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V. Book Websites/Groups > Post Links To Book Websites/Groups

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message 1: by Vincent, Group Founder (last edited Dec 04, 2009 01:40PM) (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 1124 comments Mod
Dear Authors/Readers,

Do you have websites or social networking groups for specific books? If so, post the links here so members can view and/or join them!

Here is my website and Goodreads book link for Constellation Chronicles The Lost Civilization of Aries:

Website -

Goodreads Group -

message 2: by Anna (new)

Anna Walls (annalwalls) Not for a specific book. More for all my writing. My blog and my new website I hope you like what you read.

message 3: by A.F. (new)

A.F. (scribe77) | 142 comments I have two book pages over on
Inside Realms
Chronicles of the Undead

All of my books, plus excerpts are on my website:
Afallon Website and I post updates, book reviews and author spotlights on my blog: A. F. Stewart's Blog

message 4: by Amber (new)

Amber Lehman (amber_lehman73) | 28 comments Hi, My name is Amber Lehman and I have a website for my novel TORN. It can be found at:
I hope you'll check it out and let me know what you think! Cheers!

Amber :)

message 5: by Lady (new)

Lady (bestnewfantasyseries) | 78 comments Vincent wrote: "Dear Authors/Readers,

Do you have websites or social networking groups for specific books? If so, post the links here so members can view and/or join them!

Here is my website and Goodreads bo..."

Hi Vincent: I have an author site describing 'The Persephane Pendrake Chronicles' here Lady Ellen's Home Page

Started a Twitter following about 10 months ago Lady Ellen which is great to get one on one feedback and meet readers.

Also, I've listed the first book as an ebook with Clickbank Persephane Pendrake and the Cimaruta This worked well at the beginning..but I need to do more marketing for it...time is a bandit...

And a blog at Persy's Blog

I also participate in as many forums as I can find time can find them by putting this into a Google search "forum + your genre" and they come up like crazy...
In Dreams and Magic
Lady Ellen

message 6: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Sheldon (deborahsheldon) Hey everyone,

I'm from Australia with 23 years of professional writing experience. My short story collection 'All the little things that we lose' (Skive Magazine Press) is due out January 2010.

Click here for reviews from lit mag editors:

My homepage URL is:

You might like to join my Facebook group for regular updates:

I hope to hear from you in some way or another!


message 7: by Russ (new)

Russ Woody | 17 comments Deb
My wife is from Melbourne. Mentone.
Will check out your website.

message 8: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Sheldon (deborahsheldon) Hey Russ,

Congratulations on the sterling reviews for your book 'The Wheel of Nuldoid' - fantastic!

Thanks for joining my Facebook group.


message 9: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Sheldon (deborahsheldon) My short story collection, 'All the little things that we lose' (Skive Magazine Press) will be published January 15th 2010.

Here's a special offer from the publisher: if you join my Facebook Group page, you will be entitled to buy the full printed version of the book at less than recommended retail price.

message 10: by Lisa (new)

Lisa (lisa_lipkind_leibow) | 10 comments You can learn more about my writing, my blogs, and me, link to my goodreads, twitter, facebook, and more at

My novel 'Double Out and Back' (Red Rose Publishing) is available NOW.

message 11: by Gloria (new)

Gloria (gloriaoliver) | 20 comments I am all over the place, which is sometimes quite scary!

Links to Facebook, Facebook Fan Page, Twitter, Newsletter Group, My Space, Live Journal, Frappr, Ning Network, Gather, Squidoo, and more all have links from the index page of my website

Hope to see you in the e-highway!

message 12: by Keta (new)

Keta (ketadiablo) | 58 comments Keta's Haunt: (a web site listing all my available books)

Keta's Keep: My erotic romance blog:

Keta's Facebook Fan Page (please join):

And of course, Tweet me and I'll follow you too!

message 13: by Urenna (new)

Urenna Sander | 57 comments My blogs are on goodreads. My website is:

Kindest regards,


message 14: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia Parks (goodreadscomcynthia_rogers_parks) | 1 comments My site is

My blog is there.

Cynthia Rogers Parks

message 15: by Charlie (new)

Charlie (bitsyblingbooks) I have a book review site: BITSY BLING BOOKS

my link text

I'm always happy to take requests and recommendations to add to my 'laundry list.' I review every book I read and give them 'gems and tiny flaws' and rate it on a 5 star system. I will also post my reviews to Amazon and Goodreads.

Check out my website for a sample of how I do reviews.

message 17: by Charlie (new)

Charlie (bitsyblingbooks) A link to my book review website for Bitsy Bling Books. It's for writers, readers and authors. I have people asking me all the time for recommendations and I refer them to this site. (short link to updated introduction)

Charlie Courtland

message 18: by Dianne (new)

Dianne | 25 comments Hello

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY. My book is starting to take off on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Would love to do a book discussion with fans. I am offering free shipping for an autograph book this weekend. Click on the tap at the top of the book.

Dianne Sweeney
Kissing Frogs in Cyberspace

message 19: by Gary (new)

Gary Ballard (gary_ballard) | 54 comments Happy New Year!

Both of my novels (Under the Amoral Bridge A Cyberpunk Novel and the know circuit) were originally released in serial form on my blog, The Bridge Chronicles. Though I'm selling the first novel in paperback and ebook, it is still available in full on the web site. The Know Circuit will be released in paperback and ebook in February, and the third novel in the series will be released serially on the blog in February as well.

Gary A. Ballard

message 20: by Darcia (new)

Darcia Helle (darciahelle) My website is You'll find my novels there, as well as a monthly crime-related nonfiction newsletter called Guilty As Charged, contests, my blog, and assorted distracting nonsense. I hope you'll visit. The characters await you!

message 21: by Shalonda (new)

Shalonda Williams-Lynard (shalondatreasurewilliams) | 13 comments Hey all, this is the link to my amazon page. I've finally gotten two reviews. Yea!!! I am also very high on the tag for Christian Living and would like your support to remain. If anyone can please tag this book for me and my goodreads authors listmania(which I will be doing more of). Here are the links. Happy Holidays and be peaceful.

message 22: by Dianne (new)

Dianne | 25 comments Shalonda wrote: "Hey all, this is the link to my amazon page. I've finally gotten two reviews. Yea!!! I am also very high on the tag for Christian Living and would like your support to remain. If anyone can please ..."

Got you tagged. Please return favor with Kissing Frogs in Cyberspace

message 23: by Dianne (new)

Dianne | 25 comments Dianne wrote: "Shalonda wrote: "Hey all, this is the link to my amazon page. I've finally gotten two reviews. Yea!!! I am also very high on the tag for Christian Living and would like your support to remain. If a..."
Here is link...almost number one on the Internet dating...need 15 more!

message 24: by Shalonda (new)

Shalonda Williams-Lynard (shalondatreasurewilliams) | 13 comments Hey Dianne, somehow I already had you tagged. Are you on Ted's tagging site? If so, that's how. Many great things I wish for you. Peace

message 25: by Dianne (new)

Dianne | 25 comments Probably =).THANK YOU THOUGH...okay, stupid question (yes, I know there aren't stupid questions but sometimes there are)...How do I follow someone on twitter? lol...I went on but is there a button or something?


message 26: by Keta (new)

Keta (ketadiablo) | 58 comments Hi A.F. I belong to Squidoo but don't know much about it. Can you give me some short tips? Should I make pages on Squidoo for my books? I thought Squidoo was mostly for creating pages on topics not usually related to the books you've written. Color me clueless.

Keta Diablo
[email protected] (And thanks)

A. F. wrote: "I have two book pages over on
Inside Realms
Chronicles of the Undead

All of my books, plus excerpts are on my website:
Afallon Website and I post updates, book reviews and author..."

message 27: by A.F. (new)

A.F. (scribe77) | 142 comments Keta wrote: "Hi A.F. I belong to Squidoo but don't know much about it. Can you give me some short tips? Should I make pages on Squidoo for my books? I thought Squidoo was mostly for creating pages on topics not..."

There are a lot of book pages and authors on I find it a easy way to create a book page or an author page; I've have a writing page over there as well and a stalled online novel. I like Squidoo because I can link my YouTube trailer, my CafePress store, my store and my Flickr account all on the lens.

message 28: by Betty (new)

Betty (nightreader) | 56 comments I have a book review blog R&B: Read and Blog (My blog was split between two, Read and Blog & Reading and Blogging, somehow so I have just managed to finish adding the ones from the split into Read and Blog. If anyone has been watching the other please use the link above. Some book sites & blogs I've been to otherwise:
Reader Views
Book Blogs
Shelf Awareness
The Book Trib
Readers Read (also a link to Writers Write on this site)
Type M for Murder
Wrighty's Reads

message 30: by Mandy (new)

Mandy Hi everyone,

I am an avid reader and recently started my own blog, which you can catch at:

I do book reviews and hopefully will have a good number of interviews in the future. At the moment I have two interviews with GR authors in the pipeline, Gary Murning and U.L. Harper. Be sure to check them out.

I think it's great that in this day and age we can connect with authors, technology just makes it so much easier. I also believe that we should help authors as much as possible, particularly the ones that go through small publishing companies, word of mouth is priceless.

Look forward to going through the other folders in the group in the near future.

message 31: by Lisa (new)

Lisa (lisa_lipkind_leibow) | 10 comments Welcome, Mandy. Your blog looks great! If you are ever looking for authors to interview or books to review, I'd love to participate!

Lisa Lipkind Leibow
Double Out and Back by Lisa Lipkind Leibow

message 32: by Keta (new)

Keta (ketadiablo) | 58 comments A. F. wrote: "Keta wrote: "Hi A.F. I belong to Squidoo but don't know much about it. Can you give me some short tips? Should I make pages on Squidoo for my books? I thought Squidoo was mostly for creating pages ..."

Thanks so much, A.F., Great idea to create *book* pages, a daunting task for me, but I like it.

Appreciate your help!

Namaste, Keta

message 33: by A.F. (new)

A.F. (scribe77) | 142 comments Keta wrote: "A. F. wrote: "Keta wrote: "Hi A.F. I belong to Squidoo but don't know much about it. Can you give me some short tips? Should I make pages on Squidoo for my books? I thought Squidoo was mostly for c..."

You're welcome.

message 34: by Keta (new)

Keta (ketadiablo) | 58 comments A. F. wrote: "Keta wrote: "Hi A.F. I belong to Squidoo but don't know much about it. Can you give me some short tips? Should I make pages on Squidoo for my books? I thought Squidoo was mostly for creating pages ..."
This is so strange. I just read the Book Buzzer on your Chronicles of the Undead and enjoyed it immensely. I didn't know that you were A.F. when I read it. What an interesting concept about the diary. Kudos, Keta,

Will check out Squidoo.

Ilene, Brandy and Val, Real Dogs with Real Tales Fine (httpgoodreadscombrandyandval) | 8 comments Attention all dog lovers! My blog shares interesting information I've come across that deal with animal welfare and "giving back." Please visit and add your thoughts and causes where applicable. Brandy and Val are my two rescue dogs that are now the stars of a children's board book series: BRANDY AND VAL, REAL DOGS WITH REAL TALES

message 36: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Sheldon (deborahsheldon) My short story collection, 'All the little things that we lose', is listed on Amazon.

message 37: by Dennis (last edited Jan 15, 2010 07:49PM) (new)

Dennis Pennefather | 13 comments Hi....I am the author of 'The Understanding', a SF novel which is out there with most of the distributors and was published by Eloquent Books.

I have posted some of my short stories,'The Hospice'
'Maude' and 'The Kidnapping' on Voice Net, along with some of my poems.
'The Kidnapping' is from my previously self-published NZ policing memoirs. I am placing each chapter as a seperate story on the net, to be read free, to garner interest in my second book of police memoirs, which I will soon endeavour to publish through Eloquent. Both books have had exceptional reviews in NZ. but are not well known because of the small literary world that NZ is offline.
The online chapters are from "Constable' while the followup is "Sergeant'

message 38: by A. Colin (new)

A. Colin Wright (acolinwright) | 23 comments For my recently published novel, Sardinian Silver, see

For a number of my stories, articles, literary blogs, reviews, events, etc. see

For information on everything I've written (including many academic works, non-fiction, plays) and for a more detailed curriculum vitae, see

message 39: by Mandy (new)

Mandy Hi all,

My interview with Gary Murning is up now. You can read it at:

message 40: by Nikki (last edited Apr 18, 2010 05:57PM) (new)

message 41: by Susan (new)

Susan Gottfried (westofmars) | 68 comments Hi, all. I've been hanging in other threads and it dawned on me that I haven't introduced you guys properly to the indomitable Trevor Wolff.

That's the page that'll take you to the two books. They are anthologies of short fiction that was previously posted on my blog, The Meet and Greet ( My regulars demanded I put these anthologies out, and I was glad to oblige.

I invite you by to check out West of Mars (there's a lot more going on than just my books and blog! I also run Win a Book, which posts links to contests and guest visits by authors all around the blogosphere) and to fall in love with Trevor. Or Mitchell. He's pretty cool, too.

message 42: by David (new)

David (astrodene) | 1 comments Hi all. I'm an avid reader of nautical fiction and in particular naval fiction set in the age of sail.

You can find my site dedicated to the genre at

message 43: by Dalian (new)

Dalian Artanian | 6 comments Hi all.
Please check out my book trailer.

Title of the book is Fawcetta:Voices and Echoes of the Coliseum. It is a fantasy story.

More about Fawcetta, you can go to the website at

message 44: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia Enuton (gooberella) | 23 comments What if dogs really are angels...angels in fur coats.
The new fantasy fiction book, Angel in a Fur Coat
Angel in a Fur Coat by C.L. Enuton

message 45: by Jaleta (last edited Feb 08, 2010 01:12PM) (new)

Jaleta Clegg | 41 comments Hi. My name is Jaleta and I'm addicted to writing. My novels, so far, are SF. My short stories range from fantasy to science fiction to comic horror.

This is my author site, with links to all publications and some free short stories to download:

This is the site for my novel, Nexus Point: The first three chapters are available for free download. Check it out!

[image error]

message 46: by B. (new)

B. Goodwin | 93 comments You Want Me to Do What?

WriterAdvice is a site for writers as well as readers. Right now we seek flash fiction, memoir, and creative non-fiction that mesmerizes the reader in 750 words or less for our Fifth Annual Flash Prose Contest. DEADLINE: April 15, 2010. Entry fee: $10 per submission. First prize: $150. Former prizewinners are the judges. Complete guidelines, mailing address, and prizes at

message 47: by Steven (new)

Steven (tbones) | 408 comments is awesome :o)

message 48: by Gregory (new)

Gregory Marshall (futrboy) | 7 comments Interested in how believable dialogue is created? Check out the latest blog "Did he say 'intercourse'?" on Wicked Writers (

message 49: by B. (new)

B. Goodwin | 93 comments Thanks for the referral.

Author of You Want Me to Do WHAT? Journaling for Caregivers

message 50: by [deleted user] (new)

Step into the new exciting YA fantasy world of ALLON. Read an except, explore the interactive map and watch the book trailer to meet the powerful and immortal Guardians.

[image error]

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