The Next Best Book Club discussion

Revive a Dead Thread > Authors to Read

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message 1: by Laura (new)

Laura (apenandzen) D H Lawrence
George Eliot
Raymond Chandler
Oscar Wilde
Ayn Rand
Dashiel Hammett
Henry James
Henry Fielding

message 2: by [deleted user] (last edited Dec 24, 2009 11:47AM) (new)

So many, it's mad.

Most of all: Anthony Trollope, in particular, Doctor Thorne; Dorothy Whipple (The Priory - which I know I'm getting for christmas); Virginia Woolf; AS Byatt; PG Wodehouse; W. Somerset Maugham; Winston Grahame.

message 3: by Lianne (new)

Lianne (eclecticreading) There's a lot but here's a few that come to mind: George Eliot, A.S. Byatt (have Possession on my shelf though, will read it sometime in the new year), Nikolai Gogol, Alexander Pushkin, Wilkie Collins (have Woman in White up at res that I will be reading in the new year), Dodie Smith, D.H. Lawrence, Tracey Chevalier, Anne Bronte, Haruki Murakami and John le Carre =)

message 4: by El (last edited Dec 24, 2009 02:54PM) (new)

El Hmm, good question. Like others there are so many that I want to read that I haven't. But a good start:

Sir Walter Scott
W.G. Sebald
Ann Radcliffe
Alberto Moravia
William T. Vollmann
Jean Genet
[a:Jos� Saramago|3182322|Jos

message 5: by Laura (new)

Laura (apenandzen) *chants*


message 6: by Laura (new)

Laura (apenandzen) :P


message 7: by Lori, Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10442 comments Mod
El, which Saramago do you think you will start with?

message 8: by Lianne (new)

Lianne (eclecticreading) Fiona wrote: "I have so many it'd be impossible to name them all.

Wilkie Collins - Noname has been on my physical TBR for ages.
C. J Samson - Dissolution
Val McDermid - I have just been growing a stock of crime..."

I should add the rest of Samson's works to my list; I read his book Winter in Madrid last summer and absolutely loved it =)

message 9: by El (new)

El Lori, I'm open to suggestions. Which is a good place to start?

message 11: by Cait (last edited Jan 17, 2010 01:02PM) (new)

Cait (caitertot) | 604 comments There are so many!

Gunter Grass
Margaret Atwood
Cormac McCarthy
William Trevor
David Foster Wallace
James Joyce (currently tackling)
Wilkie Collins
Lance Carbuncle
Glen Duncan
T.C. Boyle
Martin Amis
Don DeLillo
Sarah Waters
David Mitchell
Nicole Krauss
Joshua Ferris
J.G. Ballard
Iain M. Banks
Nevil Shute
Thomas Hardy
Charlotte Bronte
Ann Patchett
Jon Krakauer
John Fowles
John Wyndham
Jeffrey Eugenides
Alexandre Dumas

message 12: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne (bellamy22) | 610 comments Wow You Guys!!! Great suggestions!!!

message 13: by Lindz (new)

Lindz (miss_bovary00) I swear the list gets longer every year! I have just knocked off a Sarah Waters, which I have been meaning to do for ages. But authors this year I think I am going to try.

Elizabeth Gaskell
Leo Tolstoy
James Clavell
John Fante

message 15: by Patrik (new)

Patrik | 19 comments Moliere

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads (susannag) | 1736 comments I love Moliere.

message 17: by Lindz (new)

Lindz (miss_bovary00) I saw a really good French film about Morliere which focused on his 'missing years'. It was funny it moved like one of his plays, I forget the name though....

message 18: by Jayme (new)

Jayme (jayme-reads) Man, it's so hard to pick just a few so these are some I'm going to be reading this year.

Neal Stephenson
Joe Hill
Michael Chabon
Aldo Leopold
Alexandre Dumas
Jose Saramago
Frank Miller
China Mieville
Jonathan Safron Foer
T.H White
Haruki Murakami
Iain M. Banks

message 19: by Lindz (new)

Lindz (miss_bovary00) I have been meaning to pick up T H White as well.

message 20: by Jayme (new)

Jayme (jayme-reads) He's been on my list for YEARS, so this year I'm going to treat myself to the prettiest copy of The Once and Future King that I can find.

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