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Introduce Yourself!

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message 1: by Vincent, Group Founder (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 1124 comments Mod
Please introduce yourself! Do you write books? Do you just enjoy reading them?

Let us know a little bit more about who you are:

message 2: by Anna (new)

Anna Walls (annalwalls) My name is Anna Walls. I write like there's no tomorrow. And when I'm not writing, I'm editing what I've written. I am always learning something new that makes my work better. When I'm not editing, I'm trying to market my one self-published book - King by Right of Blood and Might.

message 3: by Paul (last edited Nov 29, 2009 01:33AM) (new)

Paul | 27 comments I'm Paul, 56, from the UK. I work in education as a part time teacher, part time IT guru, part time creator of interactive learning resources and part time manager of a Study Centre, all of the above at a college of further education. Yes, I know, all those 'part times' add up to more than a full time job.

I'm also one of the co-directors of Blind Samurai Films, a company that proofs and edits scripts and novels, and produces short pilot films. We are branching out into corporate videos and book preview videos. We publish anthologies of stuff via Lulu.

I also write, far more important to me than the rest. Horror, SF and action thrillers, book, story or script.

I used to write back in the 80s before abandoning it for 25 years in the wastelands of IT (supporting a family).

I've been writing again for about three years now. I hope to be published next year, or the year after, but I'll carry on writing anyway. I get better each year, I think.

I've always read, and always will, at least an hour a day, every day.

message 4: by Anna (new)

Anna Walls (annalwalls) Pleased to meet you, Paul. I always wondered how one gets a book to take the step to movie. Is it possible to do other than through a major publisher?

message 5: by Paul (new)

Paul | 27 comments Probably not, Anna. There is nothing to stop you adapting your work into a screenplay though, and marketing it to film agents exactly the same way you would with a book to literary agents..

Of course, script writing also has sets of rules or conventions that need to be followed, just like novels do. And unfortunately, they're not exactly the same, due to the different medium.

message 6: by Anna (new)

Anna Walls (annalwalls) Ah well. That idea goes back on the shelf for a while longer then. Thanks anyway.

message 7: by Kobina (last edited Nov 29, 2009 06:50PM) (new)

Kobina Amissah-Fynn (kafy) | 7 comments I am Kobina Fynn from Ghana. I teach English in East Timor, and write in my spare time. I like writing fiction with a religious angle. I am presently on my second novel, the first being "Gatekeepers - The Quest for Clues to an Age-Old Riddle".

message 8: by Anna (new)

Anna Walls (annalwalls) Sounds interesting - What's the riddle?

message 9: by Kobina (last edited Nov 30, 2009 08:48PM) (new)

Kobina Amissah-Fynn (kafy) | 7 comments Would it not spoil the party to say upfront what the riddle is?

message 10: by Anna (new)

Anna Walls (annalwalls) I certainly hope not. It just might be the hook.

message 11: by Kobina (new)

Kobina Amissah-Fynn (kafy) | 7 comments Anna wrote: "I certainly hope not. It just might be the hook."

In a nutshell, it's the riddle of "the last day".

message 12: by Anna (new)

Anna Walls (annalwalls) That's a really small nut-shell. ;-)

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

Hello! My name is Christina and im Just a reader lol

message 14: by Sharon (new)

Sharon (fiona64) Hello! I'm Sharon E. Cathcart, and I'm the author of three books (two of which are listed on Goodreads). I hope you will check out my profile and my work.

Thanks to Vincent for starting this group. :-)

message 15: by Anna (new)

Anna Walls (annalwalls) I have a book here too. If you read it, I hope you like it.

message 16: by Lisa (new)

Lisa (lisa_lipkind_leibow) | 10 comments Hi, Everyone!
I'm excited to join this group. Thanks, Vincent.

I'm Lisa Lipkind Leibow, the author of Double Out and Back (Red Rose Publishing), which takes the reader on the roller-coaster ride of infertility treatments as seen through the eyes of three women. Originally working as a lawyer, I decided to trade the billable hour lifestyle for fiction writing. My work has also appeared in Pisgah Review. I live and write in Northern Virginia with my husband, three sons, a clumber spaniel, and two red-eared sliders. You can learn more about me and my writing at

message 17: by Vincent, Group Founder (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 1124 comments Mod
Welcome to the group! Great to see all the posts!

message 18: by Alicia (last edited Dec 02, 2009 06:35PM) (new)

Alicia | 3 comments I'm Alicia I love reading many genres of books.

message 19: by Cecilia (new)

Cecilia | 167 comments I'm familiar with a few of the Goodreads authors I see here so far and hope many more join up. Also, hello to the rest of you readers. I'm a reader, too!

Good job organizing this, Vince!

message 20: by Lisa (new)

Lisa (lisa_lipkind_leibow) | 10 comments I'm so glad to "meet" the other authors and readers in this group. If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer!

message 21: by Betty (new)

Betty (nightreader) | 56 comments I'm Betty, living in northern BC. I'm happy to be invited to join. I am more a reader than author, but I do enjoy reviewing books and read with that in mind. I find the authors on GR very helpful and friendly. Thanks, everyone! It seems every day to me is a story, I think I need a laptop or voice activated tape recorder (am I showing my age?) I could carry with me because all my best ideas come to me when I'm in the car! What does anyone else do?

message 22: by Anna (new)

Anna Walls (annalwalls) I just posted the first chapter of my book KING BY RIGHT OF BLOOD AND MIGHT on my blog under my profile. I'd love it if you'd all stop by and give it a look-see. I can't wait to hear what you have to say.

message 23: by Lisa (new)

Lisa (lisa_lipkind_leibow) | 10 comments I carry blank books and journals with me in my car, purse, etc. When ideas come to me while I'm out-and-about, I wait for a red light and jot them down. If you really want to "dictate" your ideas -- I have an idea for you. a cheaper option is to use your cell phone, you can leave yourself a voicemail or message on your home phone answering machine and then transcribe it when you get home!--Did I just save you some money on a tape recorder?

Take care,
Lisa Lipkind Leibow
Author of Smart Women's Fiction

Betty wrote: "I'm Betty, living in northern BC. I'm happy to be invited to join. I am more a reader than author, but I do enjoy reviewing books and read with that in mind. I find the authors on GR very helpful a..."

message 24: by Betty (last edited Dec 04, 2009 09:52AM) (new)

Betty (nightreader) | 56 comments Lisa wrote: "I carry blank books and journals with me in my car, purse, etc. When ideas come to me while I'm out-and-about, I wait for a red light and jot them down. If you really want to "dictate" your ideas -..."
Thanks Lisa, unfortunately it won't work for me. I forgot to mention I have a tremor (just familial, nothing serious, same thing Katherine Hepburn had, but mine is in my hands and jaw, not my head). Using a pen/pencil is one thing I can't do for more than about 2 sentences. I know at least one of our authors has the same problem, probably more, so I know it hasn't stopped them! I appreciate your suggestion though. Maybe I could try some kind of code in the notebook that would jog my memory when I get to a computer. I'll give that a try.
Cell phone was a great idea by the way. I don't have one, mostly because we are in an area where few of them work.

message 25: by Kimberly (new)

Kimberly (kamrie) | 2 comments Hello I Kimberly and I love to read books.

message 26: by Vincent, Group Founder (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 1124 comments Mod
Welcome to the group, Kimberly! Feel free to talk to any of these authors about their books!


message 27: by Joseph (new)

Joseph Schatz (joeprah) | 2 comments Hi there group! My name is Joe Schatz. I'm a stay-at-home dad and I just finished writing a unique parenting book that I think will prove to be enlightening to both moms and dads. I love to laugh and I try to incorporate humor in much of writings. Anyways, nice to meet everyone and good group you got here. ~ Joe

message 28: by Vincent, Group Founder (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 1124 comments Mod
Glad you joined, Joe!

message 29: by Anna (new)

Anna Walls (annalwalls) I'm sure it'll be great to read all the familiar tales from the perspective of a dad. Good luck with it.

message 30: by Joseph (new)

Joseph Schatz (joeprah) | 2 comments Thanks Vincent and Anna!

message 31: by Sherry (new)

Sherry (msjones) | 9 comments Joseph wrote: "Hi there group! My name is Joe Schatz. I'm a stay-at-home dad and I just finished writing a unique parenting book that I think will prove to be enlightening to both moms and dads. I love to laugh a..."

Hi Joe! Tell us more about your parenting book?

message 32: by Sherry (new)

Sherry (msjones) | 9 comments Hey there,

I'm Sherry Jones, author of two historical fiction novels now working on a third.

My first book, The Jewel of Medina, made headlines last year when a professor spooked my major publishing house with warnings that it was "more dangerous than The Satanic Verses or the Danish cartoons," and would certainly cause violence from Muslim extremists. In a self-fulfilling prophecy, my British publisher's home office was set on fire by three Muslim men -- before the book was even published!

My U.S. publisher backed out, Beaufort Books picked up the contract, and now my agent, Natasha Kern, has sold translation rights to "The Jewel of Medina" in 20 countries. It has been a best seller in at least seven countries so far.

The book, an historical novel, tells of the Prophet Muhammad's 12 wives and concubines and the founding of Islam through the eyes of his youngest and most beloved bride, A'isha.

The sequel, The Sword of Medina A Novel, was just published and continues A'isha's tale after Muhammad's death, showing how she became the most famous and influential woman in Islam. According to history, she led troops in the first Islamic civil war which started the Sunn-Shi'ite split. I am proud to say this novel earned a starred review in Publishers Weekly.

message 33: by Anna (new)

Anna Walls (annalwalls) My sakes, Sherry. Are we breaking some ice by chance?

message 34: by Bill (new)

Bill Shears (billshears) | 8 comments Hello all. Thanks, Vincent, for the invite. I have a book in the sci-fi topic. When a humor category appears I'll post there too because reader feedback has been very generous in that area.

I work with computers and write in the mornings before work. A sci-fi fan since the first "real" book I plucked from a shelf of a BookMobile on my own, War of the Worlds.

message 35: by Vincent, Group Founder (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 1124 comments Mod
Hi Bill,

I created the humor section for you.

Feel free to post your book.


message 37: by Angela (new)

Angela Barakat | 8 comments Hi, I'm Angela. About six years ago, I started a gluten-free and casein-free diet with my family. After experiencing many benefits from this diet, I began compiling my research into a guide to help others follow this diet. My book is titled From A (Autistic Spectrum Disorders) to ZZZ (Insomnia), and it is available through the bookstore. Thank you for the invitation to the group!

message 38: by Bill (new)

Bill Shears (billshears) | 8 comments Vincent wrote: "Hi Bill,

I created the humor section for you.

Feel free to post your book.

-Vince "

I see it! Thanks, Vince.

message 39: by Michele (new)

Michele (kaoden39) | 3 comments Hi, I am Michele. Bill thought I might enjoy the group. I am an avid reader. And maybe someday when I have the patience to sit at the computer and write I might take a stab at it.

message 40: by Jen (new)

Jen Knox | 11 comments Good to meet you all! My name is Jen Knox. I read everything I can get my hands on, and not nearly quick enough. I recently published a memoir, Musical Chairs, about running away from home at age fifteen. I look forward to getting to know some of you better, and to reading some of your works.

message 41: by Deb (new)

Deb (debs913) My name is Deb and I am a reader, writer, farmer, and librarian. So far I've published non-fiction articles and am working on two mystery novels. I love mysteries, SF/fantasy, literature, and cook books!

message 42: by Amber (new)

Amber Lehman (amber_lehman73) | 28 comments Hi, My name is Amber Lehman and I just wrote my first Young Adult novel, TORN. I love to read and write and I'm currently working on a sequel to TORN. You can find outmor about me and my book by visiting my website at:
Thank you Vincent for starting this group!


message 43: by Serena (new)

Serena Yates (serenayates) Hi everyone!

I'm Serena Yates and I write gay romance and erotica. So far, two of my novellas have been published. One of them has a full novel sequel which will be released in January. Further books are in the works!

I have just joined this group and look forward to exploring all kinds of books with you. I currently live in the UK.


message 44: by Carol (last edited Dec 12, 2009 05:33PM) (new)

Carol I am only a reader. I look forward to meeting and greeting various authors in this club. Vincent, thanks for posting on another site.

message 45: by Carol (new)

Carol Sherry wrote: "Hey there,

I'm Sherry Jones, author of two historical fiction novels now working on a third.

My first book, The Jewel of Medina, made headlines last year when a p..."

Sherry ,I added both of your books to my to be read pile. I am a Muslim and I look forward to reading these books.

message 46: by Anna (new)

Anna Walls (annalwalls) Hello everyone, I'm trying to hatch a dragon egg on my blog. Please stop by and give it a click. It's supposed to hatch in about an hour. I can't wait to see what happens.

message 47: by A.S. (new)

A.S. Peterson (aspeterson) | 3 comments Hi, folks. My name is A.S. "Pete" Peterson and my first novel, The Fiddler's Gun, just began finding its way into readers' hands on December 1st. (

I'm also a contributor for an online community of artists called The Rabbit Room ( I'm fairly new to Goodreads, having joined only a month or two ago but I love the sense of community here and look forward to participating.

message 48: by Lady (new)

Lady (bestnewfantasyseries) | 78 comments Paul wrote: "Probably not, Anna. There is nothing to stop you adapting your work into a screenplay though, and marketing it to film agents exactly the same way you would with a book to literary agents..

Of cou..."

Hi Paul: I was wondering if you would recommend any particular book for an author to read if they were seriously interested in converting their novel to a screenplay? Something to help us learn the 'new' rules of writing for screen instead of just for reading?
Lady Ellen

message 49: by Lady (new)

Lady (bestnewfantasyseries) | 78 comments Vincent wrote: "Please introduce yourself! Do you write books? Do you just enjoy reading them?

Let us know a little bit more about who you are:"

Hello Vincent..and firstly, thank you for starting this..what fun!
I am Lady Ellen, author of 'The Persephane Pendrake Chronicles'. The first of nine books "Persephane Pendrake and the Cimaruta" is available at Amazon, Borders, B&N, etc.
I have a nine book series planned, 3 trilogies taking place in 3 very different magical times.
Like most new authors, looking for an agent, publishing etc., but until that happens, I'm self-publishing.
Great fun..have had a classroom read it last year in Arkansas and they loved it. They would email me each day with questions and comments, made my day, actually.
In Dreams and Magic..
Lady Ellen

message 50: by Bill (last edited Dec 13, 2009 07:13AM) (new)

Bill Shears (billshears) | 8 comments
carol (akittykat) wrote: "I am only a reader...."

Only a reader!? Readers are all! :-)

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