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Nook > Goodreads Ebooks

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message 1: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Ebooks are available on Goodreads to download for free.
Has anyone tried this yet?

Here is the link

message 2: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
What ebooks have you downloaded from Goodreads, that you would recommend to others?

I am thinking of trying James Potter and the Hall of Elders' Crossing. Has anyone tried this book yet?

message 3: by Kristina (new)

Kristina | 778 comments I've started it (probably 60 pages into it) and it's pretty good. I printed part of it out to read one day at work on a holiday and I haven't gotten to read more of it yet. But it was well written and I'd like to finish it.

Michelle (In Libris Veritas) (shadowrose) I've only read one ebook from Goodreads and that was The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. I can't say I'd recommend it but it was cute. I've read about 10 pages of James Potter while I was one a short vacation but I never got around to seriously reading it.

message 5: by Shannon (new)

Shannon  (shananigansreads) I made it about a third of the way through James Potter and it was moving dreadfully slow so I put it down and have yet to step back to it.

message 6: by Shelley (new)

Shelley (shelleylynn) | 13 comments Sorry I know this is for Nook sharing but doesn't any one know if you can share books for the Sony Readers???

message 7: by stormhawk (new)

stormhawk | 1184 comments Doesn't look like it.

message 8: by Shelley (new)

Shelley (shelleylynn) | 13 comments Bummer!!! That the one thing I hate about my reader- when I buy a book I can share it with many people, when I buy a e-book I read it and then it can't be shared :(

message 9: by Shannon (new)

Shannon  (shananigansreads) Shelley wrote: "Bummer!!! That the one thing I hate about my reader- when I buy a book I can share it with many people, when I buy a e-book I read it and then it can't be shared :("

What kind of files can you ereader take?

message 10: by sonya (new)

sonya marie madden  | 441 comments i finally found out why adobe digital editions doesn't work on my kobo. (and 8 months to tell me) WIN 7 isn't compatible with ade! so if an ebook isn't sold through borders i can't get it.

message 11: by Jacqueline (new)

Jacqueline Howett | 6 comments Love of a stonemason by Christa Polkinhorn. I gave it a 5 star review.

message 12: by Aparajitabasu (new)

Aparajitabasu | 16 comments Joy wrote: "What ebooks have you downloaded from Goodreads, that you would recommend to others?

I am thinking of trying James Potter and the Hall of Elders' Crossing. Has anyone tried this bo..."

i'm definitely going to read the 3 books after my exams are over.....and definitely suggest it to my fellow harry potter loving cousins

message 13: by Jacqueline (new)

Jacqueline Howett | 6 comments Hi all,

Louise Wise is presently my guest author at my blog talking about her book, 'a proper charlie,' and 'Eden,' so come on over and check out the interview, and leave a comment if you like.


Jacqueline Howett

message 14: by Angela (new)

Angela | 97 comments Sonya wrote: "i finally found out why adobe digital editions doesn't work on my kobo. (and 8 months to tell me) WIN 7 isn't compatible with ade! so if an ebook isn't sold through borders i can't get it."

I don't understand? I'm running Windows 7 and I've got ADE running ok, and I've got a Kobo Wifi which I've linked to it. I've had no problems at all. Perhaps I've misunderstood you.

message 15: by Ian (new)

Ian Loome (lhthomson) | 18 comments Hi all,
Given that it's free (and staying that way) I shall guilt-free point out that one of my books is in Goodreads' free list.

The ePub direct download is here:


message 17: by L.Y. (new)

L.Y. Levand (lylevand) J.D. wrote: "Ebooks are available on Goodreads to download for free.
Has anyone tried this yet?

Here is the link"

No, I haven't tried that yet. I wonder if I could do it with this dinosaur of a computer...? It would definitely be worth checking out!

message 18: by L.Y. (new)

L.Y. Levand (lylevand) Does anyone know if you can download Goodreads ebooks to a kindle?

message 19: by Camille (new)

Camille Khairallah | 19 comments Hello Gooreads Community

Here is a non-fiction book you might be interested in checking out!

I was inspired by ATHENE @Athenewins/@AtheneLOL (Youtube/Twitter) to travel to Uganda to volunteer for two months through the Concordia Volunteer Abroad Program CVAP available to me through my University in Canada, in this book I provide the summary of my adventures working in a micro-finance project in Gulu, Uganda and how to prepare/live in such an environment comparing it to North America.

It would be amazing if the Goodreads community can promote/support my work :)


Camille (Canadian Store) (USA & Others) (French Store) (UK Store)

Amazon Kindle PC Download Link to have Kindle on your PC in case you do not own a mobile device:

message 20: by Josh (new)

Josh Mitchell (wickid_pissa) | 7 comments I haven't tried it yet but thanks for the heads up.

My new novel "The Dude Who Did Dictionaries" is now available on Amazon via Kindle Direct as a KDP Selection -

message 21: by Alex (new)

Alex Morritt (alexmorritt) | 20 comments Short on gift ideas for Xmas ? Stuck on what vacation reads to choose ? Why not try Impromptu Scribe ? A fictional short story collection on GR that fits the bill on both counts, priced at just US$0.99 (Thursday 18th-Sunday 21st December only) available here: and from Amazon sites worldwide.

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