularly tough, couldn't keep my eyes opened or focuses. so they left them alone today to see I can adjust before moving them down aga..."

I agree with Christine, Diane S. Hang in there. You are truly going through a tough time. Best wishes for some improvement soon.

message 49: by Lynn Renee (new)

Lynn Renee | 2272 comments Yes...Hang in there Diane S. Hope things even out soon.

message 50: by Jaime (new)

Jaime (jalyns7611) | 89 comments Yes praying for a speedy recovery and control over your asthma.

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