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message 1: by Lisa (last edited Feb 23, 2010 12:23PM) (new)

Lisa | 617 comments I was listening to NPR this morning and they had onAdam Haslett, talking about his new book Union Atlantic. I thought it sounded extremely interesting (as soon as I got to work I added it to my to read list) and thought I'd share.

message 2: by BK (new)

BK Blue (paradoxically) I am reading The Cases That Haunt Us and I am finding this very interesting so far. So I just wanted to suggest it for anyone else who likes to read about unsolved cases or cases with mysterious loose ends such as Jack the Ripper. Did you know Sir Arthur Conan Doyle offered his opinions on the case?

...I just wanted to throw that in there since I just purchased volumes 1 and 2 of the Complete Sherlock Holmes.


message 3: by Terri (new)

Terri (terrilovescrows) | 188 comments I have that book in my piles. I think it looks excellent

message 4: by BK (new)

BK Blue (paradoxically) I just finished reading The Good Fairies of New York. Most people seem to either love or hate it. I, for one, loved it.

It has fairies. Fairies that binge-drink, eat magic mushrooms, swear and always manage to get into trouble.

I should also warn would-be readers that it also has a t.v. channel with nothing but phone sex ads.

message 5: by Breana (new)

Breana | 2 comments So, lately I've been struggling a lot with wanting to lose more and more weight and I'm trying to get better from that. Are there any fiction books that you know of that has some storyline or top is of this? I think it would be great for me

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