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Word Games > Author Alphabet

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message 1: by Catamorandi (new)

Catamorandi (wwwgoodreadscomprofilerandi) I got this from another group. You type an author's name like Charles Dutton. Then the next person has to come up with an author's name that starts with the first letter of the last name like Donald H. Carpenter. It's really kind of fun and interesting to see all of the different authors there are. I'll start:

Janet Evanovich

message 2: by [deleted user] (last edited Jul 01, 2008 07:31PM) (new)

Edgar Allan Poe

message 3: by Eastofoz (new)

Eastofoz Paula Quinn

message 4: by Catamorandi (new)

Catamorandi (wwwgoodreadscomprofilerandi) Quentin Tarantino

message 5: by Ruth (new)

Ruth | 16530 comments Mod
Truman Capote

message 6: by Eastofoz (new)

Eastofoz Quentin Tarantino writes books????

Cathy Maxwell

message 7: by Debbie, sardonic princess of cheerfulness (new)

Debbie (sardonicprincessofcheerfulness) | 6389 comments Mod
Margaret Mitchell

message 8: by Nikki (new)

Nikki Boisture | 19 comments Michael Chabon

message 9: by Gail (new)

Gail Charles Dickens

message 10: by Stamatia (new)

Stamatia | 268 comments Diana Gabaldon

message 11: by Ruth (new)

Ruth | 16530 comments Mod
George Plimpton

message 12: by Stamatia (new)

Stamatia | 268 comments Piers Anthony

message 13: by Eastofoz (new)

Eastofoz Amy Tan

message 14: by Debbie, sardonic princess of cheerfulness (new)

Debbie (sardonicprincessofcheerfulness) | 6389 comments Mod
Thomas Malory

message 15: by [deleted user] (last edited Jul 02, 2008 12:58PM) (new)

Quentin Tarantino is an author of film scripts and screen plays :) & at least Reservoir Dogs & Pulp Fiction were sold as paperbacks ...

Thomas Stearns Eliot

ug-- Debbie beat me to the post

Mary Balogh

message 16: by Eastofoz (new)

Eastofoz I didn't know he actually wrote those Sarah--thanks for the info :)

Bertrice Small

Julie (jjmachshev) (jjmachshev) | 193 comments Sandy Blair

message 18: by Eastofoz (new)

Eastofoz Barbara Freethy

message 19: by Catamorandi (new)

Catamorandi (wwwgoodreadscomprofilerandi) Florence Henderson

message 20: by Eastofoz (new)

Eastofoz Harriet Beecher Stowe

message 21: by Catamorandi (new)

Catamorandi (wwwgoodreadscomprofilerandi) Stephen King

message 22: by Catamorandi (new)

Catamorandi (wwwgoodreadscomprofilerandi) Sorry, Donna.

message 23: by Eastofoz (new)

Eastofoz Kresley Cole

message 24: by Catamorandi (new)

Catamorandi (wwwgoodreadscomprofilerandi) Chuck Norris

message 25: by M.D. (new)

M.D. (mdbenoit) Is Chuck Norris an author?

Norman Mailer

message 26: by Stamatia (new)

Stamatia | 268 comments Yes I think I've come across some books of his while browsing the net but for the life of me I can't remember what they're about
Mercedes Lackey

Julie (jjmachshev) (jjmachshev) | 193 comments Laura Griffin

message 28: by Ruth (new)

Ruth | 16530 comments Mod
Gary Snyder

message 29: by Eastofoz (new)

Eastofoz Sabrina Jeffries

message 30: by Debbie, sardonic princess of cheerfulness (new)

Debbie (sardonicprincessofcheerfulness) | 6389 comments Mod
Jeffrey Archer

Julie (jjmachshev) (jjmachshev) | 193 comments anne mallory

message 32: by Catamorandi (new)

Catamorandi (wwwgoodreadscomprofilerandi) Martha Grimes

message 33: by Marian (new)

Marian (gramma) | 39 comments Gretchen Ehrlich

message 34: by Debbie, sardonic princess of cheerfulness (new)

Debbie (sardonicprincessofcheerfulness) | 6389 comments Mod
Evelyn Waugh

message 36: by Tyler (new)

Tyler  (tyler-d) | 268 comments James Joyce

message 37: by Eastofoz (new)

Eastofoz Jillian Hunter

Julie (jjmachshev) (jjmachshev) | 193 comments Hannah Howell

message 39: by Eastofoz (new)

Eastofoz Heather Graham

Julie (jjmachshev) (jjmachshev) | 193 comments Gina Wilkins

message 41: by Stamatia (new)

Stamatia | 268 comments W.B.Keckler (he's a goodreads friend and a true blue bona fide poet)

message 42: by Eastofoz (new)

Eastofoz Kathleen Harrington

message 43: by Gail (new)

Gail Howard Fast

message 44: by Debbie, sardonic princess of cheerfulness (new)

Debbie (sardonicprincessofcheerfulness) | 6389 comments Mod
Frank Herbert

message 45: by Eastofoz (new)

Eastofoz Hans Christian Anderson

message 46: by Ruth (new)

Ruth | 16530 comments Mod
Annie Proulx

message 47: by Eastofoz (new)

Eastofoz Patrick Suskind

Julie (jjmachshev) (jjmachshev) | 193 comments Shayla Black

message 49: by Eastofoz (new)

Eastofoz Bill Bryson

Julie (jjmachshev) (jjmachshev) | 193 comments Bettina Krahn

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