A Good Thriller discussion

General > 10 Random Facts

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message 1: by Sophie (new)

Sophie | 1147 comments I saw this on another group's discussion board and thought it might be a nice, fun way for us to learn a bit more about each other. It's exactly as it says on the tin - the idea is just to pick 10 random things about yourself to share with everyone.

Here's mine:
1. I swear I was a mermaid or fish in a past life because I love everything about the water.
2. I am a single mother and am totally OK with that (for now lol)
3. I can't watch horror movies but am perfectly happy to read gory and scary books (think it's the music in films that ramps up the tension and makes me practically hyperventilate lol)
4. My parents want to move to the country some day to open a B&B and want me to be their baker.
5. I am desperate to get another dog since my Dalmatian, Dash, passed away but I currently don't have the space or time for another dog at the moment. For now I have to make do with my two cats, Merlin & Tigger.
6. My 3 year old embarrasses me in public constantly by having absolutely no filter at the moment
7. I was once asked to be the face of American Express at the premiere of Beauty & The Beast but my crippling shyness made me refuse to do it.
8. I have a bit of an obsession with stars. If it's got stars on it, I'll probably like it
9. I am allergic to the food colouring in Red Bull
10. I work for a plastic surgeon who is one of the few people in the world who specialises in children born without eyes and reconstructs their faces to try to make them look as normal as possible to avoid them being picked on at school. It is honestly one of the most humbling and rewarding jobs I have ever (and probably will ever) had.

message 2: by Sean, Moderator (last edited Apr 23, 2015 08:55AM) (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
Well here I go

1. My first job was as a hairdresser

2. I had over 120 boxing fights.

3. I have four lovely cats.

4. I love playing tennis, and have played for the island of Jersey for 30 years.

5. I love music, films.

6. I wrote a film reference book in the early 80's.

7. I love travelling, holidays

8. I have been married 35 years.

9. I was born in Nairobi, Kenya

10. I work as an office services, messenger and walk 14-16 miles a day, every day.

SUSAN   *Nevertheless,she persisted* (susan-workstosupportbookhabit) | 271 comments This is cool Sophie,thank you.

message 4: by Chava (new)

Chava | 3 comments Here are mine:

1) I used to be blonde, but I've dyed my hair so often that I don't know what my natural hair colour is at the moment.

2) I feel very uncomfortable when close to guinea pigs

3) I feel all giddy inside when it's a sunny day

4) I am a mummy of 4

5) I love to watch scary movies

6) I love to eat jelly beans

7) I'm 5"8 tall

8) My favorite colours are purple and pink

9) My favorite dishes are butter paneer and vegetarian laksa

10) I wish I could do magic

Craig "NEEDS MORE DAMN TIME TO READ !!!!" Sean wrote: "Well here I go

1. My first job was as a hairdresser

2. I had over 120 boxing fights.

3. I have four lovely cats.

4. I grew my own vegetables and spices

5. I love music, films.

6. I wrote a fi..."

Wow, really interesting facts there, hat's off to you! I would partake too but i feel i only have one or two interesting things about me haha.

Craig "NEEDS MORE DAMN TIME TO READ !!!!" My apologies ladies, yours are too :) That being uncomfortable around Guinea pigs made me laugh, my daughter has one, they are funny little things!

message 7: by David (new)

David Freas (quillracer) | 542 comments 1. I love spending 3 or 4 days detailing a car and do 4 or 5 of them each year.

2. If I could pick what’s engraved on my tombstone, it would be ‘He made us laugh.’

3. I’m an only child.

4. I wish I was half as smart and skilled as my dad.

5. The drone of an all-day rainstorm or wind grates on my nerves.

6. My brother-in-law and I are the brothers neither of us ever had.

7. Except for corn on the cob and lettuce on a hoagie, I don’t eat vegetables.

8. I hate mowing grass and raking leaves and any other kind of yard work.

9. I find almost all professional sports boring.

10. I worked as a pharmacist for almost 40 years and customers from the store I worked in for 20 of them still come up to me 6 years after I left and say, “I miss you.” Those words thrill me to death and tell me I did the job right.

message 8: by Diane S ☔ (new)

Diane S ☔ | 2612 comments Here are mine

1. I have seven children.
2. I love thunderstorms
3. Love to cook but not bake
4. Scared to death of large dogs.
5. Big Dallas Cowboy fan, really love most sports.
6. Usually read a book a day.
7. Do not and will not own a cell phone.
8. Been married for over 35 years.
9. Love veggies, not a big meat eater.
10. Have eleven grandchildren so fae.

message 9: by Sophie (new)

Sophie | 1147 comments Diane S. wrote: "Here are mine

4. Scared to death of large dogs.
5. Big Dallas Cowboy fan, really love most sports..."

Haha I love large dogs, the bigger the better.
I own a Dallas Cowboys hat (owing to my star obsession) and would love to be able to get to grips with American Football. I watched the Superbowl and had no idea what was going on! Lol

message 10: by Perri (new)

Perri | 11 comments Diane S. wrote: "Here are mine

1. I have seven children.
2. I love thunderstorms
3. Love to cook but not bake
4. Scared to death of large dogs.
5. Big Dallas Cowboy fan, really love most sports.
6. Usually read a ..."

SEVEN kids!?!? I miss thunderstorms, rarely have them here

message 11: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
Great idea, and another thread that should be great fun to read

message 12: by Diane S ☔ (new)

Diane S ☔ | 2612 comments Love reading these. So much fun.

message 13: by Freda (last edited May 02, 2015 12:48PM) (new)

Freda Malone | 421 comments Ok, a couple of you have inquired about my protest so I'll edit this a bit and give you more. :D

1. I was once arrested for protesting. In 1992, I lived in Tennessee for a little over a year. My oldest son was almost 9 and going to a school that allowed corporal punishment. A bunch of us mothers protested and the police came. I elbowed a police officer when he came too close to me and my space from behind, thus the cuffs. Moved to Denver several months later.

2. I am deaf. A rare progressive disease from taking penicillin at a the age of 3. It still has yet to be explained. Something about the nerve damage in the ear?

3. We have a service dog. Her name is Mazie and she is primarily for one of my twin boys who has development delays and autism spectrum disorders. I secretly steal her in the middle of the night when I have nightmares. Shhhh.

4. I've met 3 celebrities in my life. Barbara Eden, Marlee Matlin and Mariah Carey.

5. I was a Budweiser girl back in the 80's, my first paid job. I donned a Budweiser swimsuit with a bunch of other girls, in California, to promote the beer. Did photo ops and traveled to car shows, boxing matches, military air shows. Most of the time just standing around a beer booth flashing my pretty smile. :D

6. I dislike pickled beets and cranberry sauce so much they make me sick when I smell them. I don't know why.

7. I wrote articles for Twins Magazine. After having my twin boys, I subscribed for the Magazine and wrote little tid bits of jokes and stories about my own twins and sent them in. They liked them enough to publish them I guess. It was when they started to demand more that I had to draw the line. You can't make twins do funny things, it just happens.

8. I read to elderly people in nursing homes. I like to hear my own voice. haha. Actually, I speak very well and it is a practice I have to do daily or I will lose my speech and tone, if that makes any sense. In addition to this, I really respect the elderly and they have such wonderful historical stories to tell me. :)

9. I've lost a child to suicide. Not something I talk about a lot because I'm still angry about it.

10. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. Typical, I know, but after admitting number 9, I drew a blank.

SUSAN   *Nevertheless,she persisted* (susan-workstosupportbookhabit) | 271 comments Freda wrote: "1. I was once arrested for protesting.

2. I am deaf.

3. We have a service dog.

4. I've met 3 celebrities in my life. Barbara Eden, Marlee Matlin and Mariah Carey.

5. I was a Budweiser girl b..."

I am so sorry about your child,Freda.

message 15: by Eileen (new)

Eileen | 7 comments Sophie wrote: "I saw this on another group's discussion board and thought it might be a nice, fun way for us to learn a bit more about each other. It's exactly as it says on the tin - the idea is just to pick 10 ..."

Cool discussion thread idea, Sophie, and the work you do sounds amazingly challenging but rewarding. :)

message 16: by Nora aka Diva (new)

Nora aka Diva (DuctTapeDiva) | 67 comments 1. I rescue and foster kittens/cats.

2. I have azure blue and blonde hair currently.

3. My first job(I was 16) was sorting constituent files and filing them for former Senator Tom Daschle. Nice man,actually

4. I tend to write backwards when I am really tired or stressed out.

5. I am ambidextrius.

6. Avid reader, horrid speller. Lol

7. I lost my youngest child to suicide in January of 2010. :'(

8. I have a huge and insane crush on a gay musician. Thus the insane part.

9. I love to bake but hate to cook.

10. I have 6 tattoos, one is 2/3 of a back peice still in progress.

message 17: by Nora aka Diva (new)

Nora aka Diva (DuctTapeDiva) | 67 comments Freda,
you have my deepest sypathy for your loss.

message 18: by Luffy Sempai (new)

Luffy Sempai (luffy79) Here are my 10 facts :

01. I am unable to crack or understand jokes in my native language or any of the other three languages that I know.

02. Most of my relatives are very handsome or cute, but I didn't inherit the relevant gene, and whenever we gather, I'm reminded that I'm ugly.

03. When I was 9 years old, I liked The Enchanted Wood so much that I copied it onto paper. Now I have it on my Kindle.

04. I am a Hindu by birth, but atheist now. In my country, Hinduism has lost most of its nastiness, like the caste system, or dowry tradition.

05. When I was a toddler, my skin was white. But it turned brown thereafter.

06. I was once awarded an...award by the wife of my country's prime minister and I appeared briefly on the evening news that day.

07. My 3 favorite B&W films are 1. 12 Angry Men 2. City Lights 3. High Noon.

08. I have never climbed a tree, I have never broken a bone in my body, and I've been bitten by a dog only once.
09. My biggest regret is that I have a notoriously poor memory. If only I could remember even half of what I read.

10. Apparently I've lost 4 and a half kilograms, during the past month. I'm glad of that. I plan to weigh 70 kg by August.

message 19: by Eden (new)

Eden Sharp | 19 comments 1. A hallucination/vision stopped me in my tracks when I was 3yo and if I'd have continued on I would have been killed.
2. I left home when I was 16.
3. I was once hypnotised and talked about a past life and answered questions that were later verified.
4. I was once arrested and held for 12 hours on suspicion of murder until the police realised it was a case of mistaken identity.
5. I have to remove any type of sticker or label off things when I buy them otherwise it drives me mad.
6. I'm 6ft.
7. I lived in Spain for a while.
8. I had a van I'd hired stolen only to have it returned to me by the thief because he had found the paperwork inside with the hire company's name on and informed me it was owned my organised crime bosses.
9. I follow the paleo diet.
10. The most important thing in my life is my family.

SUSAN   *Nevertheless,she persisted* (susan-workstosupportbookhabit) | 271 comments Nora aka Diva wrote: "1. I rescue and foster kittens/cats.

2. I have azure blue and blonde hair currently.

3. My first job(I was 16) was sorting constituent files and filing them for former Senator Tom Daschle. Nice m..."

Nora,I am sorry for your loss.

message 21: by Sophie (new)

Sophie | 1147 comments Nora aka Diva wrote: "1. I rescue and foster kittens/cats.

2. I have azure blue and blonde hair currently.

3. My first job(I was 16) was sorting constituent files and filing them for former Senator Tom Daschle. Nice m..."

Nora and Freda - so sorry for your losses :(
Freda - what were you protesting about that got you arrested!? Lol
Luffy - congratulations on losing 4.5kg. Hats off to you! I always say I need to get fitter and slimmer since having my daughter but I'm so bad at motivating myself, so I really hope you achieve your goal :)

message 22: by Lisa (new)

Lisa (ylisa7) | 501 comments Wow..very cool hearing about everyone.

Nora and Freda-I am so sorry for your losses.

message 23: by DianeAlice (new)

DianeAlice | 171 comments I am also very sorry Freda and Nora. Words can't express it really.

message 24: by Lisa (new)

Lisa (ylisa7) | 501 comments Ok…here goes….

1. My husband and I used to own and operate a roller skating rink.

2. We lived and traveled the country(US) in an RV for 3 1/2 years…and we are thinking about going back to it one day. Life was so much simpler when we didn't own so much cr*p, lol.

3. I love the country life and small towns.

4. I used to be a DJ for private parties.

5. I have a tattoo of Thumper.

6. My husband and I live Off Grid…which means we have no outside utility lines coming into our house. We produce our own electric.

7. I love to cook and bake sadly my figure cannot handle it anymore, lol

8. I like to remodel houses with my husband.

9. I love manatees and I went swimming with them once.

10. I rode my bike trip with a group over 700 miles on the California coast.

message 25: by Luffy Sempai (last edited Apr 25, 2015 04:29AM) (new)

Luffy Sempai (luffy79) Sophie wrote: "Luffy - congratulations on losing 4.5kg. Hats off to you! I always say I need to get fitter and slimmer since having my daughter but I'm so bad at motivating myself, so I really hope you achieve your goal :) "

Thanks Sophie. I'm finding this weight loss malarkey not as difficult as I'd thought. It's not that I've got an iron will, but rather the regime is compatible with me.

message 26: by Lisa (new)

Lisa (ylisa7) | 501 comments Luffy wrote: "Sophie wrote: "Luffy - congratulations on losing 4.5kg. Hats off to you! I always say I need to get fitter and slimmer since having my daughter but I'm so bad at motivating myself, so I really hope..."

Good for you. I would love to get to that point. Congrats:)

message 27: by Nora aka Diva (new)

Nora aka Diva (DuctTapeDiva) | 67 comments Susan, Sophie, DianeAlice, Lisa, thank you.

message 28: by Brenda (new)

Brenda | 3213 comments Freda and Nora, you both have my deepest sympathy. {hug}

message 29: by Brenda (last edited Apr 26, 2015 12:43PM) (new)

Brenda | 3213 comments 1. Other than my Mom and in-laws, I have all males in my family: my Dad, three brothers, my husband, two sons, and four grandsons. I was a tomboy.

2. I used to band Tree Swallows and Eastern Bluebirds. Messy business. The chicks poop as soon as you pick them up.

3. I'm 5' 4" tall.

4. I'm a birder. My life list stands at 340 species of birds. I'm also an environmental conservationist.

5. I have had Crohn's Disease since 1982.

6. I graduated high school 4th in my class. Missed 3rd by 0.04. Glad I didn't have to make a speech at the graduation ceremony.

7. I hitch hiked once in my life, with a boyfriend. Started in Syracuse, NY, eventually got picked up in Binghamton, NY, by an IBM employee who drove us right to the front door of my boyfriend's parents' house on Long Island.

8. My husband and I started dating in February and married in August - thirty years ago.

9. I've had six abdominal surgeries.

10. With the exception of a) my college years and b) the first three years of my firstborn's life, I have always lived with cats.

message 30: by Nora aka Diva (new)

Nora aka Diva (DuctTapeDiva) | 67 comments Brenda wrote: "Freda and Nora, you both have my deepest sympathy. {hug}"

Thank you

Sandysbookaday  (sandyj21) | 5647 comments 1. I turn 60 this year which is kind of scary...where did all those years go and why am I still working my butt off?

2. I love the sea - walking on the beach, swimming in it, the sound, the smell. I want to live by the sea again.

3. My favorite food is chocolate.

4. I love to read - don't ever try to come between me and my books. I can be vicious. My husband says i should have a warning sign - like beware of the (dog) reader.

5. I hate being cold. Warm sunny climes are my natural habitat.

6. Red is my favorite color - (I am wearing my red suede boots tonight).

7. A psychic predicted me meeting my soulmate when I was still happily married to my first husband. She told me things about him that I never even discovered until after we had been together for some time. And no, she didn't know him. We were living in a different country when we met. I still have the tape of the reading. I was given that reading as a gift by a friend. I have never had another one.

8. I love diamonds! And dressing up. And having my nails done. And feeling pretty. I also love to slob out in my pj's.

9. I have not ridden a horse since 1996 when I sold my last one.

10. I have 2 sons and 2 stepsons who I would fight to the death to defend. They are all lovely.

message 32: by SUSAN *Nevertheless,she persisted* (last edited Apr 27, 2015 01:44PM) (new)

SUSAN   *Nevertheless,she persisted* (susan-workstosupportbookhabit) | 271 comments 1. I was an Air Force brat,my childhood spent growing up all over the U.S. My Fathers best assignment was Alaska. I would love to go back to live there.

2. I have been engaged 4 times but never married,my best guess is I have commitment issues. :)

3. My cousin was a "star" in a reality show entitled "Comic Book Men".

4. My first job out of high school was working at a pet cemetery.

5. For a short time,I read tarot cards on a 1-800 psychic line. I am a good tarot reader but I quit for ethical reasons.

6. My parents bred and showed dogs,so most of my childhood was spent showing dogs. We had Poodles,Collies, Boxers,Golden Retrievers,Pointers and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.

7. I have always been fortunate enough to make a living working with animals. I am also privileged to work with several rescues. My favorite,a senior dog rescue. I love old dogs.

8. I once took a Wilderness skills and Awareness course from Tom Brown,Jr. The course was a week long,and we were in primitive camping mode. We were taught tracking, primitive skills, and basic survival skills.
There were 130 people in my class,students came from England,New Zealand,Germany,Australia.
It was an amazing experience.

9. I love to travel. I want to see the world but when I travel, by day #2, I miss my dogs so much I want to go home.

10. My fondest wish would be to live on alot of land, in a remote location surrounded by all types of animals and people I love. To rescue and care for whatever/whomever needed it.

message 33: by Faouzia (new)

Faouzia | 288 comments 1. I love reading so much, especially by the sea, a great combination the sound of waves and the magic of reading :) My brother always made fun of me for that :)

2. I have a brother and a little sister whom i love more than life; my brother had a kidney failure lately and we almost lost him, so thank God for their presence in my life.

3. I'm an architect, when i was in high school my dream was becoming a doctor, so i really hated it at the architecture school at first until i found out it suited me better :)

4. i love cooking and baking; while listening to music of course :)

5. When i first read Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, i kept dreaming of Mr Darcy and fantasizing about finding him :)

6. I dream of traveling around the world, and i'm afraid that i'll live and die in the same place

7.I love wandering in the old city (Medina) of my town and dreaming about the past

8. I'm currently teaching children at an elementary school as a temporary job until i find an appropriate one (something that requires reading and traveling maybe LOL)

9.Everytime i feel distressed or disappointed, deprimed i go to this street full of second-hand book stores, and i litteraly bury mysellf in books; the smell of old books really revives me :)

10. I'm extremely attached to my mother, i feel that she sacrificed a lot for us, for me,and went through a lot, and i really would give my life to her.

message 34: by Sirena (new)

Sirena | 106 comments 1) I'm an animal advocate. Animal cruelty should be a felony.
2) I'm love rock & roll and have been a part of the Hollywood scene for close to 30 years
3) I'm a second generation Los Angeles native.
4) I'm not married, no kids, no addictions, no credit lol
5) I suffer from anxiety
6) I'm psychic and read tarot cards
7) My grandmother's family left Mexico because Pancho Villa was after her sister
8) My uncle owned the Chateau Marmont (along with a partner) in the 80's
9) I love to read. Just wish I had more time to do it
10) I don't like the cold so could not live anywhere where it snows

message 35: by Jean (new)

Jean | 2417 comments 1. My twin brother and I were born in Milwaukee six weeks prematurely. He was first-born and first to go home after four weeks in the NICU; I went home two weeks later. (I weighed only 3 lbs. 2 oz. at birth.)
2. Six more siblings followed – girl, boy, girl, boy, girl, boy.
3. I graduated from Bemidji State University in northern Minnesota with a double major in English and physical education.
4. Even though I am only five feet tall, I played intercollegiate volleyball for four years (this was in the first years after Title IX, which gave girls and women equal access to athletic competition.) Needless to say, the skill levels have greatly improved since the 70s!
5. My all-time favorite sport to play was softball. I played mostly shortstop. Dislocated my ankle sliding into second base when I was 17. Continued playing into my 40s. Still a Minnesota Twins fan.
6. I actually like winter (mostly – unless we have bitter wind chills). I enjoy cross-country skiing or even just walking outdoors in the snow.
7. Even though I have been a “tomboy” most of my life, I also like to sew and cook. Baking, not so much.
8. I worked for more than 15 years with developmentally disabled adults, including people who were autistic, had traumatic brain injuries, Down syndrome, and MR-MI.
9. I have been a cat mom for more than 30 years; my wife and I currently have five cats. I have been writing “bios” for the local cat shelter web site for more than eight years.
10. Something I thought I would never get to experience: I was married in a small private ceremony at home in December 2013. (about a year after the voters of Minnesota defeated an amendment to ban gay marriage and shortly after the Supreme Court ruled in favor granting gays and lesbians our right to wed)

message 36: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
Fascinating, Jean. Wow! All those siblings and in that order.

And a big 'yay' for the marriage!! :-)

message 37: by Jean (new)

Jean | 2417 comments Thanks, Janet. Hugs to Freda, Nora, Brenda for your losses and your suffering.

message 38: by Gordon (new)

Gordon Bickerstaff (gfb12345) | 30 comments 1 When I was young my mother tagged all my things Gordon's chair, Gordon's toys and apparently (I don't remember) I nearly died when I got into Gordon's Gin.
2 I would really really love to be able to sing.
3 I wish I had learned how to type at school.
4 I reached 1st kyu grade (brown belt) at judo.
5 I'd like a permanent solution for killing lawn moss.
6 When asked what I have read - I say I have red socks.
7 Grandchildren are fun and you get to give them back.
8 Strangely I'm a sci-fi movies fan but not sci-fi books.
9 I think I'd like to lead the Jack Reacher life.
10 Can't cook, won't try it, will burn it then scrap it.

message 39: by Brenda (last edited Apr 30, 2015 04:46PM) (new)

Brenda | 3213 comments Jean wrote: "Thanks, Janet. Hugs to Freda, Nora, Brenda for your losses and your suffering."

Um, Jean. I haven't had a loss like Freda and Nora. Not that I don't appreciate your kind words. :-) And I congratulate you on your marriage!!

I played softball one summer in a league. I was the catcher. Hell on the knees, especially since I was in my early 30's.

message 40: by Jean (new)

Jean | 2417 comments Brenda, I meant your Crohn's Disease. That sounds like it's been a struggle for you - six surgeries too...Yes, catching certainly is hard on the knees!
Thanks - it's been wonderful to have the support and well wishes from family and friends.

message 41: by Nora aka Diva (new)

Nora aka Diva (DuctTapeDiva) | 67 comments Jean wrote: "Thanks, Janet. Hugs to Freda, Nora, Brenda for your losses and your suffering."

Thank you

message 42: by Dawn (new)

Dawn G | 908 comments Faouzia wrote: "1. I love reading so much, especially by the sea, a great combination the sound of waves and the magic of reading :) My brother always made fun of me for that :)

2. I have a brother and a little s..."

Faouzia, while I found all these lists fascinating, I was moved by your list. "The sound or waves and the magic of reading", incredible. Having my dogs sitting there with me would make that my Utopia. Just the way you worded your love for your brother and sister touched my heart. Very moving!

message 43: by Dawn (new)

Dawn G | 908 comments Sophie, this is a very cool thread. I loved reading each and every list. I will have to get my list together.

Freda and Nora, my heart sincerely goes out to you both.

message 44: by E. (new)

E. | 693 comments I agree Dawn, this is a cool thread.

Gordon, funny "red socks". I see what you did there.
When I took typing in high school I thought it was stupid and I'd never use it. This was, of course, before everyone and their mother had a computer. Now there's probably not an hour that goes by I'm not using a keyboard for some reason.

I like reading everyone's random 10.

message 45: by Faouzia (new)

Faouzia | 288 comments Dawn wrote: "Faouzia wrote: "1. I love reading so much, especially by the sea, a great combination the sound of waves and the magic of reading :) My brother always made fun of me for that :)

2. I have a brothe..."

Thanks a lot Dawn!!! your words are really touching! You made me blush, LOL!!
it's a great pleasure to find people with similar tastes :D
this is a very interesting thread indeed!

message 46: by Jean (new)

Jean | 2417 comments Erica, I'll bet you DO smile a lot (being by water will do that to you).

message 47: by Brenda (new)

Brenda | 3213 comments These lists are great! We find similarities to share and differences to admire. Sometimes I wish we were all together in person! :-)

message 48: by Jean (new)

Jean | 2417 comments I know! When and where's the party?

message 49: by Christine (new)

Christine (clt04) | 5731 comments Me too, Brenda. So many of you guys I would just LOVE to meet in person!

message 50: by Patricia (new)

Patricia | 1478 comments I love this list. Have to get one together sometime. Would also love to meet some of you. Sorry to those who have lost a child - one of the worst things to happen.

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