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Dead Discussions > Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide

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message 1: by stormhawk (new)

stormhawk | 1184 comments I wasn't able to find a more "official thread," but I figured I would do some discussing anyway. Joy, would you be so kind as either to link this as the official discussion, or move my post into the official one? Thanks!!

I love The Hitchhiker's Guide.

I learned of it in college, and devoured the books as they came out, one by slow one ... Yeah, I was in college when the whole thing started, loved science fiction, and enjoyed the thoroughly quirky humor of the books.

My geeky friends and I reread the Hitchhiker's Guide (it was all we had), memorized bits about the bigness of space and the effects of a Pangalatic Gargleblaster, and spoke in ways that echoed the tone of the book ... "That's Swoopy!" we'd exclaim over particularly neat bits of computer code or an episode of Doctor Who, and continually warn others of "Bewaring the leopard."

message 2: by Mawgojzeta (new)

Mawgojzeta I have 50 pages to go on another book and then am ever so excited to re-read (again) all the Hitchhiker books.

message 3: by Lisa (new)

Lisa | 617 comments I just bought it and am so excited to start reading! Unfortunately, I will need to wait another week because of school and projects...

message 4: by Mawgojzeta (new)

Mawgojzeta Haha - into the second book. Gosh, as many times as I read these when I was a teenager, I still find tidbits I have totally forgotten about. Funny!

message 5: by Kari (new)

Kari (karimarie87) | 28 comments My brother actually got me into this book, but I loved it. I'll admit I read the first few chapters about 6 times before I really got into it, but once I did, I loved the book. I thought it was hilarious and quirky. I actually watch the movie that was made in like...the 80s? Wow, it was super tacky...the special effects were non-existent! It was hilarious. I haven't watched the more recent one, but I hope it lives up to the book's standards. I am so glad to find out me and my brother aren't the only nerdy people who love this book :)

message 6: by Lila (new)

Lila I loved this book. The first few pages though I was skeptical but then it got funny. Loved it so much that I got the radio shows from the library to listen to. I think they might be even better than the book!

message 7: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
stormhawk wrote: "I wasn't able to find a more "official thread," but I figured I would do some discussing anyway. Joy, would you be so kind as either to link this as the official discussion, or move my post into th..."

Sorry, I literally just saw this post. lol It's okay if you open your own discussions on the Group Reads. :) I just post one in case no one else wants to. :)

message 8: by Zoe (new)

Zoe Saadia (zoesaadia) stormhawk wrote: "... My geeky friends and I reread the Hitchhiker's Guide (it was all we had), memorized bits about the bigness of space and the effects of a Pangalatic Gargleblaster, and spoke in ways that echoed the tone of the book ... "That's Swoopy!" we'd exclaim over particularly neat bits of computer code or an episode of Doctor Who, and continually warn others of "Bewaring the leopard." ..."

lol, I remember going wild on those quotes too :D
I read only the first two books, the original Hitchhiker and 'The Restaurant...'.
I think it's about time I finish the series :-)

message 9: by Dorothy (new)

Dorothy  (vilette) | 27 comments Our family also loved these books...I think our favourite line repeated was the answer to the question about the secret of the universe...our answer to all questions we did not know the answer to became "42"

message 10: by Cary (new)

Cary (vortigern) | 344 comments The Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy is the proper title I think. I never got a chance to see it much. I should read the books. If it has Dr. Who in it it has to be cool. : )

message 11: by Huw (new)

Huw Evans (dochuw) | 140 comments I am old enough to remember the original radio shows; it was the most wonderfully surreal radio that any of my age group had come across and was streets ahead of its competitors. The voices were perfect and the sound effects beyond compare. This allowed us to absorb the imagery and create pictures in our heads as the show progressed. The TV series was, inevitably, a disappointment but the books maintained the originality and imagery of the original radio series.

message 12: by Terri (new)

Terri (terrilovescrows) | 188 comments I never get tired of this series. I need to re-read - its been too long!

message 13: by Andrew (new)

Andrew Fish | 23 comments I've read the books and listened to the radio shows numerous times over the years and still find Adams' linguistic tricks fresh and (as an author myself) inspiring. I also got to see the live radio show last year, which was great fun. It's a shame that neither the film nor the Eoin Colfer book lived up to expectations.

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