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message 1: by Vincent, Group Founder (last edited Feb 26, 2014 04:32PM) (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 1124 comments Mod
Dear Goodreads friends,

During the course of moderating this group, I've had a number of questions from authors about how best to publish and/or market their books. I've learned a lot from answering and researching these inquiries, and I figured it would be worthwhile to create a folder to find the resources you need. Please contribute to it if you have advice.

I hope you enjoy it!


message 2: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Patrick (pristine) | 44 comments Hi Vincent, I definitely could use your help and expertise in pointing me in the right direction concerning the marketing/promoting my latest published Romance/drama. What are the best ways to increase your exposure with social media networking? How does one increase sales and exposure without paying alot for marketing?

message 3: by Vincent, Group Founder (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 1124 comments Mod
Hi Deborah,

I have several ideas in mind. I'll email them to you.


message 4: by Sue (new)

Sue Bowling (sueannbowling) | 55 comments My book's in print and e-book (iUniverse) and the people who've read it like it--I have two reviews each on Amazon and Barnes&Noble, all 5 star. I just sent the sequel to my editor yesterday, and I have an author website I'm trying to promote via a blog, Twitter, facebook and here. I'm going to start reviewing books by authors whose sf is similar to mine on Amazon. Any further ideas? Homecoming by Sue Ann Bowling

message 5: by Vincent, Group Founder (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 1124 comments Mod
Hi Sue,

Yes, I have some thoughts for you as well--especially for your sequel.

I'll give you an email.


message 6: by Vincent, Group Founder (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 1124 comments Mod
Hi Deborah and Sue,

I hope my emails helped you out.


message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

Sue wrote: "My book's in print and e-book (iUniverse) and the people who've read it like it--I have two reviews each on Amazon and Barnes&Noble, all 5 star. I just sent the sequel to my editor yesterday, and I..."

Try finding book reviewers/bloggers who promote your genre and asking them to do reviews/interviews for you. These people sometimes have hundreds or even thousands of followers and it can get the news of your work out there a lot quicker. If you find a blogger that you like, check out the sidebars on their sites as well since many of them link to other sites they like too. It's a win/win situation. They get free books and you are only out your book cost and shipping. Good luck with everything!


message 8: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia Enuton (gooberella) | 23 comments Hi Vince, I'm curious to know your suggestions as well. I write childrens/YA novels with a focus on dogs and their relationship with people. My books are fantasy fiction with an audience of kids and adult dog lovers.


Vincent wrote: "Hi Deborah,

I have several ideas in mind. I'll email them to you.


message 9: by Vincent, Group Founder (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 1124 comments Mod
Sure thing, Gooberella.

I'll get in contact with you, too.


message 10: by Michael (new)

Michael Miller (michaelscottmiller) | 5 comments Hi Vince

It sounds like you have some great marketing & promotional ideas. I would be grateful if you could send me an email with your thoughts.

I am a first time author and have gotten a few reviews on Smashwords, all very positive.

I am having some difficulty getting traction here on goodreads. I have read through the author program ideas, created a blog, and posted to some author/reader groups. I'm hesitant to start a Q&A until the book gets more visibility. Is there a section anywhere where readers can browse and see ebooks grouped as new releases?

Thanks for any ideas you can provide.

Michael Scott Miller
Ladies and Gentlemen...The Redeemers by Michael Scott Miller

message 11: by Vincent, Group Founder (new)

Vincent Lowry (vlowry) | 1124 comments Mod
Hi Michael,

I sent you an email with some tips.

In the bulletin board section in this group, I've created an ebook topic where you can list your book.

Also, for more traction, try searching groups on Goodreads--and other social networks--by using the key term "ebooks." You're bound to find several where you can post your book for more readers to see.

For the Q&A question, I'd befriend as many interested readers as possible, then start your Q&A session by sending them invites. Set a goal of how many you would like to invite (100, 200, etc.). If you just leave it open, you may never get around to doing the Q&A.


message 12: by Anita (last edited Jan 15, 2011 07:58PM) (new)

Anita Estes (neatwriter) | 42 comments Hi Vince,
I'm an inspirational writer and have two books self- published,When God Speaks and Transformed, about overcoming addicitions. While I've been able to sell these face to face, I haven't sold them on-line, though I have a web-site and they're on Amazon.It was suggested I give some away free on GoodReads, which I will do but I don't see how to do that, except for e-books, which I don't have. I belong to a writer's on-line group, self-pub group and have a blog. Thanks for your advice.

message 13: by Kait Neese (new)

Kait Neese Mason (kaitneesemason) | 15 comments Hey everyone! My name is Kait and I am a author/marketer, deadly combination (smile). One of my personal goals is to educate authors on how to use Amazon to promote their books. As we all know Amazon is a force you can not ignore. Ironically though I believe goodreads (more so than Amazon) to be one of the best places for sharing information on the subject . I have often found that the Amazon Discussion Boards can be a not so friendly place and unfortunately many authors fall victim to "cyber-bulling". None of that here!

For the last few weeks I was attending the Taipei International Book Fair in Taiwan and let me tell you the desire to distribute foreign books into the U.S (as well as bring American "English" books into their region) is HUGE! It is all very exciting. One thing I noted which I felt everyone should know is that Amazon is the go to site for Foreign Rights buyers! Yup you heard me. Basically foreign publishing companies are realizing the value of Amazon and how it can essentially be used as a search engine when looking for new titles for rights purchasing. Having an amazon presence is more crucial now than ever as the site will only grow in the proceeding month/years in popularity.

That being said I wanted to let you all know I have created a blog to which I will be making 2 new posts a week all relating to Amazon. This blog will cover marketing tips, facts, and general information about Amazon. My aim is to help educate authors on using Amazon as this site should be treated by an author just as you would Facebook or Twitter. Social Media baby! ITS HERE TO STAY! Below is the link to my new blog! Hope you enjoy it and please feel free to leave comments!

How to Use Amazon to Promote Your Published Book


message 14: by Lori (new)

Lori Davidson (Laddie) | 8 comments Vincent wrote: "Hi Deborah,

I have several ideas in mind. I'll email them to you.


Any chance you could email the same list to me? Appreciate it! Thanks.. Lori

message 15: by Channing (new)

Channing Hayden | 4 comments Does anyone have experience with the website Smashwords? They promise to publish books for all manner of electronic readers, Kindle, Nook, iPod, etc. It's a great deal if it works, saving authors the trouble of publishing on each individual platform. I'm reviewing their publishing guidelines now and would like some feedback before I commit. Thanks.

message 16: by Caroline (new)

Caroline Clemmons (caroline_clemmons) | 27 comments Channing, it's not quite as user friendly as Kindle, but your book will be formatted for seven readers. There's a step-by-step tutorial, but it took me a couple of tries to get it right. One reason is because one of the books was written years ago on whatever word processor my PC had then and I had to strip all that formatting. Just follow the directions and you won't have trouble. It's a great tool to make your book available to every e-reader. I have one new book and three of my backlist there.
Caroline Clemmons

message 17: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Goldin (stephengoldin) | 49 comments Channing--Just to echo Caroline's post, I've found Smashwords to be a wonderful, writer-friendly service, and my experience with Mark Coker, the chap who runs it, has been uniformly positive. The biggest problem most people have is formatting. Smashwords' automated conversion process is very finicky. Follow their Style Guide (which they have posted free online) to the letter. It's not hard if you take it step-by-step, and they're always willing to help out conscientious beginners. The end results should really make it worth your while. Good luck.

message 18: by [deleted user] (new)

Thanks for your post, Kait.

message 19: by Jason (new)

Jason Tesar | 12 comments Hi Vincent,

I published my first novel in paperback through Lightning Source last October, and it's currently pending review for the premium distribution catalog at Smashwords. I have a blog where I've posted sample chapters and have built up a small amount of regular traffic. I've posted sample chapters on my blog, created a Facebook page, and I have a few 5-star reviews on my Amazon page.

Now that I've made my way through the subset of friends and family that are interested in my genre, my sales have leveled off. I'd be grateful for any advice. I've been looking into Facebook ads and the concept looks interesting.

message 20: by Haresh (new)

Haresh Daswani (hmdaswani) | 8 comments Hi,

Kindly pm me details too :)



message 21: by Kavita (new)

Kavita Nalawde (KavitaNalawde) | 6 comments Hi Vincent,
I am a new author and writing my second book now. Please enlighten me as well.


message 22: by Kelvin (new)

Kelvin O'Ralph (kelvinoralph) | 34 comments Hi Vicent:

I have sent you a message on goodread. Please, I need a bit of advice as well.


message 23: by [deleted user] (new)

I thought to spread the word about an interesting article that should capture the attention of both traditional and self-published authors about the SKYROCKETING sales of e-books.

message 24: by C.M. (new)

C.M. Barrett (elfspirit) | 13 comments Channing wrote: "Does anyone have experience with the website Smashwords? They promise to publish books for all manner of electronic readers, Kindle, Nook, iPod, etc. It's a great deal if it works, saving authors t..."

If you email [email protected] you will get a list of people who format manuscripts in the correct Smashwords style. I had mine done by Anne-Sophie Gomez for $20. It was a straightforward ms. Anything complex could cost more, but she gives an estimate before proceeding.

With prices that reasonable, I'd rather spend the time writing.

message 25: by Haresh (new)

Haresh Daswani (hmdaswani) | 8 comments I have published via smashwords, and after a few corrections, it went through. It did take me 30 minutes per round of correction, mostly on formatting. But it was all ok

message 26: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca Burke | 34 comments I just want to thank everyone for the tips. I'm new to Goodreads and to epublishing, and am thankful for the expert advice on marketing, in addition to the great company of readers and all the delicious book talk.

I found publishing with Smashwords to be very easy. The CEO, Mark Coker, shocked me by personally replying to a couple of my questions within one day. From a list offered by Smashwords, I was able to hire Lucinda Campbell to format my novel for $35 (her price may vary), and she is exceptionally friendly and efficient. She turned it around quickly and I had virtually no problems uploading it to the various ebook publishing sites. If you're not good at graphic design, hire someone to do a cover for you as you will regret going with one that looks amateur. If you are arty, brave, or just cheap, try GIMP--free software for graphic design (or use Photoshop, etc.).

Kait, I've bookmarked your blog on marketing via Amazon and intend to read it like the Torah! Thank you for that link.

My book, When I Am Singing to You, is in several online catalogs now--Smashwords, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble, etc. For those unfamiliar with the process, try this: hire an experienced formatter, such as Ms. Campbell. She'll format your mss. in 3 different versions, one for Smashwords, one for epubs (Barnes and Nobles' PubIt!), and one for Amazon (a prc., I believe the file is called). Sign up with Smashwords first, and as you do "opt out" of their B and N, and Amazon Kindle distribution deals; you can sign up with those two publishers independently and get more exposure/sales that way. Nearly everyone does it this way (see J.A. Konrath's blog for the Bible on this process).

message 27: by C.M. (new)

C.M. Barrett (elfspirit) | 13 comments Rebecca wrote: "I just want to thank everyone for the tips. I'm new to Goodreads and to epublishing, and am thankful for the expert advice on marketing, in addition to the great company of readers and all the deli..."

Thanks, Rebecca. This is helpful information. I am saving Lucinda Campbell's name.

message 28: by Mandi (new)

Mandi Tillotson Sloan | 97 comments I have a kids picture book that I just had published. It is doing very well locally but I'd love to know how to get my name out to others as well. I'll post a link to my book (the kindle version has a perfect 5 star review! with 15 reviews Yay!) if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. Thank you so much. :o)

message 29: by Larry (new)

Larry Moniz (larrymoniz) Hi Mandi. You must devote time to building your name as a brand. Lots of people simply look for the latest book by author XYZ rather than the book title. I have dozens of ideas, many from other award-winning authors, in my book: Self-Promotion for Authors. It's available as both a trade paperback and newly released as a Kindle Book. Also, I've talked to a number of authors who say the old ways are still better than social networking. Best of luck.

message 30: by Emily (new)

Emily Snyder (emilycasnyder) | 16 comments Hi Vince,

It sounds like your the promotion guru! I have a two part question for you:

1) Several years ago, I wrote and published two books, but because of various circumstances (incredibly busy with work, lack of confidence or wherewithall) I didn't promote them well if at all. (Those are Niamh and the Hermit and Charming the Moon.) I'm wondering whether there's any way to promote them now, given the instant nature of our fast-paced world. I am working on another novel in the series which I think may actually do well (so I'm tempted to finish it and look for a larger publisher), currently titled ShadowQueen. It involves princesses rescuing princes, and unicorns, and true love, and all the sort of stuff that my main audience for the Twelve Kingdoms (mostly homeschooled middle grade girls, for some reason!) gravitate towards. Suggestions?

2) More currently, I published "Nachtsturm Castle: A Gothic Austen Novel," which is a sequel and pastiche to "Northanger Abbey." It's available in paperback and e-book format, and has been doing fairly well. I'm learning this book to learn about basic promotion - but given that in some ways it has a disparate audience from my other novels, do you think there can be any possibility of crossover? What does one do with diversity?

Thank you so much in advance! I really appreciate it!

[email protected]

message 31: by Leia (new)

Leia Shaw (leiashaw) | 12 comments Hi Vincent,

I have a question. I'm a self-published paranormal romance author. I have two books, the most recent published this July.

I'm already plugged into social networking and have been lucky in getting sites to review my books. Most of the reviews have been very positive and my sales were gradually increasing.

But just recently I got a really bad review on a high profile review site. Since then my sales have literally frozen. Any suggestions to combat this sudden drop?

I'm wondering if I should lower my price. Each book is $2.99 right now. I feel that's a fair price but I know many Indie authors sell for 99 cents. What are your thoughts?


Leia Shaw

message 32: by Editio (new)

Editio  (editiomedia) | 12 comments Hey Vincent, this is great. Your very thoughtful to do this for people.

message 33: by Elizabeth (last edited Sep 12, 2011 04:36PM) (new)

Elizabeth Lang | 29 comments Hi Vincent

I have a science fiction book published by a small press. It's the first of a trilogy. I am working on the final two and the publisher has slated them for release early next year.

It's been frustrating doing publicity because the publishers spend all their time editing, formatting and publishing books and almost none doing publicity, which seems short-sighted to me.

I've done the obligatory rounds with reviewers and the ones who have taken enough interest to read it seem to love the book, but other than for a few sales, it hasn't generated the publicity I was hoping for.

I'm socializing on Facebook and Twitter and have a blog and website up, but maybe I'm doing something wrong.

The only thing that helped was participating in a special (paid) summer program on a Romance site (mine is considered a SFR) and I will also be participating in a Halloween blog hop event in October.

I am considering donating copies of my book to the local libraries and trying to set up some book signings but I'm not sure how effective those are.

I have had a steady trickle of sales, but that's about it.

Do you have any suggestions?

message 34: by Paul (new)

Paul Westmoreland | 43 comments Hi Elizabeth,

That sounds like a real slog. I don't have a publisher myself, although I used to have an agent and they seemed to operate on a glacial time frame to me.

What's the blog hop even you mentioned all about?

Keep fighting the good fight.

message 35: by Mandi (new)

Mandi Tillotson Sloan | 97 comments Hi there. :o) Just wanted to share what I have done to market my book. I am so excited because if you go to the amazon kindle store and search: Kids kindle book, mine comes up #1 out of 3,448 Results!! Yay! First of all, Facebook has been the best advertisement and also, when a sales person calls me on the phone, I reverse the call back on them. Lol. I tell them about my book and have them look it up while on the phone. ha ha. It has worked to a couple of times. Once on the phone with a Dell Rep. :o) Just something to try. Here is my book link too:

message 36: by Everly (new)

Everly Anders | 87 comments I think doing guest blogs is a really good way of getting yourself out there. I occasionally write for and I have sold most of my books to the hundreds of people who go to their site for help. I know they are looking for people to do guest blogs at the moment. That might be a good place to start, or look for places like that. Make sure you go with a site that will put a link to your work at the end of your article.
Elle Lapraim

message 37: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Ard (lisaa) | 24 comments My first book Fright Flight, Dream Seeker Book One was released by Puddletown Publishing this week in e-book format (print on demand to follow in Nov 2011). This is a middle-grade fantasy series about Patrick, a twelve=year old boy with the ability to experience dreams as reality. He must follow the rules and show some self-control to ensure a sweet dream rather than a nightmare. The problem is, he sometimes forgets...

If you would like to review for Amazon, Goodreads and my website, please contact me for a complimentary e-pub file.

My question: I'm considering offering free school visits via Skype. I know that many authors charge, but I want to make the visits accessible. Any downside to offering free visits?

Thanks for your comments. Lisa Ard

message 38: by J.E. (new)

J.E. Lowder (jelowder) | 16 comments What are everyone's thoughts on doing a virtual book tour? Any insights in which to use or avoid? Is it worth the money? Thanks.

message 39: by Karen (new)

Karen A. Wyle (kawyle) | 277 comments I've signed up for a tour with Bewitching Book Tours, even though my book isn't fantasy/paranormal. The folks there say they've done well with science fiction before -- we'll see how it goes!... I've also contacted quite a few book bloggers on my own and obtained reviews and author interviews without organizing them into a tour. I'll be interested in seeing how much difference the "tour" packaging makes in the result.

J.E. wrote: "What are everyone's thoughts on doing a virtual book tour? Any insights in which to use or avoid? Is it worth the money? Thanks."

message 40: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Ard (lisaa) | 24 comments Kait wrote: "Hey everyone! My name is Kait and I am a author/marketer, deadly combination (smile). One of my personal goals is to educate authors on how to use Amazon to promote their books. As we all know Amaz..."

Thanks Kait - I'll check it out, Lisa Ard

message 41: by S.J. (new)

S.J. Clarke (sjclarke) | 24 comments Argh. I'm trying to access Bewitching Blog Tour's site but it's super slow and jumping all over the place, everywhere except to the page I select. Has anyone else had this problem? Could it just be my desktop? It's pretty fast computer. Anyway, what I was able to read looked good.

Vincent, or anyone else, do you have any other tour organizer recommendations? I like the idea of having someone else do a lot of the legwork.

All suggestions welcome!!

message 42: by Suki (new)

Suki Michelle (sukimichelle) | 83 comments S.J. wrote: "Argh. I'm trying to access Bewitching Blog Tour's site but it's super slow and jumping all over the place, everywhere except to the page I select. Has anyone else had this problem? Could it just be..."

Hi S.J. I just signed up with Bewitching Blog Tours also. Everything worked just find, not slow at all. They sent me an author info packet after I paid. Their list of host blogs is quite long, which is encouraging. Their prices are reasonable too, except when compared to my last blog tour which was done for free by an enthusiastic blogger/fan. I'll post here when the tour begins on 01/02/2012. Maybe we can follow each other!

message 43: by S.J. (new)

S.J. Clarke (sjclarke) | 24 comments Sounds great Suki. I'm going to try logging in from my laptop (slightly more powerful) and see whap happens there. So far, Bewitching Blog Tours is the only affordable one out there that I can find.

Absolutely, let's follow each other's tours. Which package did you get?

message 44: by Suki (last edited Nov 19, 2011 12:58PM) (new)

Suki Michelle (sukimichelle) | 83 comments We got the super-dee-duper one-month make magic happen package. I just emailed them and told them I can only commit to three or four guest posts - too busy writing our sequel - but I'll do as many interviews, excerpts, etc her bloggers want. I also asked her what percentage of the stops actually offer reviews. I'm hoping lots. Our last tour was great. We got a fair number of reviews. We totally appreciated all of them, even the icky one!

(I say "we" because my book was co-written with Carlyle Clark, my paramour/co-writer.)

Have you signed up yet? If so, when is yours?

I plan to set this up as a GR event. Hopefully lots will come.

What's your genre?

message 45: by S.J. (new)

S.J. Clarke (sjclarke) | 24 comments How nice that you have someone to share the workload with;o) And the research:) Good luck on your tour.

Did you use Bewitched for your last tour too?

I'm just filling out the form, and was thinking the one month deal - in for a penny and all that.
I have the same reservations as you re: guest posting. But I know it's necessary. I was thinking one guest post per week, and as much of the rest as necessary. But then I think I should take advantage of the publicity while it's available to me. Decisions - decisions. lol

How do you set up a GR event? That sounds cool.

I write Paranormal Romantic Suspense. More psychic than urban fantasy, though I want to try that too. What do you and Carlyle write?

message 46: by Suki (new)

Suki Michelle (sukimichelle) | 83 comments our last blog tour was no charge. we had one stop for every day in october. it was set up by one of the bloggers (unputdownable books) that we queried for a review. she accepted it, read it, and loved it. then she asked us if we wanted her to set up a tour for free. we LOVE her. we were her first tour. i think she's doing more now, but i believe she selects the ones she wants to promote.

our book, The Apocalypse Gene, is a young adult urban fantasy with elements of sci fi and cyberpunk. it was released last month by parker publishing.

as for setting up a GR event? no clue, but it's suggested we do that in the bewitching tour author package. i do know how to set up a facebook event, and we'll do that for sure.

have you subjected your book to bloggers yet, i mean, outside of a tour? we have, and it's been relatively successful. that's one helluva busy bunch.

message 47: by S.J. (new)

S.J. Clarke (sjclarke) | 24 comments Moving this to messages so we can stop hijacking the thread:)

Sorry everyone. We now return you to your regularly scheduled progams.

message 48: by [deleted user] (new)

I've found that with marketing, social networking is great, but you can't forget about your blog -- blogs are great tools as well, and are a bit more personal. A great blog really generates interest, just as much (maybe) as social networking.

As far as publishing, I would say to look at every route you can. Figure out where exactly you want your book to be, what format you would like it in, whether or not you want to hire a professional or do it yourself (which there is nothing wrong with, if you think you will do the best job). That, and be creative. There is nothing better than finding an author who takes the time to publish a great book, have a great cover, and write a great story that is creative and fun, and that you can tell they enjoy writing.


message 49: by S.J. (new)

S.J. Clarke (sjclarke) | 24 comments Good points, Alexandra.

I've negleted my blog for far too long.

message 50: by [deleted user] (new)

S.J. wrote: "Good points, Alexandra.

I've negleted my blog for far too long."

Glad to be of help. :)

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