The Next Best Book Club discussion

Looking For Recommendations > Hong Kong circa 1930s-1950s?

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message 1: by Maureen (new)

Maureen I recently read The Piano Teacher, which is set in WWII era Hong Kong and found it absolutely fascinating. I would love to read some more historical fiction about this place and time. Any recs?

message 2: by F1Wild (new)

F1Wild OK, not the same place or time - but Shanghai Girls - Lisa See's novel starts in the Deco era (1930's) Shanghai. I only mention it because I love the book.

message 3: by Irene (last edited Mar 08, 2010 12:48PM) (new)

Irene (irena47) | 988 comments Although I have not read this book: Sweet Mandarin: The Courageous True Story of Three Generations of Chinese Women and Their Journey from East to West by Helen Tse, friends who have, found it to be very interesting.

message 4: by Brenda (new)

Brenda | 266 comments I'd recommend Moment in Peking by Yutang Lin, he was bilingual and wrote this in English first and then in Chinese. It begins a little earlier than you were wondering about (1904 - during the boxer revolution) and covers the civil war and up until the war with Japan (1938). It's a classic novel - I think the author was even nominated for the nobel prize for literature but never won (I'm not sure if it was for this novel or not). It was a novel I really enjoyed and highly recommend.

message 5: by Irene (new)

Irene (irena47) | 988 comments That sounds very interesting. Adding it to my TBR almost toppling pile! Thanks for the recommendation.

message 6: by Irene (new)

Irene (irena47) | 988 comments Yikes, 815 it available in paperback. Published in 1939, I hope so. Now, I truly am intrigued.

message 7: by Irene (new)

Irene (irena47) | 988 comments Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China by Jung Chang also sounds interesting. It is available in paperback.

message 8: by F1Wild (new)

F1Wild Brenda wrote: "I'd recommend Moment in Peking by Yutang Lin, he was bilingual and wrote this in English first and then in Chinese. It begins a little earlier than you were wondering about (1904 - during the box..."
If anyone looks this up on Amazon please click on the "I would like to read the Kindle version' for me and others as it looks fantastic!

message 9: by F1Wild (new)

F1Wild Irene wrote: "Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China by Jung Chang also sounds interesting. It is available in paperback."
This was an awesome book!!!

message 10: by Matthew (new)

Matthew I seem to recall that When We Were Orphans by Kazou Ishiguro is set in Hong Kong around that timeframe. It's an okay read, not as good as Remanins of the Day but few books are.

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