Reading with Style discussion

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Archives > WI 10-11 General Challenge Questions & Answers

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message 1: by Sam (new)

Sam (archieleach9) | 205 comments Post your general questions about the Reading w/Style challenge, Style point rules, or the Winter 2010-11 Challenge here.

message 2: by Rebekah (new)

Rebekah (bekalynn) On the Task Overview post, for tasks 10.5, 10.6 10.7 says to vote in the poll. Does that mean we vote three times?

message 3: by Sam (new)

Sam (archieleach9) | 205 comments You can only vote once, but the top three vote-getters will become those three tasks.

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13858 comments Question specific to 10.2 A Special Gift from Reading with Style. It's a stretch and I think you'd have to be generous to give it to me, BUT . . . I received some gift certificates for my birthday this week. Would one of the very special purchases I made with them count for this task?

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13858 comments Not so much a question, but a suggestion. If the Noel, Noel task gets picked that perhaps being allowed to use an author only once should be a requirement. I have a lot of books on my shelf that would fit this task, though only one author has a duplicate. While I didn't vote for it, I do hope it gets to be a task because I have so many on my shelf that fits.

message 6: by Rebekah (new)

Rebekah (bekalynn) I know I've been living in the jungle but what exactly is Cyberpunk? When I looked it up, it seemed it was like alternative history. Would that be the same as fantasy? Just wondering and needing enlightment. Gotta get out from under that rock! (smile)

message 7: by Rebekah (new)

Rebekah (bekalynn) Oh, another question. On the fantasy list there are many series books lumped together like the Narnia books. Does that mean we can read any one of books in the series?

Jayme(theghostreader) (jaymetheghostreader) | 2517 comments I have a question for task 10.3 V Day. Would "Catching Fire' be considered 20th century. Does the book have to be published in the 20th century or it take place in the 20th century? I am not sure if "Catching Fire would qualify.

message 9: by Liz M (new)

Liz M Rebekah wrote: "Oh, another question. On the fantasy list there are many series books lumped together like the Narnia books. Does that mean we can read any one of books in the series?"

In the task, it states: Note: Some of the Top 50 are entire series...don't pick those unless you plan on reading the entire series.

So, if a book is only in the top 50 as part of a series, I don't think it qualifies.

message 10: by Rebekah (new)

Rebekah (bekalynn) Liz M wrote: "Rebekah wrote: "Oh, another question. On the fantasy list there are many series books lumped together like the Narnia books. Does that mean we can read any one of books in the series?"

In the task..."

Thanks. Didn't read close enough

message 11: by Rebekah (last edited Nov 20, 2010 03:04PM) (new)

Rebekah (bekalynn) Elizabeth (Alaska) wrote: "Not so much a question, but a suggestion. If the Noel, Noel task gets picked that perhaps being allowed to use an author only once should be a requirement. I have a lot of books on my shelf that wo..."

Same here about the authors I mean. Like Sue Grafton and Nevada Barr and Jasper Fforde all have series with many books.
But that NoEl idea was a brilliant word play!

message 12: by Elizabeth (Alaska) (last edited Nov 20, 2010 03:31PM) (new)

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13858 comments Rebekah wrote: "But that NoEl idea was a brilliant word play! "

Yes, excellent! I've even changed my vote in the poll to try to get this one. Even with the one-per-author restriction, I can get 9 books off my shelf with this task - 8 of them being authors I've never read before.

message 13: by Sam (new)

Sam (archieleach9) | 205 comments -We'll most likely limit the Noel task to unique authors.

-When we both went looking for modern romance lists, we both came up with the GR list. Unfortunately, there are book on the list that aren't 20th Century, which is what the list is supposed to be (Pride & Prejudice...?). You'll have to double-check your book choice to be sure, but they definitely should be from the 20th century.

-Check out the following link on cyberpunk. Also, once you've voted in the poll, you'll be able to see the link to the book list that is part of the task.

message 14: by Sam (new)

Sam (archieleach9) | 205 comments Elizabeth (Alaska) wrote: "Question specific to 10.2 A Special Gift from Reading with Style. It's a stretch and I think you'd have to be generous to give it to me, BUT . . . I received some gift certificates for my birthday ..."

I can live with that.

message 15: by Liz M (last edited Nov 21, 2010 05:44AM) (new)

Liz M Sam wrote: "Unfortunately, there are book on the list that aren't 20th Century, which is what the list is supposed to be (Pride & Prejudice...?). You'll have to double-check your book choice to be sure, but they definitely should be from the 20th century. ..."

So, from the 20th century means the book should have been published between 1/1/1901-12/31/2000?

(Feeling slow, coffee hasn't kicked in. But thank you for being awake at 6:30 am to answer questions).

message 16: by Karen Michele (last edited Nov 21, 2010 06:02AM) (new)

Karen Michele Burns (klibrary) | 5053 comments I have a question about the cyberpunk task. I was looking at the list of books and saw that it was last updated in 1995. If this task wins would it be possible to have the list be just suggested instead of required? It also doesn't include YA and there are some great YAs out there in this category. Another
possibility could be to expand the
task to cyberpunk and steampunk.
My top two choices are already on
top of the poll, but I like the
possibilities of this one if it wasn't
limited to this list. Right now my
vote's on Noel but I might move it to
this one or the Booker prize task
because I have Booker winners on
my TBR.

message 17: by Sam (new)

Sam (archieleach9) | 205 comments Liz M wrote: "Sam wrote: "Unfortunately, there are book on the list that aren't 20th Century, which is what the list is supposed to be (Pride & Prejudice...?). You'll have to double-check your book choice to be ..."

Let's just avoid this particular controversy and say 1900-2000 is okay.

message 18: by Sam (new)

Sam (archieleach9) | 205 comments Karen GHHS wrote: "I have a question about the cyberpunk task. I was looking at the list of books and saw that it was last updated in 1995. If this task wins would it be possible to have the list be just suggested in..."

I'd like to keep the task limited to the list. That leaves me the option of using more recent cyberpunk or steampunk for a task later on.

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13858 comments Sam wrote: "Elizabeth (Alaska) wrote: "Question specific to 10.2 A Special Gift from Reading with Style. It's a stretch and I think you'd have to be generous to give it to me, BUT . . . I received some gift ce..."

Yeah! I got The Lacuna and want to read it with my other group! Thank you, thank you!

message 20: by Karen Michele (new)

Karen Michele Burns (klibrary) | 5053 comments After posting my question about the cyberpunk task I thought I should also say that I think this winter challenge is fantastic all around! I'm looking so forward to Backpacking Around Europe. I was tired last night and was trying to go exclusively by "ferry" which wasn't working out so well as you can imagine so I'm looking forward to mapping it all out today now that I've "seen the light" about how it should be done. Thanks so much for the work you and Krista do!

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13858 comments 10.1 Short Stories

For you Stephen King fans, did you know he has a couple of short story collections? Nightmares and Dreamscapes and also Full Dark, No Stars

message 22: by Cait (new)

Cait (caitertot) I just picked up Full Dark, No Stars from the library!

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13858 comments I'm not a Stephen King fan, but am such a short story fan. Not this challenge, but I will definitely consider this in the future.

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13858 comments Cait wrote: "I just picked up Full Dark, No Stars from the library!"

I'm not a Stephen King fan, but am such a short story fan. Not this challenge, but I will definitely consider this in the future. And this one satisfy 10.2 if you have another for 10.1.

message 25: by Rebekah (new)

Rebekah (bekalynn) Liz M wrote: "Sam wrote: "Unfortunately, there are book on the list that aren't 20th Century, which is what the list is supposed to be (Pride & Prejudice...?). You'll have to double-check your book choice to be ..."

Gee Whiz! There is "steam punk" too?
Okay is there a link to explain that?

message 26: by Krista (new)

Krista (kacey14) | 1037 comments Elizabeth (Alaska) wrote: "Cait wrote: "I just picked up Full Dark, No Stars from the library!"

I'm not a Stephen King fan, but am such a short story fan. Not this challenge, but I will definitely consider ..."

Hey Elizabeth. I saw that Grace Paley was on the Jewish authors list. I tried tackling one if her books of short stories awhile ago and gave up. Maybe this will be the push I need to try another one of her books. I love it when I can get those Combo points!

message 27: by Elizabeth (Alaska) (last edited Nov 22, 2010 03:07PM) (new)

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13858 comments Krista wrote: "Hey Elizabeth. I saw that Grace Paley was on the Jewish authors list. I tried tackling one if her books of short stories awhile ago and gave up. Maybe this will be the push I need to try another one of her books. I love it when I can get those Combo points!

I have vowed that this challenge will consist only of books already on my shelf. Krista, you are forbidden from tempting me! ;-)

Jayme(theghostreader) (jaymetheghostreader) | 2517 comments hahahahahaha

message 29: by Melissa (last edited Nov 24, 2010 03:23PM) (new)

Melissa (melissawiebe80) If I don't receive any books for Christmas, how can I find out what books were released in October, November, December of 2010? Is there a list that I could consult? I tried Wikipedia, but found little help.

I am a little confused with 10.8 and 10.9. What are these for?

Jayme(theghostreader) (jaymetheghostreader) | 2517 comments Goodreads has a list. Go to explore book, goto more lists, then there is a link you can search books by the month they were published

message 31: by Liz M (new)

Liz M Melissa W wrote: "If I don't receive any books for Christmas, how can I find out what books were released in October, November, December of 2010?

Most popular books on Goodreads published in October 2010
Most popular books on Goodreads published in November 2010
Most popular books on Goodreads published in December 2010

Melissa W wrote: "I am a little confused with 10.8 and 10.9. What are these for? "

For the current Fall Challenge, at the moment, the top scorers are:
Cheryl TX (Mega Finisher) - 2510
colleen (Mega Finisher)- 2480
nsfancy (Mega Finisher) - 1340

Unless someone surpasses these scores, each of these three will design a task for the Winter Challenge (10.8, 10.9, 20.10)

message 32: by Melissa (new)

Melissa (melissawiebe80) Thanks for the information.

Jayme(theghostreader) (jaymetheghostreader) | 2517 comments Okay, I have a question about 10.1 task. We are to read a collection of short stories by an author and the book I chose was "Crossroads" by Mercedes Lackey. When I doubled checked other authors have contributed stories so I am thinking it doesn't fit. I need other suggestions.

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13858 comments Jayme(the ghost reader) wrote: "Okay, I have a question about 10.1 task. We are to read a collection of short stories by an author and the book I chose was "Crossroads" by Mercedes Lackey. When I doubled checked other authors hav..."

Jayme, I have a shelf called Wish List - Short Stories. Feel free to look there. You could also just go to "Find Books" and type in short stories. A nice, varied list comes up.

Jayme(theghostreader) (jaymetheghostreader) | 2517 comments I will look into that.

Jayme(theghostreader) (jaymetheghostreader) | 2517 comments Would the "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" work for task 10.1?

message 37: by Cait (new)

Cait (caitertot) Here's a link to the books of short stories on my shelves:

Although I think you would be ok with the Conan Doyle.

message 38: by Krista (new)

Krista (kacey14) | 1037 comments Jayme(the ghost reader) wrote: "Would the "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" work for task 10.1?"

While I haven't yet read this book, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes the Goodreads blurb says it's a collection of short stories.

Quoted from the blurb;
"Comprising the series of short stories that made the fortunes of the Strand, the magazine in which they were first published, this ..."

Yes, this book is approved.

Jayme(theghostreader) (jaymetheghostreader) | 2517 comments thanks

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13858 comments KatieDE wrote: "Just for clarification...

Whatever I read for task 10.2, I cannot claim any style points for that book? And vice versa, cannot use this task as style points for any books read for other tasks......"

For 10.2 you can claim any style points except combo points. And yes, you are correct that you can't use 10.2 as a combo with any other task.

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13858 comments Katie, I have confused you further. You can claim any style points for the book you read for 10.2, including combo points. But you can read only one book for this task and you cannot claim a combo with 10.2 for any other book you read for the challenge.

message 42: by Joanna (new)

Joanna (walker) | 1871 comments For 20.3 (the one word title task), are books with a one-word title followed by a subtitle allowed? E.g., Watermark: A Novel of the Middle Ages or Inside: Life Behind Bars in America?

message 43: by Sam (new)

Sam (archieleach9) | 205 comments Joanna wrote: "For 20.3 (the one word title task), are books with a one-word title followed by a subtitle allowed? E.g., Watermark: A Novel of the Middle Ages or [book:Inside: Life Behind Bars in ..."

I'm going to clarify the task, but the answer is that subtitles aren't allowed.

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13858 comments Bingo!

Jayme(theghostreader) (jaymetheghostreader) | 2517 comments was his name-O! :)

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13858 comments LOL

Jayme(theghostreader) (jaymetheghostreader) | 2517 comments sorry I couldn't resist. :)

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13858 comments Sorry, Sam, but I now need further clarification on 20.3 One Word Title. Does this mean you are not looking at whether there is a subtitle, or that the book cannot have a subtitle. I have a couple on my list, which I very much want to read:

Runaway: Stories, which is what I have, but if I bring up another edition

Possession : A Romance, but

message 49: by Sam (last edited Nov 30, 2010 02:29PM) (new)

Sam (archieleach9) | 205 comments Elizabeth (Alaska) wrote: "Sorry, Sam, but I now need further clarification on 20.3 One Word Title. Does this mean you are not looking at whether there is a subtitle, or that the book cannot have a subtitle. I have a couple ..."

I'm not sure exactly what the proper name for things like "A Novel," "A Romance," or "Stories," is, but they're not technically subtitles. What Krista and I meant when we discussed amending the task were subtitles like these...

Both examples that you listed would work for the task.

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13858 comments Ok, good, thank you, and that's what I thought. Better to be safe than sorry. ;-)

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