Middle East/North African Lit discussion

Arabic literature > online links

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message 2: by Marieke, Former moderator (new)

Marieke | 1179 comments Mod
oooooo.....thanks for these Nile Daughter!!!!

message 3: by Niledaughter (new)

Niledaughter | 2876 comments Mod
You are welcome :) I realy wish this group was more active !!

message 4: by Marieke, Former moderator (new)

Marieke | 1179 comments Mod
Nile daughter wrote: "You are welcome :) I realy wish this group was more active !!"

i just posted about that! :D

message 5: by Niledaughter (last edited Dec 11, 2010 03:41AM) (new)

message 6: by Shanel (new)

Shanel | 1 comments Thank you for the links. I can't wait to read some of the books.

message 7: by Niledaughter (new)

Niledaughter | 2876 comments Mod
you are welcome :)

message 9: by Niledaughter (new)

Niledaughter | 2876 comments Mod
Di any one check this ?


what do you think of these books ?

message 10: by Marieke, Former moderator (new)

Marieke | 1179 comments Mod
i've read two of those books and really liked them. several of the others i have wanted to read or i have read something else by the same author. some of them i had not heard of before.

i also very much enjoyed Rees's first Omar Yussef mystery and intend to read all of them. as far as i can tell he understands the region exceptionally well. i'm "friends" with him here on goodreads and could potentially arrange an author talk if anyone is interested...either about his own books/writing or middle east literature in general, or both!

oh, the two i've read are The Yacoubian Building and Cities of Salt.

message 11: by Niledaughter (new)

Niledaughter | 2876 comments Mod
I think This will be very interesting !
I did not read all the books he mentioned , so I do not know , for Yasmina Khadra, he presents new perspective on religious fanaticism in his books (more like a series) I already added Wolf Dreamsto our reading recommendations , aslo Tariq Aliideas seem Positive , I want to read The Secret Life of Saeed: The Pessoptimist and
Cities of Salt , for The Alexandria Quartet..it is huge but it seems I have to read it !

I think I posted this link in the wrong place ?!

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