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Dead Discussions > I am currently reading (2010)...

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message 1: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Let us know what you're reading, how far you are into the book, and how good it is! :)

(I figured I'd start a new currently reading thread for the new year. However, you are welcome to continue chatting in the old thread too. :)

 Danielle The Book Huntress  (gatadelafuente) I'm currently reading Soulless by Gail Carriger. It's a lot of fun.

message 3: by Adrienne (new)

Adrienne | 286 comments I'm reading No Greater Pleasure by Megan hart I'm 2 chapters in and it's really very good.....

message 4: by Elvia (new)

Elvia (elvb) I am reading Carpe Corpus. I was confused in the beginning because it had been so long since I read the last one but now that I know what's going on, I am enjoying it.

Jo - let me know how you the Zombie Survival Guide. I want to read it.

message 5: by stormhawk (last edited Jan 11, 2010 11:39AM) (new)

stormhawk | 1184 comments I adored the Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z. I thought the Survival Guide was well thought out and contained a lot of very practical information for combating the Zombie Menace. Every home should have a copy of this book, a shotgun, and plenty of ammo.

I just finished The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time - Mark Haddon and am starting The Secret of Shambhala - James Redfield, which was a Christmas Present.

message 6: by Elvia (new)

Elvia (elvb) LOL Thanks Stormhawk! I'll add it to my library list!

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

Danielle "The Book Huntress" wrote: "I'm currently reading Soulless by Gail Carriger. It's a lot of fun."

I loved Soulless. I had no idea what I was getting myself into but it blew me away. Now I'm just waiting for Changeless to come out, crossing my fingers it is just as good or BETTER!

message 8: by [deleted user] (new)

Currently I am reading Uglies by Scott Westerfeld and it happens to be better then I thought it would be, Surprised. I just started Vision in White by Nora Roberts. This is the first book that I picked up by her. I'm not far enough in to know how I feel about it.

message 9: by LaTrica (new)

LaTrica Finally finished Death of Sleep from The Planet Pirates Omnibus. I'm going to take a break from it (even though Sassinak looks good) to read Conspiracy Theories & Secret Societies For Dummies.

message 10: by Ida Suyanto (last edited Jan 11, 2010 11:30PM) (new)

Ida Suyanto | 21 comments Now I'm reading Inkspell. It should be a good book but I can't enjoy it much because I rarely find spare time to read. So when I read it I have to take a look back to remind me of what happened last time I read.

message 11: by stormhawk (new)

stormhawk | 1184 comments Conspiracy Theories and Secret Societies for Dummies is now on my amazon wishlist.

message 12: by Lisa (new)

Lisa | 617 comments Still currently reading Nights at the Circus. I've had a busy couple weeks so the reading has been slow. Hopefully it will pick up soon.

message 13: by Jackie M (new)

Jackie M | 452 comments I am reading Dark Defender by Alexis Morgan.

message 14: by Ellen (new)

Ellen (ellenpenleysmith) Finished Moon Called. I am now going to read Hunting Ground.

message 15: by Elvia (new)

Elvia (elvb) I finished Carpe Corpus and really enjoyed it. Can't wait for the next one!
I will be starting Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging: Confessions of Georgia Nicolson today. Should be a very quick read. Needed something for my humor section...hopefully it fits in. :)
PS - my husband saw the name on my twitter update and thought I was reading PORN!!! hahaha

message 16: by [deleted user] (new)

Elvia, it sounds like a good fun book.

I'm nearly finished with Vision in White and just started Mona Lisa Blossoming by Sunny.

Michelle (In Libris Veritas) (shadowrose) I'm reading Iron Kissed right now and I'm really enjoying as I had the first two Mercy books.
I finally finished The Eye of the World this morning, and I'm so happy. It was a good book once I got the hang of reading it.

message 18: by Ellen (last edited Jan 14, 2010 03:44AM) (new)

Ellen (ellenpenleysmith) I finished Hunting Ground and I am going to read The Lightning Theif

message 19: by [deleted user] (new)

Vision in White was a life is messy and is complicated and I don't want that in my life but wait a minute you are the perfect man of the male species maybe I can eat a gallon of ice cream and try to find a way to be in this man's life with out it failing and then wham an epiphany hits her and she finds love book. Overall, For my first Nora Roberts book I'd have to say not bad. Not what I excepted and not waste of time.

message 20: by Mahyar (new)

Mahyar (themaninthegrayflannelsuit) | 18 comments I'm reading Dark Lover (almost at the end now) and it's amazing.

message 21: by Elvia (new)

Elvia (elvb) I finished Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging: Confessions of Georgia Nicolson and thought it was very cute. I will definitely read the next one and hand this one off to my daughter.

I am now going for Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. I never read it in school like I was supposed to so I figured I'd try again as an adult. lol

message 22: by Jackie M (new)

Jackie M | 452 comments I am reading Death's Mistress (Dorina Basarab, #2) by Karen Chance .

Michelle (In Libris Veritas) (shadowrose) I just started Bone Crossed by Patricia Briggs.

message 24: by Ellen (new)

Ellen (ellenpenleysmith) Finished Stolen, and I LOVED it!

message 25: by Barbara ★ (new)

Barbara ★ Started In Over Her Head by Judi Fennell. Reminds me of MaryJanice Davidson's Fred the Mermaid series.

message 26: by Mahyar (last edited Jan 16, 2010 03:02PM) (new)

Mahyar (themaninthegrayflannelsuit) | 18 comments Finished Dark Lover just started Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen.

message 27: by Elvia (new)

Elvia (elvb) Didn't even start Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. I read the first story in Never After and liked it. I'm going to attempt the next story and see how it goes. I only got it for LKH's story. lol

message 28: by Jackie M (new)

Jackie M | 452 comments I am now reading Shades of Midnight by Lara Adrian.

message 29: by stormhawk (new)

stormhawk | 1184 comments Heart of the Christos: Starseeding from the Pleiades - Barbara Hand Clow

That is one angry feminist. Yeah, I know that's not the point of the book, but it's leaking out all over the place.

message 31: by Michelle (In Libris Veritas) (last edited Jan 19, 2010 04:08PM) (new)

Michelle (In Libris Veritas) (shadowrose) I started The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield like two days ago, I just simply forgot to post it here

message 32: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (thenightowl) I'm in the middle of two really good books right now: The Mists of Avalon and The Thorn Birds.

message 33: by [deleted user] (last edited Jan 24, 2010 08:36AM) (new)

i am read hide and seek by james patterson

message 34: by stormhawk (new)

stormhawk | 1184 comments The Girl Who Played with Fire - Stieg Larsson

Got it as a Christmas gift from one of my friends.

message 35: by Pollyanna (new)

Pollyanna (polly8) I started The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time today and I am already really into it.

message 36: by stormhawk (new)

stormhawk | 1184 comments Pollyanna wrote: "I started The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time today and I am already really into it."

I really enjoyed it. I occasionally work with autistic adolescents and adults and thought Haddon really captured their thought processes and interaction styles.

message 37: by Elvia (new)

Elvia (elvb) I finished Divine Misdemeanors yesterday. I really liked it. Wasn't the greatest but still good.
I'm reading Are You There Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea to put in my humor section. Almost done and it's hilarious. Not for the faint of heart or those easily offended. Had me crackin' up though.

message 38: by Nona (new)

Nona (goodreadscomnona) | 102 comments The King's Rose, Alisa Libby. On Catherine Howard and very good.

message 39: by Lisa (new)

Lisa | 617 comments stormhawk wrote: "The Girl Who Played with Fire - Stieg Larsson

Got it as a Christmas gift from one of my friends."

I thought this book was AMAZING! I've already pre-ordered the third since it's not available in the US yet. Hope you enjoy it!

message 40: by Pollyanna (new)

Pollyanna (polly8) stormhawk wrote: "Pollyanna wrote: "I started The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time today and I am already really into it."

I really enjoyed it. I occasionally work with autistic adolescents..."

My brother has Aspergers and I can definitely see him in Christopher. I'm going to try and finish it tonight.

message 41: by Mahyar (new)

Mahyar (themaninthegrayflannelsuit) | 18 comments Just finished Lover Awakened, reading Lover Revealed now.

message 42: by Elvia (new)

Elvia (elvb) I am now reading Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl and hoping to be done within the next few days.

message 43: by Em (new)

Em (emily27) | 55 comments Mahyar wrote: "Just finished Lover Awakened, reading Lover Revealed now."

Oooo, I love J.R. Ward! The 2nd and 3rd books were my favorite!!

message 44: by Elvia (new)

Elvia (elvb) Finished Anne Frank and will be starting Paradise Lost. I didn't realize what it was about when I picked it up. Looking forward to it.

message 45: by Heather (new)

Heather I am currently reading Season of Ash Season of Ash by Justin Bryant and American Spartans American Spartans The U.S. Marines A Combat History from Iwo Jima to Iraq by James A. Warren . I like to have a fiction and a nonfiction book going at all times.

message 46: by Lisa (new)

Lisa | 617 comments I just found out that my new cell phone has an ereader app, which I am super excited about! (It's obviously not as good as an actual ereader because of it's size, but it works) so I've also started reading The Lifted Veil along with my regular book, Nights at the Circus.

message 47: by Elvia (new)

Elvia (elvb) I tried. I really did. I could NOT read Paradise Lost. I'll try again another time....much much later.

I am now reading The Darkest Kiss and so far it seems very familiar. I think I've read at least the beginning...we'll see.

message 48: by Jackie (new)

Jackie (thenightowl) Don't feel bad about Paradise's on Listopia's- The Most Begun "Read but Unfinished" (Initiated) book ever. lol. Here is the rest of the list:

Michelle (In Libris Veritas) (shadowrose) I finished Dead as a Doornail about an hour ago so I've decided to start one of my new purchases, A Kiss of Shadows (Meredith Gentry, #1) by Laurell K. Hamilton.

Still reading The Thirteenth Tale, since I'm using it as a sort of break from the paranormal romance/mystery fix I've been on.

message 50: by stormhawk (new)

stormhawk | 1184 comments Devil Bones - Kathy Reichs

I saw it in the supermarket and thought it looked interesting, but didn't want to pay $8 for it; one of the nurses at work loves her books and has lent it to me.

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